Second Grade

Second Grade Program, "Christmas at the OK Corral" will be on Dec. 12th at 6:00pm

The townspeople of Snowy Gulch prepare to celebrate Christmas with their annual festival at the O.K. Corral. Bubble Gum Bart, who is very annoyed by all the noise and happiness, tries to stop the celebration by threatening to cover the whole town in bubble gum. Frightened and desperate, the townspeople telegraph Santa Claus for help, so he sends The Candy Cane Kid to the rescue. The Kid confronts Bart with his most powerful strategy: communication. Bart breaks down and admits to The Kid that he doesn't really hate Christmas, he's just lonely and feels left out. The townspeople respond by welcoming Bart into their celebration and into their town. The Kid is a hero, Bart is loved, and the celebration of Christmas at the O.K. Corral is the greatest ever. 

Students will need to dress in their best western attire. Nothing too bluky or covering their faces. We will be singing, dancing and having a Root-Tootin' Good Time!