Meet the Board

Pastor Daniel Gadbaw

Called to serve the youth of Trinity since 2019. Always ready to lend a listening ear and meet our young people where they are at. An avid swimmer and CrossFit fan, places him in the cheering section for all our athletes encouraging them in their endeavors. Also one who appreciates the fine arts, rejoicing with our artists, musicians, and thespians in the creativity they bring to our world. Please stop by Trinity and say, "Hello!"

Alyssa Hildebrandt

Alyssa was baptized, confirmed, and married at Trinity. She also attended Trinity Lutheran School. She currently teaches fourth grade at Hebron Elementary School. She enjoys spending time outdoors. Alyssa has a special interest in the youth of Trinity as she and her husband have two boys, Tate (9th grade) and Cade (7th grade). She has taught Sunday School, Confirmation classes, and VBS for many years.

Brooke and Les Nack

Brooke has been a member at Trinity since 1990, and she has fond memories of the Confirmation Retreat with her fellow confirmand at the time, Alyssa Hildebrandt! Les has been enjoying good laughs leading or helping with the youth group since he moved to Crown Point in 1993. Married in 2000, together we have served Trinity Youth as leaders, chaperones, and youth board members. Our "faves" are longer events like lock ins and youth gatherings, when we get a chance to learn about the youth in their natural habitats...especially when there is whip cream or water guns involved!