Executive Board


Ysa Leon

Ysa Leon (they/them) is a senior majoring in Writing, Rhetoric, and Communication (WRC) and Social Change (self-designed). They are originally from Louisville, Kentucky, and are passionate about human rights on campus and beyond. Ysa is so excited for their senior year as President of SGA!

Vice President

Sean Gannon

Sean Gannon (he/him) is a sophomore majoring in Political Science with a minor in Sociology. He is from Simpsonville, Kentucky, and loves to be politically active on and off campus. Sean is thrilled to serve the student body as Vice President!

Chief of Finance

Olivia Greinke

Olivia Greinke (she/her) is a senior double majoring in Mathematics and Economics. She is originally from Lexington, Kentucky, and is excited for her third year serving as Chief of Finance for SGA.

Chief of Staff

Owen Schmidt