Photo Gallery

See what's going on at THS

Troy High Drama Department's Production of Sister Act

Ms. Gorman is having a Prom Dress sale in her room (111) March 7th and 8th

Displays in the hallway (above) and in the library (left) in January of 2019! Happy New Year!

Basketball Practice and Games of 2019!

Basketball practice (pictured above)

Basketball game (right and below)

Library December Display (on the left and above)

Homecoming 2018

Crowning of the Homecoming Queen (Pictured above)

Pictured Above: 'Merica Monday

Spirit Week

Pictured Above: Pink Day (Wednesday, October 3rd)

Pictured to the Left: Pajama Day

Here on the top left is a photo of all the faculty and staff members that identified themselves as LGBT+ allies. The event was organized by W.A.V.E. (We Are Voices and Educators)

On the bottom left is a group photo of the members of W.A.V.E., run by Bruce Margolis (who's always welcoming new members!)


Once On This Island, presented by Troy High (Surrounding pictures)

THS Robotics Team looking very smart (Above and to the right)

2017-2018 photos by Amani Walker

Sports Photos