Measuring Sustainable Value Creation
What kind of values do we want and need for achieving a sustainable future - the planning and implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and sustainable smart cities?
Country dashboard: Norway
Norway was the first country to apply the U4SSC Key Performance Indicators for smart and sustainable cities to an entire network of cities.
Based on the city evaluations we've created a dashboard for the country of Norway. This shows the average of the city evaluations and areas of high potential for sustainable value creation.
City profiles: Norwegian
Data from both Norwegian municipalities and cities globally are available on the ITU webpage. Profiles are available one they have been independently verified: Link to International Telecommunications Union web page.
Open city data platform
As the U4SSC KPI profiles gets public we will get an increasing amount of data. The data will be open for everyone, to show the numbers behind the evaluation, and also to be available for others to analyse and do their own findings.
From Local to Global - A Sustainable Future
Cities are playing critical roles in the world to create the future we want. To build sustainable cities, we need to create career and business opportunities, safe and affordable housing, and building resilient societies and economies. It involves investment in public transport, creating green public spaces, and improving urban planning and management in participatory and inclusive ways.
From the Norwegian cities to the global cities and communities, we see the urge to provide a platform for diverse stakeholders to collectively engage in creating values that can help us accelerate our cities and communities towards a sustainable future and collectively achieve the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Stavanger Declaration (2018)
At The Nordic Edge Expo in 2019 Norwegian agreed to join their forces to work together towards achieving the SDGs. They came up with four steps moving forward:
Give everyone knowledge about status in their local community
Develop plans for societal change to show how we can achieve the UN 2030 Agenda
Mobilise resources and support citizens, businesses, organisations and universities that want to contribute to sustainable development
Measure and evaluate the effect of the effort
What makes a Learning Society?
We know that people learn, and it is widely known that how and what we learn is influenced by the physical and social contexts in which we live. You might even be familiar with theory of learning organisations. But what about societies? Do societies learn, and what might be the conditions and dimensions of such societal learning?
Let us assume that societal change, including transition towards smarter and more sustainable cities and communities is also a learning process. To understand this learning process would be to better understand sustainable development.