Scorpio Sun with Virgo Moon

This Scorpio Sun Virgo Moon combination provides you with the depth, understanding and understanding of Scorpio as well as the analytical and realism of Virgo. You're quiet and soft-spoken. You are also focused, and you are able to see little that escapes your keen sense. Your sensitiveness lets you see things that others cannot or wouldn't.

Analytical, probing and discernible, with the Scorpio Sun Virgo Moon, you're a natural investigator and the judgments you make about your life may be astonishingly precise. It is impossible to say you aren't in control of your mind since you are a person with strongly held opinions and convictions. While you may appear to be aloof and detached You actually want to share your thoughts and thoughts.

When you're experiencing the Scorpio Sun Virgo Moon, you might be a bit too attentive to the environment around you. Like everyone else Moon in Virgo people are driven to achieve perfection in yourself as well as in everybody around you. If things don't go as you've supposed to be, you're in the risk of becoming overcritical or content to act as an error-finder, yet doing little to assist. You could also be able to turn your fault-finding skills inside and expose yourself to endless self-examination and criticism.

As a person who has the A Scorpio Moon Virgo Sun you have to be self-aware in order to use your extraordinary talent. It all starts at home, so begin taking note of yourself. The world will not always adhere to your ideas or expectations, so just relax occasionally and be happy with what it is, not what you think that it should be. Be aware of the tendency to lecture and preach! Your Virgo Moon can help you develop an ethical, and sometimes self-righteous outlook.

If you are the Scorpio Sun Virgo Moon, like the other Scorpios, you're quite attractive and people seem to think that you are a knowledgeable person. You're also committed and driven. Your work is satisfying You probably have a an overwhelming sense of obligation and accountability. Make sure to leave enough time to enjoy leisure. Inquisitive pursuits are great to those who are a Scorpio Sun Virgo Moon individual-- as long as you don't remain in an ivory-tower. Your abilities are well-suited to report on investigations or detective work as well as research projects.

Like the rest of Scorpios, you'd like an active sexual life. However, in your early years you might have developed several inhibitions. The reserved nature of Virgo and Puritanism can hinder the full expression of your sexual nature. In love, you're committed, loyal, and faithful partner. you are the only one who is capable to manage the giving and taking part of relationships.