5-24-24  Kindergarten Week 35

Happy Friday Everyone!

We have so many fun things happening at school next week. Please take a look at the attached flyer for events and information - all events are happening after lunch with Friday being the exception since it's 1/2 day of school. 

Next Tuesday is Water Day. Your student will need sunblock, a bathing suit (the school is asking that no midriffs are showing and boys need a t-shirt to wear with swim trunks), a towel, a change of clothes, and a plastic bag for wet clothing. 

Pastor Pfifer has invited the kindergarten class to sing at the 9am service on Sunday, June 2nd. Our music director has been practicing songs with the class. June 2nd is graduation day for our middle schoolers and it will be extra special with the kindergarten class performing. Please arrive at 8:30am.  The middle school graduation schedule has been changed and kindergarten will no longer be singing on June 2nd. 

Kindergarten brought in the most money donated to Hand to Hand and has won a pizza party! Congrats Kindergarten! Pizza will be provided for lunch next Wednesday, May 29. 

Please plan to pack up your child's locker next Wednesday. All locker contents should be taken home at the end of the day. Several students still have winter gear in their lockers! :) 

These are some of the learning highlights from this week:

Bible: Joy in the Lord - Truth: We have joy in our hearts because of what Jesus has done for us! We find joy in God's word.  The New Heavens and the New Earth - Truth: One day, Jesus will return to take us, and all other believers, to be with him forever. 

ELA: Unit 10. Review Tricky Words. Unit Big Book Stories. Basic Code. Reading Comprehension. Sentence Structure. Reading Fluency Rules. Consonant and Vowel Review. Long and Short Vowel Sounds Review. Hearing Medial Sounds (u_e). Chaining. 

Math: Begin Unit 13 - Time. 

Reading & Sight Words: Read-Aloud - Chapter Book: The Tale of Despereaux

Social Studies: Finished Presenting Timelines.

Science: Introduction to Sound

Spanish: All About Mexico

Dates to Remember

May 27 - Memorial Day (no school)

May 31 - 1/2 Day of School, Last Day of School, Kindergarten Graduation 6:30pm

                **Students arrive at 6:10pm**


Classroom website: https://sites.google.com/trinitylutheran.com/tls-kindergarten?usp=sharing 

School Calendar: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CTfTw_GHhdUcuG4Up61YU2zU-lOMoJqnWGbLhEieBd0/edit

Please check your child for ticks each evening when they get home.... We found one on our classroom carpet this week and several students have had them on their clothing. Thank you!

Lastly, I would love to get our kiddos together for a pool party reunion at my house sometime this summer. I will be contacting you in June with some tentative dates so keep a lookout for an email or text. I've already talked to the class about a pool party and they are looking forward to it!

Have a fantastic extended weekend! See you Tuesday!

Sarah Hunt

5-17-24  Kindergarten Week 34

Happy Thursday!

All of the kiddos were pretty wired today - I think they're getting excited about tomorrow's zoo trip! Please know that the zoo is booked to capacity tomorrow so it will be very busy. I will be at the John Ball entrance with your wristbands. As soon as you receive yours, you are welcome to explore the zoo at your own pace.The weather looks like it's going to be beautiful - the rain has cleared out of the forecast. 

Our All About Me Timelines are due on Monday. I'm looking forward to seeing the events that your littles put on their timelines. I will attach a copy of the project incase you need it.

It's time to start the planning for kindergarten graduation and we will be taking photos of your student next Tuesday, May 21. Please have your child dress their best! Feel free to send clothes for your child to change into for the remainder of the day if you'd like to.

Pastor Pfifer has invited the kindergarten class to sing at the 9am service on Sunday, June 2nd. Our music director has been practicing songs with the class. June 2nd is graduation day for our middle schoolers and it will be extra special with the kindergarten class performing. Please arrive at 8:30am. 

These are some of the learning highlights from this week:

Bible: A Plot to Kill Paul - Truth: God is always in control of our lives.  The Body of Christ, The Church - Truth: God has made us His people, and WE are the church!

ELA: Unit 10. Review Tricky Words. Unit Big Book Stories. Basic Code. Reading Comprehension. Sentence Structure. Reading Fluency Rules. Consonant and Vowel Review. Long and Short Vowel Sounds Review. Hearing Medial Sounds (u_e). Chaining. New Tricky Words (you/your).

Math: Unit 12 - Numbers to 100. Count by 10s. Tens and Ones. 

Reading & Sight Words: Read-Aloud - Chapter Book: The Tale of Despereaux

Reading Groups  

Social Studies: Order Events on a Timeline. Bike Safety.

Spanish: All About Mexico

Dates to Remember

May 17 - Pre-4th Field Trip to John Ball Zoo 

May 20 - Texas Roadhouse Dine to Donate Fundraiser

May 21- Kindergarten Graduation PICTURES

May 23 - Field Day

May 27 - Memorial Day (no school)

May 31 - 1/2 Day of School, Last Day of School, Kindergarten Graduation 6:30pm

June 2 - Kindergarten to Sing at 9am Service 


Classroom website: https://sites.google.com/trinitylutheran.com/tls-kindergarten?usp=sharing 

School Calendar: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CTfTw_GHhdUcuG4Up61YU2zU-lOMoJqnWGbLhEieBd0/edit

Lastly, Paw Paw Library has sent out their summer events schedule and I have attached that for you. Keep those kinders reading this summer! Looks like the Library has some fun things planned.

I will see you at the zoo! 

Sarah Hunt

5-10-24  Kindergarten Week 33

Happy Friday!

Thank you all for making me feel so appreciated this week for Teacher Appreciation Week! I felt very loved and super spoiled. I truly love you and your students and I will miss you all so much next year. Your sweet gifts and thoughtful cards touched my heart. 

Next week is our year-end field trip and I'm looking forward to spending the day at John Ball Zoo with all of you! Thank you for getting those permission slips and payments back to me so quickly. Zoo tickets (bracelets) should be picked up in front of the John Ball entrance on Friday morning. I have re-attached the Friday zoo instructions incase you need it. 

Your student is bringing home a social studies timeline activity to be completed with you at home. Please take a look at the instructions and return the project to school by the due date. This should be the last "homework" your child has for the year! Thank you so much for helping your child with the animal diorama and the timeline.

These are some of the learning highlights from this week:

Bible: The Conversion of Saul - Truth: God shows His love for us when the Holy Spirit provides us with faith, power, and protection to carry out His will and purpose. Lydia - Truth: God loves us and wants all people to be saved, and He shows that love by using us to share the Good News of salvation through Christ. 

ELA: Unit 10. Review Tricky Words. Unit Big Book Stories. Basic Code. Reading Comprehension. Sentence Structure. Reading Fluency Rules. Consonant and Vowel Review. Long and Short Vowel Sounds Review.

Math: Unit 11 Part-Whole Addition & Subtraction Test. Begin Unit 12, Numbers to 100.

Reading & Sight Words: Read-Aloud - Chapter Book: The Tale of Despereaux

Reading Groups 

Science: Diorama and Animal Report Sharing  

Social Studies: Order Events on a Timeline. Timeline Take-Home Project (Due: May 20)

Spanish: Review Numbers, Shapes, Colors.

Dates to Remember

May 17 - Pre-4th Field Trip to John Ball Zoo 

May 20 - Texas Roadhouse Dine to Donate Fundraiser

May 23 - Field Day

May 27 - Memorial Day (no school)

May 31 - 1/2 Day of School, Last Day of School, Kindergarten Graduation 6:30pm


Classroom website: https://sites.google.com/trinitylutheran.com/tls-kindergarten?usp=sharing 

School Calendar: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CTfTw_GHhdUcuG4Up61YU2zU-lOMoJqnWGbLhEieBd0/edit. 

It looks like it will be a sunny weekend - enjoy! And Happy Mother's Day! I hope you love your gifts from your littles - they worked hard on them. :) 

Sarah Hunt

5-3-24  Kindergarten Week 32

Happy Friday!

Most of our dioramas have been returned to school so we will share them and then begin to display them on Monday. The dioramas looks amazing and I'm so impressed with the reports and animal facts. Nice job, kinders!

Please remember to send back those zoo field trip permission slips and payment next week. Ideally, we'd like to have a definite count by Wednesday. Thank you!

Our middle school KidWind team leaves for the national competition on Saturday morning. If you'd like to show your support, please plan to meet at the school at 10am to wave them off. 

Literacy bags will not be coming home for the remainder of the year. May is an incredibly busy month for all of us and your students have made SO much progress this year! Congratulate them on an great year of learning. 

These are some of the learning highlights from this week:

Bible: Peter and John Before the Council - Truth: God wants us to come together with other Christians to worship and learn about Jesus.  Philip and the Ethiopian - Truth: The Holy Spirit works faith in our hearts through God's Word and baptism. 

ELA: Unit 10. Tricky Words (my/by). Reading Review. Basic Code. Reading Comprehension. Sentence Structure. Reading Fluency Rules. Consonant and Vowel Review. Long and Short Vowel Sounds Review.

Math: Unit 10 Subtraction Test. Until 11 Part-Whole Addition and Subtraction.

Reading & Sight Words: Read-Aloud - Chapter Book: The Tale of Despereaux

Reading Groups 

Science: Changing Environments: What Plants and Animals Need to Survive: Ecologists.  

Social Studies: Past/Present/Future

Spanish: Things Found in the Home. Review Numbers, Shapes, Colors.

Dates to Remember

May 17 - Pre-4th Field Trip to John Ball Zoo 

May 20 - Texas Roadhouse Dine to Donate Fundraiser

May 23 - Field Day

May 27 - Memorial Day (no school)

May 31 - 1/2 Day of School, Last Day of School, Kindergarten Graduation 6:30pm


Classroom website: https://sites.google.com/trinitylutheran.com/tls-kindergarten?usp=sharing 

School Calendar: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CTfTw_GHhdUcuG4Up61YU2zU-lOMoJqnWGbLhEieBd0/edit. 

