General Information

The "Bear" Essentials

1. SUPPLIES: A backpack that is not overly small (NO WHEELS), a pencil case or a pencil bag, 1 red plain bottom pocket folder (reading folder), a FT folder for taking home papers is provided by the school, 8 glue sticks, 2 large pink erasers, 3 highlighters (yellow, pink, blue) 1 box of 24 crayons, 1 4oz. bottle of Elmer's glue, 1 set of headphones in a labeled plastic baggie (No ear buds please - they fall out of their ears), THIN EXPO dry erase markers, 1 plain white adult-sized t-shirt to be used a science lab coat and 1 adult-sized t-shirt of any color to be used as an art smock. (Please label the tag of both shirts with your child's name and place each in a separate labeled gallon-sized ziploc baggie.).

2. LIBRARY: This year, our day to attend the library is . We will not start going until mid-September. Please return the library books by their due date(or before) so that your child can pick out a new book. We go to the library every other week, but it is not a perfect system. Holidays and other events sometimes disrupt the schedule. I will try to give you advance notice of changes in our library schedule. (Advice: Send the book back each week before or by . The children really LOVE to get a new book, but they cannot get a new book unless the borrowed one has been returned.). Have one special place designated for your child's library book throughout the year so it is out of reach from younger siblings and to help you remember to send it back.

3. GYM: Don't forget to send your child to school in sneakers on gym days (Monday/Thursday).

4. TAKE HOME BOOKS: I will send home paper copies of books we read in class in your child's reading folder. If you send me a note telling me your child read to you, I will give your child a sticker on his/her reading folder.

5. NOTES: Whenever you need to send me a note, please write it on an 8 X 11 or at least a larger sheet of paper (Smaller papers from notepads sometimes get lost in the folder and the children do not see it.). Always date it - especially when it is in regards to a change in dismissal. DO NOT EMAIL ME ANYTHING THAT NEEDS IMMEDIATE ATTENTION. Kindergartners demand my constant attention and that means that I sometimes do not get to my email until after 3:30.

6. WOLF FOLDERS: Please check and empty the papers from your child's folder each day. Otherwise they will give me papers that you were supposed to receive the day before.

7. EARLY DISMISSAL: When due to inclement weather, the lunch shifts are moved up. Lunch is served and the children go home at 1:00 p.m.

8. DELAYED OPENING: School begins at 10:05 a.m. and ends at the regular time of 3:20 p.m.

9. SNACK: Send a small snack as we only have 10 minutes to eat. If possible, please send two napkins with snack. Snack must be packed separately from your child's lunch. This prevents confusion. We will keep our lunchboxes in a bin outside of the classroom. Snack should be packed in a separate bag or placed in the front pocket of your child's backpack.

10. LABEL ITEMS: Please try to label all items that belong to your child (coats, hats, glue sticks, pencil cases, etc.). I cannot tell you how many items end up in lost and found when no one can identify their belongings.