PE at Home

This is all new for all of us, Please do the best you can until we are back together.

Movement Activities: Kindergarten through 5 th Grade - If you can, please go outside and play for 30 minutes every other day. If you can't go outside then you can walk around your house/apartment for 20 minutes at a time. If you are watching TV during commercials you can do the following exercises: Jumping Jacks, Arm Circles, Ski Jumps, mountain climbers, butterfly stretch, planks, push ups, and sit ups. There are 2 pages of activity suggestions.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your PE teacher:

We will be taking attendance at different times of our classes to ensure that students are attending our full class. We will need students to answer if/when we call their name to also ensure participation.

While activities are occurring during class time, we will be checking that everyone is participating in the activity.