I will be using some vacation time next Wednesday and Friday and I have Mrs. Fechik and Mrs. Docsa lined up to sub for me those days. Have a wonderful, restful weekend. See you Monday!

Sarah Hunt

4-26-24  Kindergarten Week 31

Hi Families,

We spent our science time on Monday learning about Earth Day and what "reduce, reuse, recycle" means. We also went outside to clean up our playground. The weather was beautiful and your kiddos were great at spotting trash and taking care of it. We worked on our final animal reports this week as well and I have attached the instructions for the dioramas that will be due next Friday. We've already had a rabbit habitat returned and it looks amazing! Literacy bags will not be coming home this weekend to allow extra time to work on dioramas. 

Our year-end John Ball Zoo field trip is just a few weeks away so information and permission slips are coming home in your child's folder today. Please send back the registration and payment as soon as you are able. Thank you!

We are running REALLY low on candy in our prize box, so if you are able to provide a small bag of individually wrapped candies, the students and I would greatly appreciate it! 

Chapel offering envelopes will be again sent home once a week during the month of May. May's chapel offering will benefit Hand to Hand; an organization running right out of Trinity that provides weekend meals for students both in our local and private schools. We currently serve over 100 students each week. Students can continue bringing their envelopes each Wednesday to chapel services.

These are some of the learning highlights from this week:

Bible: Jesus Sends the Holy Spirit - Truth: The Holy Spirit lives within believers and helps us to share the good news of Jesus.   A Man Who Can Not Walk Is Healed - Truth: There is power in the name of Jesus!

ELA: Unit 10. Tricky Words (they/their). Reading Review. Basic Code. Reading Comprehension. Sentence Structure. Reading Fluency Rules.

Math: Beginning Subtraction to 10.  

Reading & Sight Words: Read-Aloud - Chapter Book: The Tale of Despereaux, 

Reading Groups 

Science: Changing Environments: What Plants and Animals Need to Survive. Animal Needs. Animal Reports. What Humans Need to Survive.

Spanish: Animals

Dates to Remember

May 17 - Pre-4th Field Trip to John Ball Zoo 

May 20 - Texas Roadhouse Dine to Donate Fundraiser

May 23 - Field Day

May 27 - Memorial Day (no school)

May 31 - 1/2 Day of School, Last Day of School, Kindergarten Graduation 6:30pm


Classroom website: https://sites.google.com/trinitylutheran.com/tls-kindergarten?usp=sharing 

School Calendar: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CTfTw_GHhdUcuG4Up61YU2zU-lOMoJqnWGbLhEieBd0/edit. 

Enjoy your weekend,

Sarah Hunt

4-19-24  Kindergarten Week 30

Hi Families,

Happy Fri-YAY! Can you believe we only have about five learning weeks left? We started practicing graduation songs this week! The time is just flying by. 

In science this week, we started learning about the needs of animals. Your student has chosen an animal to learn about and is bringing home HOMEWORK! Please check your child's folder for the animal report that includes habitat, food, and interesting facts. This will serve as a rough draft. This weekend, please spend a few minutes with your student researching his/her animal and allow your student to fill out the report. I am attaching the form for reference. We will be fine-tuning our animal report this week and then moving on to creating dioramas. FUN!!

Literacy bags will  be coming home again this weekend. Please practice the sight words, reading, and addition fluency with your child when time allows. Thank you!

Book orders are due next Friday. This will be the LAST book order for the year. If you'd like to place an order, go to www.scholastic.com/bookclubs and enter our class code: Z28ZQ. Orders are due on or before April 26 at 4pm.

Chapel offering envelopes will be again sent home once a week during the month of April. April's chapel offering will benefit Hand to Hand; an organization running right out of Trinity that provides weekend meals for students both in our local and private schools. We currently serve over 100 students each week. Students can continue bringing their envelopes each Wednesday to chapel services.

These are some of the learning highlights from this week:

Bible: Jesus Appears to His Disciples - Truth: Jesus assures us of the resurrection in His Word.   The Great Commission and Jesus' Ascension - Truth: Jesus wants us to tell people about His great love for them. He promises to take believers to heaven to live with Him forever. 

ELA: Unit 10. Tricky Words. Reading Review. Basic Code. Reading Comprehension. Sentence Structure. Reading Fluency Rules.

Math: Beginning Subtraction to 10.  

Reading & Sight Words: Read-Aloud - Chapter Book: The Tale of Despereaux

Reading Groups 

Science: Changing Environments: What Plants and Animals Need to Survive. Animal Needs. Animal Reports. 

Spanish: Animals

Dates to Remember

May 17 - Pre-4th Field Trip to John Ball Zoo 

May 20 - Texas Roadhouse Dine to Donate Fundraiser

May 23 - Field Day

May 27 - Memorial Day (no school)

May 31 - 1/2 Day of School, Last Day of School, Kindergarten Graduation 6:30pm


Classroom website: https://sites.google.com/trinitylutheran.com/tls-kindergarten?usp=sharing 

School Calendar: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CTfTw_GHhdUcuG4Up61YU2zU-lOMoJqnWGbLhEieBd0/edit. 

Have a wonderful weekend,

Sarah Hunt

4-12-24  Kindergarten Week 29

Hi Families,

I loved coming in to so many excited little faces on Monday. I missed your littles over Spring Break and I'm glad to be back with them. I hope you all had a wonderful break!

Literacy bags will  be coming home this weekend. Bags continue to include new books and sight words, and this week I have added math addition fact cards and math games suggestions as well. It's important for your student to be able to fluently add and subtract within 5 before going on to first grade, so please practice this at home each weekend. The fact cards are to 10, but please begin by focusing on 0-5. Thank you for your help! We are wrapping up our addition unit and will begin subtraction next week. 

We also completed ELA Unit 8 this week. There are practice pages at the back of the workbook that would be beneficial to use as extra practice this summer. Unit 9 covers several of the same concepts as the previous unit (and, to be honest, your kiddos are ready for more challenging work), so I have decided to skip over Unit 9 and go straight to Unit 10. Your students were super excited about this. We've had two full days of ELA Unit 10 and everyone is rocking it! This will be our final ELA unit for the year. 

Book order forms came home this week as well. This will be the LAST book order for the year. If you'd like to place an order, go to www.scholastic.com/bookclubs and enter our class code: Z28ZQ. Orders are due on or before April 26 at 4pm.

Chapel offering envelopes will be again sent home once a week during the month of April. April's chapel offering will benefit Hand to Hand; an organization running right out of Trinity that provides weekend meals for students both in our local and private schools. We currently serve over 100 students each week. Students can continue bringing their envelopes each Wednesday to chapel services.

These are some of the learning highlights from this week:

Bible: Jesus Rises from the Dead - Truth: Jesus came alive again on Easter; we can be sure we will live again also.  Jesus Appears to Mary - Truth: Jesus came alive again on Easter; we can be sure we will live again also. 

ELA: Completed Unit 8. Tricky Words, Spelling Tricky Words, Dictation with Words, Digraphs /th/, /sh/, /ch/, /qu/, /ng/ and the suffix -ing. Unit 8 Big Book: Sam. Double-Letter Spellings for Consonant Sounds. Begin Unit 10. Segmenting. Sound /ee/. CVV and CVVC words. Sentence structure. 

Math: Shake and Count Addition. Addition Terminology. Addition Sentences to 10. Number Bonds and Number Sentences. Addition Practice. 

Reading & Sight Words: Read-Aloud - NEW Chapter Book: The Tale of Despereaux, 2nd Grade Sight Word Review

Reading Groups

Science: Changing Environments: What Plants and Animals Need to Survive. Plant Needs. Creating Greenhouses with Grass. Planting Green Beans. 

Spanish: Animals

Dates to Remember

April 19 - Parents Night Out for New Families

April 22 - Earth Day


Classroom website: https://sites.google.com/trinitylutheran.com/tls-kindergarten?usp=sharing 

School Calendar: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CTfTw_GHhdUcuG4Up61YU2zU-lOMoJqnWGbLhEieBd0/edit. 

Lastly, report cards are coming home today. I can't believe we are in the final quarter of your child's kindergarte

Sarah Hunt

3-25-24  Party Tomorrow

Happy Monday!

Your kiddos are on a roll filling up the Party Jar! We voted, and we will be having pizza and breadsticks tomorrow for lunch. Our class also won the Hearts for Jesus giving competition last week so we will enjoy ice cream sundaes tomorrow as well.

This will be my last communication with you until I return from spring break. We leave tomorrow evening for FL so Carol Fechik will teach kindergarten on Wednesday and Thursday. There will be no newsletter on Thursday this week and no website photos or updates.

If I don't see you, have a WONDERFUL break with your little loves! And Happy Easter!

Sarah Hunt

3-22-24  Kindergarten Week 27

Hi Families,

Our leprechaun trap didn't catch a leprechaun, but we had so much fun following the trail he left on Monday! He left a trail of shamrocks that took us to the staff bathroom where we discovered a note on the mirror and green toilet water! Then, we followed the trail to the office where the leprechaun left us each a "pot of gold."  Pics will be posted to my website.

Spring break begins next Friday - praise the Lord! LOL! I think we are all ready for a break. I will be leaving for Florida on Wednesday (3/27) so kindergarten will be led by Ms. Fechik on Wednesday and Thursday. Please contact Jodi in the office with any messages or concerns. 

Literacy bags will NOT be coming home this weekend. We had several students out today with illness so we will resume literacy and/or math fluency bags after spring break. 

