Volunteer Translator Team

To join our team, you can sign up here.

Janane Zayat

Arabic, French

Education builds nations. We as parents and guardians can help educate our toddlers nowadays in the age of technology, and no one needs to lead a life of ignorance anymore. I am grateful to be able to hopefully make a difference in one child's life at a time.

Poulomi Adhikary


I used to teach English to my less fortunate students in India. I loved my job and my students and still love them. To continue and give back something to my country, I joined the Teach for Life movement.

Maitri Ajmera


I am in awe of the passion and vision that TFL brings to life through this work. This platform has allowed me, a young person, to do my part, however small, in advancing global educational equity. I’m incredibly grateful for that opportunity.

Ileana Badillo


What attracted me was being able to do something, maybe just a little drop in the ocean, but it’s needed. It was like a discovery of hope, that I could do something to help the lack of education in my country.

Pratima Bharti


Biddut Dey


I am contributing here out of my social and moral conscience to enlighten the life of the underprivileged kids.

Martha Fair


I believe that when you have gifts it's because you're supposed to use them to help someone else. I already crossed the bridge, but now I need to help someone else cross that bridge. That's my belief.

Louis (Diego) Fonseca


My grandpa always said that “education is the only inheritance that can assure one a better future.”

Devi Gandikota


As a teacher, I strongly believe that knowledge is power and it makes me very happy to be a part of a project that so many children can benefit from.

Seema Gangakhedkar


I’m here because my friends asked me to just translate a couple sentences! Then I learned about Teach for Life, and my heart was really touched. This is such a noble cause. I’m really excited to be a part of it.

Kavitha Gorantla


I developed a passion for Telugu, my first language, as part of learning it in high school. Teach for life is providing me with a platform to stay connected with the language I love in a way that will also help with children’s learning.

Huyen Huynh


I have always wanted to contribute to create the kind of world I want to live in, one full of good deeds. This is an opportunity to use my skills to assist the empowerment of people where it is needed most.

Kalyani Kulkarni


Once I started, I realized how big a contribution this team is making towards the education and betterment of children all over the globe. I am very happy to be a small contributor in this unending mission.

Teach for Life is a meaningful and humane education program that promotes better young generations. I feel fortunate to have the opportunity to be a part of the team.

Ming Liu


When someone asked me once about volunteering, I said, "Just do it and feel proud of it. This is a platform for you to shine."

Kavitha Madanambedu


Videos impact the way kids think. In elementary school, I used to watch “Tele-School” in Telugu language. I always wished to have more programs like that, and I felt my dream come true by translating these videos.

Yokkie Mahajaroenkul


I would like to support people in learning a new language. I believe these little educational clips are helpful for all learners. It is a perfect introduction for people to get to know their second or third language.

Puti Manira


As a teacher during this pandemic, it is not that easy to make lesson videos for my students all the time. By contributing to Teach for Life, it helps everyone, especially my students in Indonesia, to learn knowledge from the videos. I am happy to do it for everyone.

Archana Patel


I was born in a family of teachers and worked as an elementary and middle school teacher for five years. I feel so good to be a part of Teach for life, which is doing tremendous work to help children around the world.

Amruta Patwardhan


Just the idea of giving some time towards such a noble cause and being a part of something impactful touches my heart. I feel grateful being able to contribute towards education, according to me the most important thing.

Xueni Peng


All children deserve a quality education. I am enjoying being a volunteer translator, and I hope my work will help kids become competent, employable, and better meet their learning objectives.

Meenakshi Pradhan


It feels good to be a part of this project, where you can change the lives of many kids globally with a little effort altogether.

Mini Rangrass


Charumathi Saravanan


I have volunteered at my kids’ schools and really felt happy when I helped people. I always wanted to help with primary education in India. When I found this organization, I felt so happy that my dream can be achieved.

Sheetal Shah


I was pretty amazed when I first found out about Teach for Life. Growing up, I was fortunate enough to get good education, and it is rewarding to share the same with children in need.

Geeta Shankar


Having been a teacher much of my life, I got very excited as this program aims to empower teachers and parents with simple tools for early learning. I consider myself fortunate to be able to contribute in this noble cause.

Tommy Ta


To me, Teach for Life is like education, and education is the best gift that you can give to anyone, including myself. So that’s what inspired me.

Jyothsna Tamtam


Early reading and learning can increase children's interest in education for a better and brighter future. I consider myself lucky if I can help a kid learn a word somewhere in the world.

Annabelle Tantemsomboon


I’ve done a lot of videos now and I would say that it’s super cool to be able to help other people that don’t have access to learning the same as we do. Later on, I want to have a career where I can help others.

Vineeta Verma


I feel blessed to have the opportunity and be a part of Teach for life, which is helping children around the world. I would love to continue to contribute in every possible way.

Brandt Walker

YouTube Subtitles

Education is a gift, and I wanted to share that gift with others.

Brooke Walker

YouTube Subtitles

I wanted to get involved in Teach for Life because I wanted to give others a chance to have a good education like I have.

Soumya Bhatt


The vision of Teach for Life is so clear and honest, I was excited to be a part of it. I was eager to help because it is an opportunity to be involved in something bigger than ourselves, to make an impact.

To join our team,
just sign up here.