Health Services
Eye Exams
Eye exams, done by an optometrist or a medical doctor who performs eye exams, are mandatory for all Kindergarten students and any student new to the state of Illinois. They are due prior to October 15th.
Dental Exams
Dental exams are required for all Kindergarten, 2nd, 6th and 9th grade students. They are due prior to May 15th.
Physical Exams and Immunizations
Required physical exams and immunizations should be obtained by the first day of student attendance of the school year. If physical exams and immunizations are not in compliance, students will be excluded from school on October 15th until verification is received. See attached form regarding grade specific requirements. Students who are new residents of the district must obtain required exams and immunizations within ten (10) days of enrollment.
Health Requirements
Prescription Medication Form
Immunization Chart
Dental Program Consent Form
Miles of Smiles Dental Record
About School Health Services
School health services staff can help all students with preventive care such as flu shots and vision and hearing screening, as well as acute and emergency care. Qualified professionals such as school nurses, nurse practitioners, dentists, health educators, physicians, physician assistants and allied health personnel provide these services.
For students with chronic health conditions, school nurses and other health care providers play a large role in the daily management of their conditions. School health services staff also are responsible for coordinating care by communicating with the student’s family and health care providers so that they can stay healthy and ready to learn.
School health services is part of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child model (WSCC) which promotes a collaborative approach designed to improve learning and health in our nation’s schools. Another component of the WSCC model, Counseling, Psychological and Social Services, is often an area that overlaps with school health services, because students may be referred by a school nurse or school-based health center for additional care to address these needs.
-Description from the CDC Website