These are some of the learning highlights from this week:

Bible: The Lost Sheep, The Lost Coin, and the Prodigal Son - Truth: Jesus seeks and saves those who are lost.   Jesus Raises Jairus's Daughter - Truth: Jesus understands our sadness. He has the power to remove sadness and death.

ELA: Unit 8. Tricky Words, Spelling Tricky Words, Dictation with Words, Digraphs /th/, /sh/, /ch/, /qu/, /ng/ and the suffix -ing. Unit 8 Big Book: Sam.

Focus Letter: Zz

Math: Shake and Count Addition. Addition Terminology. Addition Sentences to 5.

Reading & Sight Words: Read-Aloud - Chapter Book: Mitt, the Michigan Mouse. We finished it this week! Hooray!

Reading Groups

Science: Weather Tracking. Severe Weather Preparedness. Weather Predictions.

Spanish: Opposites

Dates to Remember

March 29 - No School, Good Friday

March 29 - April 7 - Spring Break

April 8 - School Resumes

Classroom website: https://sites.google.com/trinitylutheran.com/tls-kindergarten?usp=sharing 

School Calendar: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CTfTw_GHhdUcuG4Up61YU2zU-lOMoJqnWGbLhEieBd0/edit

Praying for a restful weekend for each of you!

Sarah Hunt

3-15-24  Kindergarten Week 26

Hi Families,

Literacy bags came home with your student again today. I have added second grade and/or third grade sight words to several of the bags. Your kiddos are sight word rockstars! Please continue to practice the sight words and reading fluency each weekend. Your investment in your child's literacy is so important and I have already seen great progress this year. Thank you for all you do!

In addition to practicing literacy at home, please take time to reinforce teen number recognition whenever possible. For example, if you are at a restaurant, ask your child to count how many people are seated near you (up to 20). And then have your child write that number. We have learned and practiced grouping tens and ones, but many students find the concept of writing "nineteen" somewhat confusing. Students hear the "nine"  in "nineteen" first and initially write 91. Thank you for your help with this! 

These are some of the learning highlights from this week:

Bible: Jesus Heals a Man Who is Deaf - Truth: God helps us to hear His word and to live it.   The Good Samaritan - Truth: Jesus loves us and saved us from our sins. He helps us to show love for others. 

ELA: Unit 8. Tricky Words, Spelling Tricky Words, Dictation with Words, Digraphs /th/, /sh/, /ch/, /qu/, /ng/ and the suffix -ing. Unit 8 Big Book: Sam.

Focus Letter: Xx

Math: Putting Numbers Together, Parts Make a Whole, Number Bonds for 8, 9, and 10. Practicing Number Bonds.

Reading & Sight Words: Read-Aloud - Chapter Book: Mitt, the Michigan Mouse. 

Reading Groups

Science: Weather Tracking. Investigating the Effects of Sunlight on Earth Materials. Temperature Experiment.

Spanish: Opposites

Dates to Remember

March 22 - 1/2 Day of School, End of 3rd Quarter

March 29 - No School, Good Friday

March 29 - April 7 - Spring Break

Classroom website: https://sites.google.com/trinitylutheran.com/tls-kindergarten?usp=sharing 

School Calendar: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CTfTw_GHhdUcuG4Up61YU2zU-lOMoJqnWGbLhEieBd0/edit

We have set a leprechaun trap and are hoping to catch a leprechaun this weekend. Fingers crossed! Enjoy the sunshine!

Sarah Hunt

3-8-24  Kindergarten Week 25

Hi Families,

On Tuesday we visited Miller Auditorium at WMU to hear the Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra. This was a first-time experience for many of us and your students did a great job listening & responding to the performance. I have posted pictures on my website.

Next week is the last week to donate money for Hearts for Jesus. Kindergarten has brought in over $80 so far! Giving envelopes are coming home with your student today. If you'd like to help us reach $100 donated as a class, please send back the envelope by next Wednesday. Thank you for contributing to this valuable ministry!

These are some of the learning highlights from this week:

Bible: Jesus Feeds 5,000 People - Truth: God sent Jesus to care for all of our needs and to offer us eternal life.   Jesus Heals the Centurian's Servant - Truth: Jesus heals us from our sicknesses and gives us faith to believe in Him. 

ELA: Unit 8. Tricky Words, Digraphs /th/, /sh/, /ch/, /qu/, /ng/ and the suffix -ing. Unit 8 Big Book: Sam.

Focus Letter: Xx

Math: Putting Numbers Together, Parts Make a Whole, Number Bonds.

Reading & Sight Words: Read-Aloud - Chapter Book: Mitt, the Michigan Mouse. 

Reading Groups

Science: Weather: Heat Waves, Precipitation, Weather Balloon, Weather Tracking.

Spanish: Fruits

Dates to Remember

March 22 - 1/2 Day of School, End of 3rd Quarter

March 29 - No School, Good Friday

March 29 - April 7 - Spring Break

Classroom website: https://sites.google.com/trinitylutheran.com/tls-kindergarten?usp=sharing 

School Calendar: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CTfTw_GHhdUcuG4Up61YU2zU-lOMoJqnWGbLhEieBd0/edit. 

Have a great weekend!

Sarah Hunt

3-1-24  Kindergarten Week 24

Hi Families,

It was wonderful to see so many of you at conferences this week. I love to brag about how well your kiddos are progressing and I'm so grateful that you have shared them with me this year. This week we also had our Reading Campout and it was a blast! Check out the pictures on the website. 

We completed ELA Unit 7 this week and began a new topic in math - number bonds. This is, initially, a difficult concept for students to master (part, part, whole) so please work with your child at home when the opportunity arises. Essentially, number bonds represent composing and decomposing whole numbers. Here's a video to get you started: https://youtu.be/G05AgnEGmgw?feature=shared.

We are still in need of candy for our prize box. If you'd like to provide a bag of individually wrapped candy, we would be so grateful. 

Lastly, please remember to pack a cold lunch for your student on Tuesday of next week for the KSO field trip. Thank you!

These are some of the learning highlights from this week:

Bible: Jesus' I AM Statements - Truth: Jesus, the Great "I AM," describes Himself to us. He teaches us and loves us. Samson - Truth: Our strength comes from the Lord.  Jesus Stills a Storm- Truth: Jesus protects His people and helps us to trust Him. 

ELA: Unit 7. Segmenting, Reviewing Vowel Sounds, Digraphs /th/, /sh/, /ch/, /qu/, /ng/ and the suffix -ing. Digraph Assessment. Unit 7 Big Book: Seth

Focus Letter: Ww

Math: Putting Numbers Together, Parts Make a Whole, Number Bonds.

Reading & Sight Words: Read-Aloud - Chapter Book: Mitt, the Michigan Mouse. First Grade Sight Word Review.

Reading Groups

Science: Weather: Heat Waves, Precipitation, Weather Balloon, Weather Tracking.

Spanish: Mexico

Dates to Remember

March 1 - 1/2 Day of School 

March 5 - School Field Trip to Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra @ WMU (students should bring a cold lunch)

March 22 - 1/2 Day of School, End of 3rd Quarter

March 29 - No School, Good Friday

March 29 - April 7 - Spring Break

Classroom website: https://sites.google.com/trinitylutheran.com/tls-kindergarten?usp=sharing 

School Calendar: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CTfTw_GHhdUcuG4Up61YU2zU-lOMoJqnWGbLhEieBd0/edit

The March hot lunch menu is attached. Have a great weekend!

Sarah Hunt

2-23-24  Kindergarten Week 23

Hi Families,

A few of the kindergarteners have mastered the kindergarten AND the 1st grade Dolce sight word lists, so some of the students will be receiving a 2nd grade list in their literacy folders today! Wow!

We are in need of candy for our prize box. If you'd like to provide a bag of individually wrapped candy, we would be so grateful. Anything but DumDums suckers would be wonderful (we still have some of those). Thank you!

Our Reading Campout is next Tuesday afternoon, February 27. Students may bring in books, board games (no electronics), a flashlight, and a blanket. We will create makeshift tents in the classroom, turn the lights off, and read/play games together. Thank you to the Dietrich family for providing the s'mores maker! The kids are so excited!

Scholastic book order forms came home this week. The deadline to order online at www.scholastic.com/bookclubs (class code: Z28ZQ) is Friday, March 1 at noon.

Lastly, if you have not yet signed up for a conference time for next week, please do so here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B0C4BADA923AAF58-48052177-kindergarten

These are some of the learning highlights from this week:

Bible: Jesus and the Wedding at Cana - Truth: Jesus is all powerful and loves us so much that He takes care of all our needs.  The Sermon on the Mount - Truth: Jesus teaches His followers through His word.  

ELA: Unit 7. Segmenting, Hearing Final Sounds,  Chaining for Spelling and Reading, Reviewing Vowel Sounds, Digraphs /th/, /sh/, /ch/, /qu/, /ng/ and the suffix -ing. Digraph Assessment. Unit 7 Big Book: Seth

Focus Letter: Vv

Math: Number Words 11-15 and 16-20. Number Order. More Than, Less Than. WAR with number cards 1-20.

Reading & Sight Words: Read-Aloud - Chapter Book: Mitt, the Michigan Mouse. First Grade Sight Word Review.

Reading Groups

Social Studies:  The Construct of Addresses. 

Science: Generation Genius: Introduction to Weather

Spanish: Mexico

Dates to Remember

February 24 - Father/Daughter Dance 

February 27 - Conferences

February 29 - Conferences

March 1 - 1/2 Day of School 

March 5 - School Field Trip to Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra @ WMU (students should bring a cold lunch)

Classroom website: https://sites.google.com/trinitylutheran.com/tls-kindergarten?usp=sharing 

School Calendar: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CTfTw_GHhdUcuG4Up61YU2zU-lOMoJqnWGbLhEieBd0/edit

To keep tuition costs low, our school is supported through donations, grants, and other tax-deductible fundraising efforts.I have attached our Sponsorship letter for you. If you own a business, know someone who does, or would like to contribute in any way, please fill out the form and return it to the school office or to me directly. Thank you for always being incredibly supportive of Trinity - I love our Kinder Families!

Have a super weekend!

Sarah Hunt

2-16-24  Kindergarten Week 22

Hi Families,

New photos of this week have been posted to the class website and you're going to want to see them! It was a fun, busy week with our Valentine's Day party and the 100th day of school. We began our new unit in math, too, and tried some tactile writing with shaving cream. The kids loved this and I posted some photos of the chaos. :) 

As usual, literacy folders are coming home today. Please go over the sight word list and read the new book each day with your child. Thank you!

Scholastic book order forms came home this week. The deadline to order online at www.scholastic.com/bookclubs (class code: Z28ZQ) is Friday, March 1 at noon.

If you are interested in volunteering to monitor lunch and recess once a week in February, please sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F4AACA92CABF58-47218286-lunch. 

These are some of the learning highlights from this week:

Bible: John Prepares the Way and Baptizes Jesus - Truth: Baptism is a special way to show that we are new creations when we put our faith and trust in Jesus.   Jesus' First Disciples - Truth: God calls people to be His helpers, to share His love, and to tell others about Jesus.    

ELA: Unit 7. Finger Blending (Counting Phonemes), Chaining for Spelling and Reading, Reviewing Vowel Sounds, Digraphs /th/, /sh/, /ch/, /qu/. Today we learned about /ng/ and -ing! 

Focus Letter: Uu

Math: Chapter 7. Two Ways to Count. 100th Day of School Race to the Finish. Numbers 16-20. Number words 0-10.

Reading & Sight Words: Read-Aloud - Chapter Book: Mitt, the Michigan Mouse. Sight word away

Reading Groups

Social Studies:  Let's Explore Our World - Asia, Australia, & Antarctica.

Spanish: Mexico

Dates to Remember

February 24 - Father/Daughter Dance 

February 27 - Conferences

February 29 - Conferences

March 1 - 1/2 Day of School 

March 5 - School Field Trip to Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra @ WMU (students should bring a cold lunch)

Classroom website: https://sites.google.com/trinitylutheran.com/tls-kindergarten?usp=sharing 

School Calendar: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CTfTw_GHhdUcuG4Up61YU2zU-lOMoJqnWGbLhEieBd0/edit. 

Have a super weekend!

Sarah Hunt

2-8-24  Kindergarten Week 21

Hi Families,

I don't know about you, but this short week was a long one! LOL! Praise God for a long weekend!  Your secret Valentines were passed out today and I was able to get the BEST pictures. I love the students' reactions to your words of love and encouragement. Thank you for making these so special. 

Literacy folders are coming home today. Please go over the sight word list and read the new book each day with your child. Thank you!

If you are interested in volunteering to monitor lunch and recess once a week in February, please sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F4AACA92CABF58-47218286-lunch. 

These are some of the learning highlights from this week:

Bible: The Visit of the Wise Men - Truth: God shows His love for us by guiding people of all nations to faith in Jesus through His Word. The good news of our Savior's birth is for ALL people.   Jesus is Presented in the Temple - Truth: God helps us learn and grow as we hear God's Word throughout our whole lives.    

ELA: Unit 7. Finger Blending (Counting Phonemes), Chaining for Spelling and Reading, Reviewing Vowel Sounds, Digraphs (ask your student about these!)

Focus Letter: Tt

Math: Begin Chapter 7. Tens and Some More. Counting by 5s. Counting by 10s. 

Reading & Sight Words: Read-Aloud - Chapter Book: Mitt, the Michigan Mouse. New sight word away

Reading Groups

Social Studies:  Let's Explore Our World - Europe. Africa. Continents.

Spanish: Mexico

Dates to Remember

February 9-12 - Mid-Winter Break

February 14 - 100th Day of School

February 14 - Valentine's Day Party (2:00pm)

February 24 - Father/Daughter Dance 

February 27 - Conferences

February 29 - Conferences

March 1 - 1/2 Day of School 

Classroom website: https://sites.google.com/trinitylutheran.com/tls-kindergarten?usp=sharing 

School Calendar: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CTfTw_GHhdUcuG4Up61YU2zU-lOMoJqnWGbLhEieBd0/edit. 

Remember, no school tomorrow or Monday. Enjoy your extended weekend,

Sarah Hunt

2-2-24  Kindergarten Week 20

Hi Families,

It has been another busy week of learning! We finished our ELA Unit 6 today. The workbooks came home with your students today and you will notice that there are several unfinished practice pages in the back of the book. Those pages are optional and may be completed at home.  We also finished another unit in math and we are moving on to numbers greater than 10. 

If you have not yet returned your child's secret Valentine, please do so on Monday. And for those of you overachievers who are already getting class Valentines ready, here is our class list:










Literacy folders came home today. Please go over the sight word list twice with your child and read through the new book two times. Thank you!

If you are interested in volunteering to monitor lunch and recess once a week in February, please sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F4AACA92CABF58-47218286-lunch. 

These are some of the learning highlights from this week:

Bible: The Foretelling of John the Baptist - Truth: God kept His promise to send a Savior. He sent John to prepare God's people for Jesus.  Jesus is Born - Truth: God sent His Son, Jesus, born from the family line of King David, to be our Savior. By sending the Savior, God restored peace between himself and humanity.    

ELA: Unit 6. Finger Blending (Counting Phonemes), Chaining for Spelling and Reading, Reviewing Vowel Sounds, Big Book: Kit, Partner Reading. Rhyming. Assessments.

Focus Letter: Ss

Math: Comparing Numbers Within 10. More and Fewer/More and Less. Counting by 5s. Counting by 10s. 

Reading & Sight Words: Read-Aloud - Chapter Book: Mitt, the Michigan Mouse. New sight word please

Reading Groups

Social Studies:  Let's Explore Our World - Where do I live? South America. Oceans. Continents. Me on the Map Flip Journal. 

Spanish: Mexico

Dates to Remember

February 9-12 - Mid-Winter Break

February 14 - 100th Day of School

February 14 - Valentine's Day Party (2:00pm)

February 24 - Father/Daughter Dance 

February 27 - Conferences

February 29 - Conferences

March 1 - 1/2 Day of School 

Classroom website: https://sites.google.com/trinitylutheran.com/tls-kindergarten?usp=sharing 

School Calendar: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CTfTw_GHhdUcuG4Up61YU2zU-lOMoJqnWGbLhEieBd0/edit. 

Have a wonderful weekend,

Sarah Hunt

1-26-24  Kindergarten Week 19

Hi Families,

Happy FriYay! It has been a fun spirit week at Trinity. The culmination of Lutheran Schools Week will happen on Sunday when students sing at the 10am service. You won't want to miss it! If you plan to attend, please arrive by 9:45. A complimentary luncheon will follow the service and everyone is invited to join in. 

Please continue to come into the building at the end of each school day to pick up your student.   

There are several important things coming home in backpacks today:

1. Literacy Folders. A new book has been added, along with the Dolce sight word lists for kindergarten and first grade. A dry erase marker has been provided so you can review these words with your student (start with the kindergarten list).  Please review these sight words at least twice each weekend and return the literacy bag and materials on Monday.

2. A Valentine request for parents. Please keep this a secret from your student and return these to me by Friday, February 2nd. You might place your homemade valentine in a bag or an envelope when you bring it back to school.

3. Report cards. Your students are learning so much and I am very proud of them! 

Our Valentine's Day party will be very low-key. Students will decorate Valentine bags or boxes at school. Parents are invited to attend our party at 2:00pm on February 14th. If you'd like to bring a snack to share, please email me. We will play a couple of games, exchange Valentines, and we may even get our faces painted. :) 

If you are interested in volunteering to monitor lunch and recess once a week in January or February, please sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F4AACA92CABF58-47218286-lunch. 

These are some of the learning highlights from this week:

Bible: God Promises a Savior - Truth: God spoke to His people through the prophets, who told them about Jesus, our Savior. 

ELA: Unit 6. Finger Blending (Counting Phonemes), Chaining for Spelling and Reading, Reviewing Vowel Sounds, Big Book: Kit, Partner Reading. Rhyming.

Focus Letter: Qq and Rr (again)

Math: Unit 5. Weight and Capacity. Counting to 100. 

Reading & Sight Words: Read-Aloud - Chapter Book: Mitt, the Michigan Mouse. New sight words who and our(again).

Reading Groups

Social Studies:  Let's Explore Our World - Where do I live? North America, Mexico, Canada. Oceans. Continents.

Spanish: Shapes

Dates to Remember

January 22-26 - Lutheran Schools Week 

January 28 - Students Sing @ TLC 10am Service

February 9-12 - Mid-Winter Break

February 14 - 100th Day of School

February 14 - Valentine's Day Party (2:00pm)

Classroom website: https://sites.google.com/trinitylutheran.com/tls-kindergarten?usp=sharing 

School Calendar: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CTfTw_GHhdUcuG4Up61YU2zU-lOMoJqnWGbLhEieBd0/edit. 

Looking forward to seeing you Sunday,

Sarah Hunt

1-19-24  Kindergarten Week 18

Hi Families,

Well this has certainly been an interesting week with all of the cold weather, snow, and school closings! I'm praying for warmer weather next week so we can get back to our regular schedule. Lutheran Schools Week is next week and here is the list of spirit days: (M) Red, White & Blue, (Tu) Crazy Hat or Crazy Hair, (W) Dress to Impress, (Th) Superhero, (F) School Spirit. 

Incase you missed it, Mr. Semrau is asking that parents and caregivers come into the building at the end of each school day to pick up your student.  Bus riders will still be taken outside to the bus stop. 

