Rooted's mission is to equip students with the skills and knowledge they need to compete for the fastest-growing and the highest-paying jobs in their communities either with or without a college degree.

Get to Know this Liberatory School

Rooted seeks to provide Black students with pathways and possibilities to financial freedom. Students gain academic skills and competencies, connections to local employers in the technology industry, and acceptances to college.

Location: New Orleans, LA

Size: <300


  • 84% Black

  • 8% Latinx

  • 7% White

  • 1% Asian or Pacific Islander

Grade Band: 9-12

Governance Structure: Public Charter School


Graduate Aims

Design Principles

Every student leaves with a college acceptance in one hand and a full-time job offer in the other.

We push ourselves to grow at all times.

We are prepared.

We put people first.

We push the limits of what’s possible.

We never forget where we come from.

Featured Student Experiences

Project-Based Learning

Students spend at least two hours per day in industry-focused project based learning designed by Rooted’s teachers and industry partners. Projects are designed around specific community problems that students work to solve.

Paid Internships

Starting in 9th grade, students can compete for paid internships with local technology partners. These internships are designed around the roles and tasks that industry partners typically hire for in college interns or entry-level hires.

360 Supports

To deliver on the promise of financial freedom through college and career, Rooted provides a range of social supports that aim to help students develop the college and workplace readiness skills to succeed after high school. Some examples include personalized college and career counseling and art therapy.

Green Balloon Fellowship

As a post-secondary option, students can apply for a competitive one-year fellowship experience that pays them a full-time salary to work at a local company. At the end of the fellowship, students may be given the opportunity to continue working within the company and steadily earn their way to upward mobility.

Key School-Wide Practices

Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment

Learning at Rooted is blended and self-directed in that students learn via playlists and projects which they complete at their own pace and where progress is easily tracked. Learning is mastery-based - they use a Badge system (about 5 within a course) to assess whether or not a student has mastered the content and competencies required. A portion of the day is spent in industry-focused project-based learning which prepares students for post-secondary success. Teaching and learning at Rooted is predicated on the idea that students need skills for in-demand job sectors. Therefore, the curriculum is designed in tandem with Rooted's local industry partners (many in the digital sector), who "share the entry-level roles that are growing quickly and have trouble staying filled, identify the knowledge and skills needed to be competitive for hire in these roles and within their company, and co-build a 4-year onramp that is backwards-mapped with the entry-level jobs in mind."

Community & Culture

Rooted seeks to build character and promotes a culture which eliminates the disconnect between in-school and out-of-school behavior. The community is fully involved in all aspects of students' lives. When a disciplinary issue arises, Rooted lean's on its graduate discipline plan, which is restorative in nature and seeks to restore an environment of trust, safety, and productivity. It seeks to remove the top-down operations of most discipline policies and to place students and relationships at the center. The school operates more like a Google campus than a traditional school. Rooted is dedicated to helping students 'unlearn schooling' and provides a space no longer controlled by bells, adults, silence, and compliance. Instead, students are given autonomy, greater control, and a glimpse of the messiness that is the real world.

Schedule & Use
of Time

Students spend blocks of time in industry-focused project-based learning, which is rooted in technology and builds skills which are required for industry certification. Student are not beholden by bells and move freely throughout the day, accomplishing their tasks, engaging in learning experiences, and taking breaks as needed.

Adult Roles & Learning

Rooted staff are committed to their personal and professional growth. They are kind, selfless, open-minded, humble, daring, and hardworking. Staff regard students as adults and do not talk down to them - though they still provide all the developmentally appropriate supports.

Family & Community Partnerships

Rooted works "alongside companies to identify available entry-level jobs that pay a living wage, distilling the skills and competencies needed to be competitive for those roles, and backwards-designing our local curriculum with those skills in mind." In addition to a post-secondary schooling option, most students will also receive a full-time job offer (and before that, during high school, a paid internship) at one of Rooted's partner companies in the growing technology sector. Rooted also asks parents and/or guardians and their families to be partners in their student’s journey, and there are many opportunities for this. Just like students have required commitments when attending Rooted, so do families.

Space &

Optimistic banners, corporate logos, college crests are emblazoned all over the walls at Rooted, aligned with its mission to give underserved youth multiple pathways to financial freedom - via college or not. Also emblazoned on Rooted's walls is the number 228 - the number of years it will take black Americans to close the racial wealth gap with white Americans if present trends continue.


Rooted is a 1:1 school. They use a blended learning approach in classes and also require students to take two online courses to meet graduation requirements.

Budget & Operations

Rooted opened in 2017 with the support of New Schools for New Orleans, 4.0 Schools, and Camelback Ventures.


Rooted is regularly featured in news articles, getting their work and their message out into the world.

Continuous Learning & Improvement

Rooted values the R&D process is looking to create a sustainable, community-centered model which always does the best to fulfill its promise to students in an ever-changing world. They've exemplified the 'go slow to go fast' model, which you can read about here.

See It. Hear It. Feel It.

Rooted's Bold Vision