

Grab a piece of paper and write any kind of story/song/poem that you’d like - be sure to read it to someone when you’re finished!

Friendly Letter

Choose a friend or family member to write a letter to. Be sure to use your best handwriting, spelling, and punctuation.

Journal Writing

Start a journal or diary detailing your days while you are at home. Write in your journal daily or weekly. Draw pictures to go along with your writing.

Seasons Writing

Write about a particular season, Explain what you like about this season or what you do not like about it.

Opinion Writing

Form an opinion on something you like or dislike. Then support your opinion with two reasons. Make sure you add details to your reasons.

Writing about Reading

Write about the book you are reading. You can write a summary, about the characters, the problem and solution, what you would change.

Write a Review

Write a review over a book or movie. Write about the parts you enjoyed and did not enjoy. Write about what would make it better and why.

Favorites Writing

Write about some of your favorite things. This could be places, food, people, books, movies, songs, or animals. Then explain why they are your favorites.

All About Writing

Write all about something. This could be yourself or something you know a lot of information about. (Animals, food, sports, cooking, school)

Superhero Writing

If I were a superhero I would...

What super powers would you have?

Teacher Writing

Write about what would happen if you were the teacher for the dat.

If I were the teacher...

Holiday Writing

Pick a certain holiday and write about how you celebrate it or why would like/dislike it.