Book orders are coming home in your child's backpack. Please place your order online at www.scholastic.com/bookclubs and enter our class code Z28ZQ. Orders should be submitted by 4pm on Friday, January 26. 

Literacy folders also came home today. A new book has been added, along with the Dolce sight word lists for kindergarten and first grade. A dry erase marker has been provided so you can review these words with your student (start with the kindergarten list).  Please review these sight words at least twice each weekend and return the literacy bag and materials on Monday. Thank you!

Unfortunately, this week I do not have many photos to upload to the website due to all of the cancellations. And I was out of the building for training on Thursday. Check for new photos next week.

Lastly, if you are interested in volunteering to monitor lunch and recess once a week in January or February, please sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F4AACA92CABF58-47218286-lunch

These are some of the learning highlights from this week:

Bible: Three Men in the Fiery Furnace - Truth: God wants us to pray to Him. He takes care of us and promises to help us in times of need.

ELA: Unit 6. Finger Blending (Counting Phonemes), Chaining for Spelling and Reading, Reviewing Vowel Sounds, Big Book: Kit, Partner Reading.

Focus Letter: Qq and Rr

Math: Unit 5. Weight. Counting to 100. Skip counting by 2s, 5s, and10s. 

Reading & Sight Words: Read-Aloud -Begin Chapter Book: Mitt, the Michigan Mouse. New sight words who and our

Reading Groups

Social Studies:  Let's Explore Our World - Where do I live? North America, Mexico, Canada. Oceans. Continents.

Spanish: Shapes

Dates to Remember

January 22 - Senator Aric Nesbitt 9:30am

January 22-26 - Lutheran Schools Week 

January 28 - Students Sing @ TLC 10am Service

February 9-12 - Mid-Winter Break

February 13 - 100th Day of School

February 14 - Valentine's Day Party (afternoon)

Classroom website: https://sites.google.com/trinitylutheran.com/tls-kindergarten?usp=sharing 

School Calendar: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CTfTw_GHhdUcuG4Up61YU2zU-lOMoJqnWGbLhEieBd0/edit

Today is the end of the second quarter so report cards will be coming home next week. It's hard to believe that our school year is half over! Have a fantastic weekend, 

Sarah Hunt

1-12-24  Kindergarten Week 17

Hi Families,

Happy snow day! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas break. It was so good to see your littles again on Monday - I missed them! We had a great week of learning and we are getting back into our daily routine. Your students were excited to be back at school. 

If you are at all interested in volunteering to monitor lunch and recess once a week in January or February, please sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F4AACA92CABF58-47218286-lunch. I would be grateful for a few extra minutes of planning time and you will be able to spend time with our awesome kinders for an hour. 

These are some of the learning highlights from this week:

Bible: Elijah and the Widow - Truth: God loves and cares for us. He gives us everything we need each day, including forgiveness through Jesus. Elijah and the Prophets of Baal - Truth: God is powerful and He answers prayer.

ELA: Begin Unit 6. Finger Blending (Counting Phonemes), Pocket Chart Chaining for Spelling and Reading, CVC Word Hangman. Reviewing Vowel Sounds, Big Book: Kit, Partner Reading.

Focus Letter: Pp

Math: Unit 5. Length, Height, Estimation. Counting to 100. Skip counting by 2s, 5s, and10s. 

Reading & Sight Words: Read-Aloud -Begin Chapter Book: Mitt, the Michigan Mouse. New sight words like and they

Reading Groups

Social Studies:  Let's Explore Our World - Where do I live? North America, Mexico, Canada. Oceans. Continents.

Spanish: Shapes

Dates to Remember

January 19 - 1/2 Day (End of 2nd Quarter)

January 22 - Senator Aric Nesbitt 9:30am

January 22-26 - Lutheran Schools Week

January 28 - Students Sing @ TLC 10am Service

Classroom website: https://sites.google.com/trinitylutheran.com/tls-kindergarten?usp=sharing

School Calendar: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CTfTw_GHhdUcuG4Up61YU2zU-lOMoJqnWGbLhEieBd0/edit

Enjoy this snowy weekend,

Sarah Hunt

12-21-23  Kindergarten Week 16

It's Christmas Break! YAY!!!!!

We had a wonderful family-style celebration this morning with a K-8 breakfast in the gym and then we watched The Star together. I can not thank you enough for all of the love, cards, gifts, and affirmations. I feel totally spoiled and just blessed beyond measure to be teaching your little ones and to have such wonderful parents on the kindergarten team. So, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU! I would also like to thank the volunteers who helped with everything this morning and thank you so much, too, to those who provided supplies. It was such a special morning and it wouldn't have happened without your help and generosity. Photos of this week will be posted on my website. 

Dates to Remember

December 23 to January 7 - CHRISTMAS BREAK

January 8 - Classes Resume

Classroom website: https://sites.google.com/trinitylutheran.com/tls-kindergarten?usp=sharing

School Calendar: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CTfTw_GHhdUcuG4Up61YU2zU-lOMoJqnWGbLhEieBd0/edit

My God bless you and keep you and I pray that you have a JOYOUS Christmas and New Year! 


Sarah Hunt

12-15-23  Kindergarten Week 15

Hi Families,

Today, your student is bringing home a gift lovingly made just for you for Christmas. I would like to thank Mr. and Mrs. Martin (Harrison's parents) and Mrs. Foster (Harrison's Grandma) for taking charge of this amazing craft and for putting it all together! What an unexpected blessing! The gifts turned out SO cute and I hope you love looking at them every year. 

Next Friday is our Christmas Celebration. We have decided to combine with the upper grades for breakfast and a movie. Students may wear Christmas pajamas and bring a pillow and a small blanket. Our schedule will remain basically the same (breakfast, face paint, movie), but we likely won't have time for the craft. Kindergarten - 8th will meet in the gym in the morning for a family-style pancake breakfast. This will be so much fun! If you'd like to send in supplies or volunteer, please sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F4AACA92CABF58-46747626-kindergarten

These are some of the learning highlights from this week:

Bible: Solomon's Wisdom - Truth: God promises to hear our prayers and give us the gifts we need to serve others. Solomon Turns from God - Truth: God preserves a remnant of His faithful people. God loves us, forgives us, and prmises to take care of us.

ELA: Chaining for Reading and Spelling. CVC Word Hangman. Consonant and Vowel Sounds. Differentiating Small/Tall/Fall Letters. Performance Review. Big Book: Ox and Man.

Focus Letter: Oo

Math: Unit 4. Solids and shapes. Open and closed shapes. Triangles and Squares. Skip counting by 2s, 5s, and10s. 

Reading & Sight Words: Read-aloud and new sight words say and said

Reading Groups

Social Studies:  Let's Explore Our World - Where do I live? Oceans. Continents.

Spanish: Shapes

Dates to Remember

December 15 - 1st-8th Christmas Program 6pm

December 22 - Class Christmas Party (1/2 day of school)

December 23 to January 7 - CHRISTMAS BREAK

January 8 - Classes Resume

Classroom website: https://sites.google.com/trinitylutheran.com/tls-kindergarten?usp=sharing

School Calendar: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CTfTw_GHhdUcuG4Up61YU2zU-lOMoJqnWGbLhEieBd0/edit

Wishing you a restful weekend,

Sarah Hunt

12-8-23  Kindergarten Week 14

Happy Friyay, Everyone!

Tonight is our Christmas Program at 6pm and I am looking forward to seeing all of you!  

The Christmas Shop, provided by the PTL, will be open next week. Students may bring cash to buy gifts for family and friends. Our class will shop on Thursday, December 14. 

These are some of the learning highlights from this week:

Bible: David is Anointed - Truth: God's will and timing are always best because He works for the good of His people. David Becomes King - Truth: God's gives us human leaders and uses them to work His will, despite their sinfulness.

ELA: Blending. Pocket Chart Chaining for Reading and Spelling. CVC Word Hangman. Consonant and Vowel Sounds. Differentiating Small/Tall/Fall Letters. Segmenting. New Sounds /y/, /x/, and /k/. Writing and illustrating phrases.

Focus Letter: Mm

Math: Begin Unit 4. Solids and shapes. Open and closed shapes. Triangles and Squares. Skip counting by 2s, 5s, and10s. 

Reading & Sight Words: Read-aloud and new sight word: you

Reading Groups

Social Studies:  Let's Explore Our World

Spanish: Shapes

Dates to Remember

December 8  -  Pre-K, KR, and K Christmas Program 6pm

December 15 - 1st-8th Christmas Program 6pm

December 22 - Class Christmas Party (1/2 day of school)

December 23 to January 7 - CHRISTMAS BREAK

January 8 - Classes Resume

Classroom website: https://sites.google.com/trinitylutheran.com/tls-kindergarten?usp=sharing

School Calendar: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CTfTw_GHhdUcuG4Up61YU2zU-lOMoJqnWGbLhEieBd0/edit

Our class Christmas celebration will be on Friday December 22nd, which is a 1/2 day. We will celebrate with a pancake breakfast, face painting, a craft, and a movie. I will provide the pancakes and syrup. Students may wear Christmas pajamas and bring a pillow. If you'd like to spend the first hour or so of the day with us to help with face painting, a craft, and breakfast, please sign up below. Or, if you would prefer to provide supplies, that would be amazing as well. Thank you!

Christmas Party Needs Sign Up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F4AACA92CABF58-46747626-kindergarten

Sarah Hunt

12-1-23  Kindergarten Week 13

Hello Families!

Your littles returned from Thanksgiving break with tons of enthusiasm and they had a great week of learning!  Please continue to practice the songs for the Christmas program. Thank you again!

