Leo Sun with Virgo Moon

If you're a Leo Sun Virgo Moon you're analytical, discriminating and discriminating. Your outward display of aggression and leadership conceals the fact that you are cautious and a bit reluctant. Instead of gaining the authority and respect you desire by taking active leadership, you try to influence others through your mental activities. In lieu of the sword, you opt for the pen.

The Leo Sun Virgo Moon combination is a bit paradoxical. The Leo Sun wants status, respect, and authority. However, your Virgo Moon needs the stability and safety of a less risky job.

If you're the Leo Sun Virgo Moon the fear of being judged can prevent you from assuming the leadership position you believe you are entitled to. Additionally, your need for admiration and attention can be a challenge to the desire to provide assistance to other people. For the majority of time the two aspects of your personality can work in harmony. While you might not be an energizing administrator or executive however, you can still express your opinion and use your skills in organization to gain authority from behind.

If you're Leo Moon Virgo Moon If there is one flaw in your personality it's that at times you are extremely critical and even arrogant in your views and beliefs. Even though your observations are often extremely precise, you can be overly assertive in the way you express them. It's no wonder that you often alienate people.

Being the Leo sun Virgo moon you channel a lot of your Leo passion and energy into your work. Living in the strict requirements of your Leo personality can lead to you becoming an overworked person. If you are not able to lead them, they will make the same. If you're a too demanding perfectionist could take yourself too far. Be careful not to be too harsh on yourself or you'll fall into hypercritical states tension, anger, and anxiety. And you could reflect your anger onto acquaintances and friends. Instead, apply your rigid moral code to motivate others in your life.

When you're Leo Moon Virgo Moon socially you're outgoing, charming and friendly even though you want to be the center of the party, and the focus of attention the emotional reserve of Virgo keeps you in the background. It's hard to let go of these limitations, perhaps due to the guilt of overindulging or giving yourself too excessive pleasure.

Professionally professionally, professionally, the Leo Moon - Sun Moon combination is well-suited for communications and journalism in addition to activities that require sharpness of mind and a thorough analysis. Although you excel in an organized and well-organized structure, it is essential that your sense of autonomy and courage are allowed a little freedom of speech.

Romance can be difficult with the Moon Leo person. The outgoing and sensitive Leo has a difficult time overcoming the inhibitions of Virgo. Your ethics and sense of honor Puritanism can create confusion when you face changes in sexual norms.

If you're a Leo Moon Virgo Sun you are looking for the perfect partner to have an everlasting relationship. But with such a strict standard selecting the perfect partner (much more than finding one) is a difficult pursuit. When you are in a relationship, you must reduce your negative thoughts and develop tolerance.
