Business Ads

Here's an example of a 1/4 page ad for the Dawson Fire Protection District

What is a Business Ad?

Business advertisements are ads purchased by a business, company, or group to support the Yearbook program and receive an advertisement in the back of the yearbook in the “Business Ads” section.

How do you buy an ad?

There are three options for purchasing a business advertisement through Tri-City Yearbook. You can either:

  1. Purchase and design your ad online (

  2. Contact the program by sending us an email or Facebook message

  3. Have a team of Yearbook students visit you on Ad Sales Day

What is Ad Sales Day?

Ad Sales Day (typically scheduled each year around November) is a day where Yearbook students go out into the community to meet with businesses and discuss their options for purchasing an ad in the yearbook. If you would like your business to be contacted for our next Ad Sales Day, please send us an email.

Business Ad Sizes & Prices

Business advertisements come in the following size and price options:

  • 1/8 page $50

  • 1/4 page $100

  • 1/2 page $200

  • Full page $400

Here's an example of a 1/2 page ad for Springfield Iron & Metal