Song - "Presents" https://youtu.be/yCq-gQ1uCYw?feature=shared
Song - "Mary had a Baby" https://youtu.be/gQ5Dpzq4eNM?feature=shared

These are some of the learning highlights from this week:

Bible: Samuel - Truth: God hears our prayers and answers them. .  Saul - Truth: God gives us leaders to guide and care for us.
ELA: Blending. Pocket Chart Chaining for Reading and Spelling. CVC Word Hangman. Consonant and Vowel Sounds. Differentiating Small/Tall/Fall Letters. Segmenting. New Sounds /u/, /w/, and /j/. Writing and illustrating phrases.
Focus Letter: Ll
Math: Begin Unit 4. Solids and shapes. Open and closed shapes. Skip counting by 2s, 5s, and10s.
Reading & Sight Words: Read-aloud and new sight word: all
Reading Groups
Social Studies:  Let's Explore Our World
Spanish: Shapes

Dates to Remember:
December 2 - TLS Craft and Vendor Fair 9am-3pm
December 8  -  Pre-K, KR, and K Christmas Program 6pm
December 15 - 1st-8th Christmas Program 6pm
December 22 - Class Christmas Party (1/2 day of school)
December 23 to January 7 - CHRISTMAS BREAK
January 8 - Classes Resume

Classroom website: https://sites.google.com/trinitylutheran.com/tls-kindergarten?usp=sharing
School Calendar: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CTfTw_GHhdUcuG4Up61YU2zU-lOMoJqnWGbLhEieBd0/edit.

More information about our class Christmas celebration will come home next week. Have a wonderful weekend and I hope to see you at tomorrow's craft show!

Sarah Hunt

11-17-23  Kindergarten Week 12

Hello Families!

We had a fun day celebrating Thanksgiving together as a school. Thank you to the PTL for providing lunch and thank you to all of you who served and brought treats for us all to enjoy! I am thankful for so many things - and your children are on the top of the list.
Photos of the week are posted on my website.

I am not sending home literacy bags today. Instead, please practice identifying Bs and Ds (lowercase) with your child. These two letters tend to be a headache for kindergarteners to differentiate. We've worked on some tips and tricks during class time, but I'm noticing that many students need extra practice.

One other small request: During Thanksgiving break, please listen to these two songs several times with your student. We will be singing them during the Christmas Program which is rapidly approaching. Thank you for your help!

Song - "Presents" https://youtu.be/yCq-gQ1uCYw?feature=shared
Song - "Mary had a Baby" https://youtu.be/gQ5Dpzq4eNM?feature=shared

These are some of the learning highlights from this week:

Bible: Gideon - Truth: Gove gave the Israelites victory over their earthly enemies. Through Jesus, God gives us victory over sin.  Ruth - Truth: Gove continues to work good in all things for those who belong to Him.
ELA: Blending. Pocket Chart Chaining for Reading and Spelling. CVC Word Hangman. Consonant and Vowel Sounds. Differentiating Small/Tall/Fall Letters. Segmenting. New Sounds /b/, /l/, and /r/. First Big Reader: Pet Fun. Begin Unit 5.
Focus Letter: Kk
Math: Numbers to 10. Skip Counting by 2s. Skip Counting by 10s. Counting to 50.
Reading & Sight Words: Read-aloud and new sight word: are
Reading Groups
Spanish: Shapes

November 20 - 24  -  Thanksgiving Break, No School
November 30 - Picture Retakes

Classroom website: https://sites.google.com/trinitylutheran.com/tls-kindergarten?usp=sharing
School Calendar: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CTfTw_GHhdUcuG4Up61YU2zU-lOMoJqnWGbLhEieBd0/edit.

Have a wonderful, blessed, restful Thanksgiving!

Sarah Hunt

11-10-23  Kindergarten Week 11

Well, we did it! One more week under our belts. This week we began READING GROUPS and they are going SO well! I can't tell you how proud I am of our little readers. It was definitely the right decision to begin this week - your kiddos have been pumped about reading groups. 

We have been reading books about the approaching Thanksgiving holiday and you probably noticed a little project come home in your child's folder. If you have not already sent back your Turkey in Disguise, please send it in with your child on Monday. We will have a fun time of sharing our disguises. Also, please return the Thanksgiving lunch order form and the Family Recipe on Monday. 

Scholastic book order forms went home with your student this week as well. The order placed on November 17 will be the final order before Christmas break, so if you would like to order books for Christmas, this is the time to do it. If you'd like the books to remain a secret, just shoot me an email and I'll hand them directly to you when they come in. 

These are some of the learning highlights from this week:

Bible: The Twelve Spies - Truth: God blesses His people and cares for our every need. He hears our prayers. Israel Crosses the Jordan - Truth: God led His people to the Promised Land and He leads us.

ELA: Blending. Pocket Chart Chaining for Reading and Spelling. CVC Word Hangman. Consonant and Vowel Sounds. Differentiating Small/Tall/Fall Letters. Segmenting. New Sound /e/. First Big Reader: Pet Fun.

Focus Letter: Jj

Math: Numbers to 10. Skip Counting by 2s. Number BINGO.

Reading & Sight Words: Read-aloud and new sight word: was

Reading Groups

Spanish: Colors

Friday, November 17 - School Thanksgiving Lunch (Please contact Heather Burleson with the PTL to volunteer or provide food and supplies: trinitylutheranptl@trinitylutheran.com)

November 20 - 24  -  Thanksgiving Break, No School

Classroom website: https://sites.google.com/trinitylutheran.com/tls-kindergarten?usp=sharing

School Calendar: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CTfTw_GHhdUcuG4Up61YU2zU-lOMoJqnWGbLhEieBd0/edit. 


Sarah Hunt

11-3-23  Kindergarten Week 10

Hello and Happy Friday!

We've been fortunate to have a couple of beautiful days for outdoor play this week but I'm sure the weather will take a permanent turn within the next few weeks. Please continue to send in hats, gloves, coats, boots, and snow pants as needed. 

Your students have absolutely MASTERED blending, segmenting, and reading CVC words. We haven't covered all of the vowel sounds yet, but I think we're far enough along that we will begin reading groups either next week or the week after. This is incredible! I did not start reading groups until after Christmas last year! Congratulate your child for a job well done. 

These are some of the learning highlights from this week:

Bible: God Gives His People Food and Water - Truth: God is with us and provides for all of our physical and spiritual needs.  - Truth: God loves us, so He gives us directions on how to live. Because of Jesus, God forgives us when do the wrong thing.

ELA: Blending. Pocket Chart Chaining for Reading and Spelling. CVC Word Hangman. Consonant and Vowel Sounds. Differentiating Small/Tall/Fall Letters. Segmenting. New Sounds /f/, /v/, /z/, /p/. 

Focus Letter: Ii

Math: Numbers to 10. Ten Frame Recognition and Matching. My Book of Numbers 6-10.

Reading & Sight Words: Read-aloud and new sight word: the

Science: Big Question: How can pushes and pull solve problems? 

Spanish: Colors

Friday, November 17 - School Thanksgiving Lunch (Please contact Heather Burleson with the PTL to volunteer or provide food and supplies: trinitylutheranptl@trinitylutheran.com)

November 20 - 24  -  Thanksgiving Break, No School

Classroom website: https://sites.google.com/trinitylutheran.com/tls-kindergarten?usp=sharing

School Calendar: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CTfTw_GHhdUcuG4Up61YU2zU-lOMoJqnWGbLhEieBd0/edit. 

Literacy bags are coming home today. Please continue to work on letter sounds - especially VOWEL sounds.

Enjoy this beautiful weekend,

Sarah Hunt

10-27-23  Kindergarten Week 9

Happy Fri-Yay!

We had so much fun at today's fall party. Thank you to those who sent supplies, volunteered, and just made it a fantastic celebration for our kindergarteners. We began the morning with our true Bible story about Moses and the 10 commandments. After Bible, we jumped right into party mode. Your students participated in a spider race, pumpkin ball toss, acorn graphing, autumn BINGO, puffy paint ghosties, and pumpkin coloring pages. We also ate yummy snacks and walked in the costume parade. Photos will be loaded to my website soon.

These are some of the learning highlights from this week:

Bible: The Passover (ask your student what this means) - Truth: God sents Jesus to save us from our sins. The Ten Commandments - Truth: God loves us, so He gives us directions on how to live. Because of Jesus, God forgives us when do the wrong thing.
ELA: Begin Unit 4. OralBlending. Pocket Chart Chaining for Reading and Spelling. CVC Word Hangman. Consonant and Vowel Sounds. Differentiating Small/Tall/Fall Letters. Segmenting.
Focus Letter: Hh
Math: Numbers to 10. Graphing and Sorting.
Reading & Sight Words: Read-aloud and new sight word: me
Science: Big Question: How do pushes and pulls change motion? We are almost finished this unit.
Spanish: Colors

Saturday, October 28 - TLC Trunk or Treat 6-8pm
Friday, November 17 - School Thanksgiving Lunch (Please contact Heather Burleson with the PTL to volunteer or provide food and supplies: trinitylutheranptl@trinitylutheran.com)
November 20 - 24  -  Thanksgiving Break, No School

Classroom website: https://sites.google.com/trinitylutheran.com/tls-kindergarten?usp=sharing
School Calendar: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CTfTw_GHhdUcuG4Up61YU2zU-lOMoJqnWGbLhEieBd0/edit.

Literacy bags were not sent home today. Please continue to work on letter sounds - especially VOWEL sounds.

Lastly,  Little Caesars Fundraiser orders MUST be picked up on Monday after 3pm. Please contact the office if you need more information. Thank you!

Have a wonderful weekend and thank you for all you do to make kindergarten a success for your child.

Sarah Hunt

10-20-23  Kindergarten Week 8

Hello Kindergarten Families!

