Athens vs. Sparta

When searching online, make sure you have good search terms. You may not find the exact topic "Athens vs. Sparta", but you will find articles if you put in search terms about one specific place at a time. For example, if you search "Life in Sparta" or "Spartan Customs", you may get some information you need. Next, you will also have to search "Life in Ancient Athens" or "Ancient Athenian Customs" to get more information in order to compare the two. You will probably want to compare a number of aspects of a society. These might be things like their judicial system, their military, their cultures and religious beliefs, their art and entertainment.

1. Check for a book we have in the library. Search for "Greece" in the subject line. When you find the book you want on the shelf, look through the index and see if the book has entries for "Athens" and "Sparta".

2. Check video and journal resources accessible through our Research page. (Be sure to click on entries that are articles and not book reviews.)

3. Check other online resources such as: Khan Academy, National Geographic, and the British Museum.

4. Do a Google search that only searches .edu sites. (In your search bar type in your search term, then click on "Settings" then "Advanced Search", then scroll down and in the box that says, "site or domain" type in .edu