
*Registration normally will close the day after the last face to face meeting.*

* Click HERE to register

* Select "District Login" (located on the right side of the PD page)

* Enter district username: Trumbull ESC

* Enter district password: 44446

* Click on the class title link (1 hour, 2 hours, or 3 hours). In the description window will be a green "Register for this course" button near the bottom.

*If you are paying by check please complete the registration form, which can be found by contacting Arianna Toth at

*Mail completed registration with payment to the address listed for the Massillon/Stark Center, 2800 Richville Drive SE, Massillon, Ohio 44620.

Questions? Contact Connie Van Swearingen (need to type in)

330-837-5301 or 1-800-882-1548 ext. 5663