It was wonderful to see so many of you at conferences this week where I could brag about your student's successes! You should be so proud of your kindergartener - they have worked hard over the last eight weeks. Thank you, too, for all of the fun books you generously purchased at the book fair and donated to our room. We've already read several of them together. :)

Grandparent's/Special Person's Day was a huge success. What a heartwarming experience to see your student being loved on by their special person. Thank you to our PTL and to all who made today exceptional.

Our Fall Party is scheduled for Friday, October 27 from 9:30-11:30am. To volunteer or to provide supplies, please sign up here:  https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F4AACA92CABF58-45223122-fall. Students may wear costumes to school on the 27th and are welcome to wear them all day (1/2 day of school). Trinity will hold a "Costumer Parade" at the end of the school day. Parents are welcome to attend.

These are some of the learning highlights from this week:

Bible: God Protects and Prepares Moses - Truth: God protects and cares for us. He sent Jesus to be our Savior.  The Ten Plagues (ask your student about the video - they loved it!) - Truth: God delivers us from harm and gives us leaders to guide and protect us. 

ELA: OralBlending. Pocket Chart Chaining for Reading and Spelling. Vowel Discrimination. CVC Word Hangman. Consonant and Vowel Sounds. Differentiating Small/Tall/Fall Letters.

Focus Letter: Gg

Math: Numbers to 5. Graphing and Sorting.

Reading & Sight Words: Read-aloud and new sight word: go

Spanish: Colors

Dates of Importance:

Friday, October 27 - 1/2 Day, End of First Quarter

Friday, October 27 - Fall Classroom Party 9:30 - 11:30am 

Saturday, October 28 - TLC Trunk or Treat 6-8pm

Classroom website: https://sites.google.com/trinitylutheran.com/tls-kindergarten?usp=sharing

School Calendar: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CTfTw_GHhdUcuG4Up61YU2zU-lOMoJqnWGbLhEieBd0/edit. 

Literacy bags were sent home yesterday. Your child will be excited to read the new book to you. Please continue to work on letter sounds - especially VOWEL sounds. Vowels are tough for students since they have more than one sound. Here's a fun video from Scratch Garden to help you along: https://youtu.be/4TjcT7Gto3U?feature=shared. 

Sarah Hunt

10-13-23  Kindergarten Week 7

Happy Friday!

Thank you so much for providing ice cream toppings for our class celebration on Wednesday. Your students earned every bit of sugar and I'm so proud of them! Pictures have been posted to my website.

Monday is Picture Day!  If you have not already sent in your child's order form, please send it with your student on Monday morning. Little Caesar's Fundraiser Forms are also due Monday

There will be no Scholastic Book Order forms coming home in October. Instead, we ask that you shop the Book Fair with your student at conferences. The Book Fair begins this Monday, October 16, and runs through Friday, October 20.

Conferences are next Tuesday and Thursday. Please sign up for a conference time here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B0C4BADA923AAF58-44930845-conferences

Grandparent's/Special Person's Day is next Friday, October 20. Breakfast will be served from 8:30-9:30am. Chapel begins at 9:30 and then crafts/centers will be available. This is 1/2 day, so students may go home after the activities. 

Our Fall Party is scheduled for Friday, October 27 from 9:30-11:30am. To volunteer or to provide supplies, please sign up here:  https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F4AACA92CABF58-45223122-fall. Students may wear costumes to school on the 27th and are welcome to wear them all day (1/2 day of school). Trinity will hold a "Costumer Parade" at the end of the school day. Parents are welcome to attend.

These are some of the learning highlights from this week:

Bible: Joseph Interprets Dreams and Joseph's Family Reunion - Truth: Joseph went through difficult times, but God used him to save many people from famine. 

ELA: OralBlending. Pocket Chart Chaining for Reading and Spelling. CVC Words. Consonant and Vowel Sounds. Your students SPELLED their first words this week! 

Focus Letter: Ff

Math: Numbers to 5 and Graphing

Reading & Sight Words: Read-aloud and new sight word: is

Science: Pushes and Pulls - Using force to change the direction of an object

Spanish: Colors

Dates of Importance:

Monday, October 16 - School Pictures

Tuesday, October 17 - Conferences 

Thursday, October 19 - Conferences

Friday, October 20 - Grandparent's/Special Friend's Day 

Friday, October 27 - 1/2 Day, End of First Quarter

Friday, October 27 - Fall Classroom Party 9:30 - 11:30am 

Saturday, October 28 - TLC Trunk or Treat 6-8pm

Classroom website: https://sites.google.com/trinitylutheran.com/tls-kindergarten?usp=sharing

School Calendar: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CTfTw_GHhdUcuG4Up61YU2zU-lOMoJqnWGbLhEieBd0/edit. 

Lastly, as the weather is turning cooler, please be sure to send outdoor gear (sweatshirt, coat, etc.) with your child. Thank you for sharing your little ones with me.... They are a blessing!

Sarah Hunt

10-6-23  Kindergarten Week 6

Hi Parents,

We had a great week of learning and our class filled up the Party Jar! We voted and we will celebrate next Wednesday with a pajama day and an ice cream party. If you'd like to send in toppings for our ice cream bar, I would greatly appreciate it! The students may wear pajamas for the day and bring a small stuffie as well. 

We really enjoyed our visit from the Paw Paw Fire Department on Thursday. We learned all about fire safety and each student was given a Junior Firefighter helmet and a bag of other goodies. 

There will be no Scholastic Book Order forms coming home in October. Instead, we ask that you shop the Book Fair with your students at conferences. 

Picture Day is coming up on October 16. Feel free to return your picture order form any time. I will be happy to hang onto them for you until the 16th.  Little Caesar's fundraiser forms have come home as well. If you did not receive one, please contact the office. 

Conferences are approaching and you can sign up for a conference time here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B0C4BADA923AAF58-44930845-conferences

Our Fall Classroom Party on October 27th is in lieu of a Halloween party on the 31st. Parents are invited to attend and I will be sending out a sign-up link next week for party needs. This link will include party details as well. Save the date - we would love for you to celebrate with us! 

These are some of the learning highlights from this week:

Bible: Jacob's Journey and Dream - Truth: God's will is always for the good of His people. Even though Jacob sinned, God had a plan for things to work out for the best. Joseph's Coat and Dreams - Truth: God does not allow difficulties to gt in the way of His plan to bless and save His people. Even though we have hard times, God is with us and blesses us. 

ELA: Sound Blending, Introducing Sounds, Hearing Initial Sounds. Your students READ their first words this week! So exciting! 

Focus Letter: Ee

Math: Numbers to 5

Reading & Sight Words: Read-aloud and new sight word: it

Science: Fire Safety and Pushes and Pulls

Spanish: Colors

Dates of Importance:

Monday, October 16 - School Pictures

Tuesday, October 17 - Conferences 

Thursday, October 19 - Conferences

Friday, October 27 - 1/2 Day, End of First Quarter

Friday, October 27 - Fall Classroom Party 10 - 11:30am 

Saturday, October 28 - TLC Trunk or Treat 6-8pm

Classroom website: https://sites.google.com/trinitylutheran.com/tls-kindergarten?usp=sharing

School Calendar: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CTfTw_GHhdUcuG4Up61YU2zU-lOMoJqnWGbLhEieBd0/edit. 

Your students had an great week. Have a fantastic weekend!

Sarah Hunt

9-29-23  Kindergarten Week 5 


The field trip to Schultz's and the Bike-a-Thon were definitely highlights for the kids this week. We had so much fun riding bikes and scooters this morning and then we used our afternoon gym time to ride again! The pictures are posted on my website. 

Literacy bags are coming home again today. Please return them on Monday. Thank you!

These are some of the learning highlights from this week:

Bible: Jacob and Esau - Truth: Even when WE do the wrong thing, God has a plan to work things out for good.

ELA: Blending and Prewriting. Sound Blending and Picture Card Blending. Ask your child to demonstrate "sound blending" with CVC words. For example, ask your student to blend the word "cat" using their shoulder, elbow, and hand. 

Focus Letter: Dd

Math: Number Representation - Tally Marks, 5-Frames, etc. Each student created their own "My Book of Numbers" that we will be working on in the coming weeks. 

Reading & Sight Words: Read-aloud and new sight word: and

Science: We are continuing our Pushes and Pulls unit. Ask your child what "force" is and have them explain "Gravy Gravity" to you!

Spanish: Colors

Dates of Importance:

Wednesday, October 4 - Student Count Day

Thursday, October 5 - Paw Paw Fire Department Visits TLS PreK-4 10am

Monday, October 16 - School Pictures

Tuesday, October 17 - Conferences 

Thursday, October 19 - Conferences

Friday, October 27 - 1/2 Day, End of First Quarter

Friday, October 27 - Fall Classroom Party 10 - 11:30am 

Saturday, October 28 - TLC Trunk or Treat 6-8pm

Classroom website: https://sites.google.com/trinitylutheran.com/tls-kindergarten?usp=sharing

School Calendar: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CTfTw_GHhdUcuG4Up61YU2zU-lOMoJqnWGbLhEieBd0/edit

I love spending my days with your little loves. Have a blessed weekend.


Sarah Hunt

9-22-23  Kindergarten Week 4 

Happy Friday!

Tuesday is our field trip to Schultz's Fruit Farm! I am missing several permission slips, so PLEASE get those to me by Monday. If you have not yet paid for your child to attend, please send payment on Monday as well. Again, if cost is an issue, please let me know as I would be happy to cover the cost if needed. Please make checks payable to Trinity Lutheran School. We will be returning to school around lunch time.

Literacy bags are coming home today! The instructions are inside the bags, so please take a moment to explore the bag with your child. I have also attached a copy of the instructions incase they get lost.  Literacy bags should be returned to school on Monday. Thank you!

