Welcome to Mrs. Fischer's Classroom Site

2023-2024 School Year

CONNECTED         ~  John 15:1-5

Dear Jesus, 

Each and every day is a gift from You and is full of opportunities!  Thank you for Your goodness, faithfulness, and forgiveness.  Help us live each day to Your glory, being a witness for You in this world.  Fill us with the Holy Spirit, so that when others see and hear us they may catch a small glimpse of Your love.  Thank you for Trinity Lutheran Church and School!  Let this school year be a chance to know You and to make You known.                         

In the name of Jesus, Amen. 

Link to 8th Grade Supply List

Link to Prayer Requests Google Doc---Let's pray together!  Feel free to update this Google Doc with what you would like to pray about.  Check it regularly and pray!     

Link to Amazon Classroom Wish List---Looking for a way to purchase items for the 8th grade classroom?  Here's a link to my classroom Amazon wish list.  If you would prefer to purchase items at a store of your choice, feel free to use the list to find ideas and buy the items elsewhere.  Thank you for your support!

Parent Communication Tools:

Student Communication Tools:

Mrs. Fischer- Classes Taught and Contact Information: