College & Career Planning

Welcome to Trigg County High School. I look forward to assisting you with planning for life after high school. I encourage you to check out all of the resources below. If you have any questions, be in touch through email, phone or just stop by my office. (I do request that parents make an appointment to ensure I will be in my office.)  

Remind Texts

Seniors and parents/guardians are encouraged to sign up for the Class of 2025 Remind.

Future Plans

Graduation Requirements & Other Important Information

Follow this link to see graduation requirements as well as special recognitions at graduation. This is the same document that was mailed to all homes during the summer.

Talent Search Program

Talent Search (TS) at Murray State University is a federal grant program funded by the US Department of Education. The purpose of TS is to increase the number of students from disadvantaged backgrounds who successfully graduate from secondary school and enroll in and graduate from postsecondary education. To learn more, visit


Getting In book


KHEAA website

1. College Planning - information about selecting the right school for you, picking a major and understanding your college schedule, among other topics.

2. Financial Planning - includes information about the FAFSA, grants, loans and money management, along with other valuable information.

3. Colleges - There is a listing of every college and university in Kentucky, which includes admissions requirements, majors, and total costs.

ACT Testing

Register for the ACT online at

If you are a junior or senior and believe you might be eligible for ACT fee waivers, see Ms. Young before registering.

Click here for the Official ACT Prep Guide

College Visits

Every senior gets one college visit day.  In order to have more than one college visit day, you need to get permission from Mr. Bush and complete an Educational Enhancement form.

Parchment - Sending your Transcript


Work Ready Skills Certificate



Dual Credit


Get Ready for College in Kentucky website has great resources and links to all Kentucky public colleges and universities.

KHEAA is offering several sessions on social media. See the list here.

Website with information on College & Career Planning

Virtual College Fair with lots of recorded sessions

RaiseMe has lots of resources for college planning

ACT prep resources website

For data-driven college rankings by major, based on salary data of over 5 million graduates check out 

Information about different colleges and universities: 

Career exploration, college exploration and financial aid information: 

Learn about high-demand careers in Kentucky: 

Students have a new interactive tool to research degree programs at Kentucky’s public colleges and universities, allowing them to compare tuition, student debt and salaries for hundreds of occupations before choosing a major. It is called Kentucky Students' Right to Know and can be accessed here: 

What's Next?

This website contains great information to help you determine your next steps. More information will be added, so keep checking back.

Rotary Support

The Cadiz Rotary Club provides amazing support for our students. See this flier for more information.

MSU Scholarship Application

Once you have applied to MSU and been admitted, you will have access to your MyGate account. On the MyGate account will be a money or financial aid tab, which is where you will find the scholarship application. One of the questions on the scholarship application asks how many AP, honors, and dual credit courses TCHS offers, and below are the answers.

AP = 1

Honors = 0

Dual Credit = 50

TCHS Career Pathways 24 - 25

To view the current career pathways at TCHS, click here.

Summer Learning Programs

There are several summer programs available throughout the country. Many require a fee to participate, but some are free. Check out the website with opportunities by clicking the photo on the left.

Contact Info