Schoology is our platform for online gifted PD. Generally, the modules are worth 2 hours of contact; however, some 3, 1, and 0.5 hour modules are available on the site. If you will not obtain enough face-to-face hours of gifted PL this school year to meet the service requirements, you can take one or more of these modules toward your total contact hours. You will need to be logged into a Google account to access all of the documents. 

New Schoology Users:

If you do not already have an a Schoology account, click here for directions. 

Existing Schoology Users:

If you already have a Schoology account, click here for directions. 

Your access code for TCESC Gifted Modules is: JNTX-QBWP-62ZDT 

Once you have set up your account and joined the course, choose "Courses" from the menu across the top of the page

Then select "TCESC Gifted Modules 2023-2024" to complete modules.