You still have time to order Scholastic books for your student. Please order online with our class code (www.scholastic.com/bookclubs and class code: Z28ZQ) by 4pm on Friday, August 29. The Bike-a-Thon is also next Friday. Kindergarten will ride from 9-9:30a.m. Parents are invited to attend as spectators. If your student does not have a bike or would prefer to ride a scooter (or even use skates), that is absolutely ok! For students with no wheels, we will just walk/run laps instead. 

We have library time each Thursday, so please remind your student to return his/her library book before Thursday morning. Only students with returned books may check out new books. 

The October hot lunch menu is attached. :)  If your student will be late and needs hot lunch, please text me (269-370-1457) or call the office.

These are some of the learning highlights from this week:

Bible: The Call of Abraham - Truth: Truth: God promised Abram that all people would be blessed through his family. The Savior, Jesus, would come from Abram's descendants.  

The Birth of Isaac - Truth: God gives His people faith and He keeps His promises. 

ELA: Begin Unit 2. Blending and Prewriting.

Focus Letter: Cc

Math: Identifying textured objects, same/similar/different, things that go together, sorting

Reading & Sight Words: Read-aloud and new sight words: am, on

Spanish: Colors

Dates of Importance:

Tuesday, September 26 - Kindergarten Field Trip to Schultz's Fruit Farm (Morning)

Wednesday, September 27 - See You at the Pole 8:15am

Friday, September 29 - TLS Bike-a-Thon (morning)

Thursday, October 5 - Paw Paw Fire Department Visits TLS PreK-4 10am

Classroom website: https://sites.google.com/trinitylutheran.com/tls-kindergarten?usp=sharing

School Calendar: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CTfTw_GHhdUcuG4Up61YU2zU-lOMoJqnWGbLhEieBd0/edit. 

Have a wonderful, relaxing weekend!


Sarah Hunt

PS: We've been practicing a monthly memory verse in class - have your child recite it to you! 

9-15-23  Kindergarten Week 3  

Hi Families,

Book order forms came home this week. Please order online with our class code (www.scholastic.com/bookclubs and class code: Z28ZQ) by 4pm on Friday, August 29.

We will be taking a field trip to Schultz's Fruit Farm on the morning of Tuesday, September 26. Permission slips are in your child's backpack. Paw Paw Schools are supplying a bus and a driver so we can all ride together but parents also have the option to drive separately. If cost is an issue, please let me know. I'd love for all of the kids to be able to attend and I would be happy to cover the cost if needed. We will be sharing the bus with Preschool and Kindergarten Readiness and cost information is on the permission slip (attached). Please make checks payable to Trinity Lutheran School. Please return the permission slip, along with payment, by next Friday. Thank you!

I asked students to take their headphones home this week. Several students were putting headphones on at odd times during the day and creating a distraction (not to mention, students couldn't hear instructions ). Headphones may be returned to school next week for NWEA testing but should remain in your child's locker. 

We just finished our first unit in ELA and your student's workbook is coming home today. The activities at the back of the book are for extra practice only and do not need to be returned to school. Any worksheets that come home unfinished are optional to finish at home and do not need to be returned to school unless stated on the worksheet. You'll notice that the ELA curriculum supplies a lot of parent letters and extra practice activities. Please know that those may be done by your child at your discretion. 

Literacy bags did not make it into backpacks today. They will come home (hopefully) next week. It's been a very busy three weeks and your students are doing so well! We are still honing our listening skills and learning expectations and procedures and our Party Jar is almost full!

Here are a few things we covered this week:

Bible: The Fall Into Sin, Truth: Because Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they had to leave the garden. We all sin and God continues to love His people so much that He gave us His Son, Jesus, to save us from our sin, and The Flood, Truth: Because God is holy, He can not tolerate sin; because He is loving and faithful, He sent Jesus to save His people.

ELA: Emergent reading and writing skills such as sound recognition, identifying left and right, following directional instructions, and drawing vertical & horizontal lines, and drawing circles, squares, and triangles 

Focus Letter: Bb

Math: Counting numbers to 10, concepts: same/similar/different

Reading & Sight Words: Read-to-self stamina and sight words: i, a, and at

Spanish: Colors

Dates of Importance:

Tuesday, September 26 - Kindergarten Field Trip to Schultz's Fruit Farm (Morning)

Wednesday, September 27 - See You at the Pole 8:15am

Friday, September 29 - TLS Bike-a-Thon (morning)

Thursday, October 5 - Paw Paw Fire Department Visits TLS PreK-4 10am

Classroom website: https://sites.google.com/trinitylutheran.com/tls-kindergarten?usp=sharing

School Calendar: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CTfTw_GHhdUcuG4Up61YU2zU-lOMoJqnWGbLhEieBd0/edit

Enjoy your weekend!


Sarah Hunt

9-8-23 Kindergarten Week 2

Hi Families,

We had another great week in kindergarten! Your kiddos are continuing to learn classroom procedures and I am encouraged by their progress. We re-read My Mouth is a Volcano and we read several other SEL stories like The Bad Seed, Swings on Strike, How to Lose All Your Friends, and No, David!  These books provide examples for self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making.

Your child has Library on Tuesdays and was able to bring home a library book this week. Please remind your student to bring back the library book on Monday or Tuesday morning. Students will check out one book per week and may only select a new book if the previous book is returned. 

Scholastic book orders will come home next week and I am hoping to send home your child's literacy bag next week as well. Instructions for book orders and literacy bags will be in your child's backpack at the end of next week. 

Here are a few things we covered this week:

Bible: Creation in six days (to be continued next week)

ELA: Emergent reading and writing skills such as sound recognition, identifying left and right, following directional instructions, and drawing vertical & horizontal lines, and drawing circles. 

Focus Letter: Aa

Math: Counting numbers to 10 and identifying numbers to 20

Reading & Sight Words: Read-to-self stamina and identifying simple words in books such as "i" and "a" 

Spanish: Colors. Mrs. Hindenaugh comes to our classroom every afternoon to teach your child! She is amazing! 

I am still missing several white emergency cards. I am required to have a copy in my classroom, so please send them in next week.

Dates of Importance:

Sunday, September 10 - Wine and Harvest Parade 11:30am

Tuesday, September 26 - Kindergarten Field Trip to Schultz's Fruit Farm (Morning)

Wednesday, September 27 - See You at the Pole 8:15am

Friday, September 29 - TLS Bike-a-Thon (morning)

Thursday, October 5 - Paw Paw Fire Department Visit TLS PreK-4 10am

Remember to check the classroom website (https://sites.google.com/trinitylutheran.com/tls-kindergarten?usp=sharing) for photos. Here is the school calendar as well: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CTfTw_GHhdUcuG4Up61YU2zU-lOMoJqnWGbLhEieBd0/edit

Enjoy your weekend!


Sarah Hunt

8-31-23 First Week of Kindergarten

Hooray! We did it! We had a wonderful first week of kindergarten. Pictures from the week will be posted on my website: https://sites.google.com/trinitylutheran.com/tls-kindergarten?usp=sharing.  This week we read several books such as, A Letter From Your Teacher on the First Day of School, The Kissing Hand, My Mouth is a Volcano, Tom Goes to School, and Bear Snores On. Ask your child about their favorite read-aloud from the week and have them retell it to you!

Several "All About Me" bags were shared this afternoon. This was such a fun way to get to know your students. The remainder of the bags will be shared next week as students bring them to school.

A couple of reminders:
1. Please send a FULL water bottle to school with your child each day.
2. Please pack a substantial snack for your child.
3. If you have not yet returned the white emergency card labeled "Child Information Record," please do so next week.
4. Send in a change of clothes for your student.

And, lastly, please help your child with unpacking by reviewing with them on the way to school. Here are the steps for unpacking in the morning:

The new lunch menu for September is attached. 

Your kiddos have been doing such a great job and I'm excited to see what next week brings. They have earned lots of party puffs and our party jar is already about half way full! When the jar is completely filled, we will vote on how to celebrate. Ask your child how they earn party puffs during the school day.

Remember, no school tomorrow or Monday. Have a wonderful holiday weekend, families! Your children are a blessing.

Sarah Hunt
TLS Kindergarten

8-28-23 First Day of Kindergarten

Happy First Day, Kindergarten Families!

We had a WONDERFUL first day and I can't tell you how much I enjoyed getting to know your child. We began our day with an opening chapel service at the church. After chapel, we reviewed bathroom and snack procedures and I provided a teddy grahams for those who wanted them. We took a 40-minute recess on the playground after snack and came back inside to read A Letter from your Teacher on the First Day of School. We also covered free choice time rules and everyone was give time to explore the free choice areas. At the end of the morning we listened to Disney tunes and colored our First Day of School headbands to wear home. Whew! It was a busy morning! I will post pictures on my website: https://sites.google.com/trinitylutheran.com/tls-kindergarten?usp=sharing.

At the beginning of the year, the office usually sends out an email regarding drop off and pick up so I apologize for the lack of information. Students may be dropped off between 8:15 and 8:30am. Pick up on half days is 11:45am and on full days 3:30pm. Please pick up in the parking lot behind the church. Kindergarteners will walk to the end of the sidewalk where parents may meet us. If you have any questions on this, please contact me. Also, regarding day-end procedures: If your child rides the bus or goes to ESC after school (or anything other than being picked up outside), PLEASE email me their schedule. Thank you!

If you have not returned your child's white emergency contact release form, please do so this week. We can not allow your child to go home with anyone other than who is listed on this card. In the case of an emergency, or if someone new (and not on the card) is picking up your child at the end of the day, please email or call Jodi in the office.

Please send in a change of clothes, labeled in a ziplock bag, with your student sometime this week. The clothes will stay in the locker. Thank you to all who have sent in supplies - I'm hopeful that the tissues and sanitizing wipes I have will get us through the year. :)

I'm looking forward to tomorrow,
