New Roads Middle School

In an authentically diverse community reflective of Los Angeles, New Roads prepares young people for life by developing in them a personal dedication to learning, a respect for independent thinking, an expanding curiosity about the world and its people, and a commitment to the common good.

Get to Know this Liberatory School

Location: Santa Monica, CA

Size: 500-999


  • 55% White

  • 14% Black

  • 14% Latinx

  • 9% Two or More Races

  • 8% Asian or Pacific Islander

  • 1% American Indian

Grade Band: K-12

Governance Structure: Private School


Graduate Aims

Design Principles

  • To read well and write clearly

  • To express oneself effectively

  • To build a foundation for wellbeing

  • To reason and to question thoughtfully, soundly, critically, and ethically

  • To approach and solve problems creatively as an individual and as a member of a team

  • To evaluate and synthesize information in order to advance understanding and innovate responsibly

  • To study with purpose and perseverance

  • To demonstrate the flexibility and nimbleness of mind to respond to the demands of a rapidly evolving world

  • To develop a portable set of skills that can be translated and applied across a variety of contexts

  • To develop respect for the humanity and ecology of the earth and the sensitivity to appreciate life’s deep joys and mysteries

  • To invite and seek to understand contradictory and complementary perspectives

  • To listen and understand empathically

Intellectual Rigor

Intellectual rigor in the context of New Roads is exemplified through three key patterns of learning that each student hones: habits of mind, habits of character, and tools for effective participation. We believe that cultivating an intellectual habitat that balances structure and freedom helps young people develop these positive habits. Optimal intellectual growth and development occurs in the interchanging sweet spot between direct instruction and discovery learning. Each human being comes endowed with a wealth of curiosity and intrinsic motivation that emerges with encouragement and the right supportive environment for it to flourish.

  • Habits of Mind

New Roads encourages students to:

  • Use innate curiosity, creativity and imagination to pursue an inquiry and organize and synthesize appropriately complex understandings

  • Be willing to take creative, intellectual, and aesthetic risks with both familiar and new information in all areas of study

  • Evaluate evidence for its relevance to an inquiry and formulate justifiable solutions

  • Appropriately question the authority of history as well as use it to understand the present

  • Master facts/skills/competencies so they can apply them to problem solving in a variety of learning contexts

  • Habits of Character

New Roads prepares students to:

  • Become conscientious decision-makers who consider the well-being of the community with respect to equity, social justice and ecological balance

  • Listen deeply, respond with compassion and attempt to resolve conflict through discourse and cooperation

  • Understand and overcome personal biases and prejudices with respect to race, ethnicity, gender and other human differences, and demonstrate open-minded appreciation for other cultures and perspectives

  • Act with courage and respect in the face of conflict and injustice

  • Tools for Effective Participation

New Roads provides students with the tools to:

  • Read, write, speak and communicate effectively

  • Demonstrate scientific and mathematical literacy

  • Understand and express social, political, economic, moral and ecological awareness

  • Understand how the arts affect social and cultural environments

  • Participate and cooperate in athletics and the arts

  • Solve problems non-violently

  • Respect the ideas and learning styles of others

Featured Student Experiences

Interdisciplinary Studies

The academic program at New Roads is separated into different subjects, with teachers working hard to weave cross-cutting skills and other disciplines into the normal discourse. However, for one unit, teachers explicitly collaborate to construct meaningful explorations that require students to integrate the skills and knowledge of each discreet course into one collective project. These projects are aligned with the themes studied within each grade band. 6th graders participate in LA Studies (as part of Identity & Culture) where they study the kaleidoscope of identities and cultures in Los Angeles. 7th graders participate in Green Dream Team (as part of Systems) learn about, adn steward, the construction and functioning of systems in our nation - like the National Parks, for example. 8th graders participate in A Call to Action (as part of Rights & Responsibilities), where they identify a cause that ignites them into action that will have a lasting impact.

The Workshop for Social, Economic, and Ecological Action

The New Roads Middle School workshop program takes a community and service focused approach to teaching and learning that fosters “a personal dedication to learning, a respect for independent thinking, and an expanding curiosity about the world and its people.” Within Workshop students are introduced to the “tools needed for social, political and moral participation as well as personal fulfillment.” Workshop classes take place each Friday after lunch for two back-to-back 50 minute classes. Each workshop must link to at least one element of the school pillars - diversity, social justice, environmental stewardship, academic excellence. Some examples of Workshop options include: Humane Education, Design LA, Positive Psychology, Social Change Through Music, and Fashion for Humanity.

End-of-the-Year Portfolios/Passion Pursuits or Call to Action

In lieu of a final exam, students work all year to cultivate an EOY Portfolio to reflect on their learning and grow. Teachers guide students through the reflection process and reflections are shared with families in student-led-conferences. In addition to the Portfolio, 6th & 7th graders complete a Passion Pursuit and eighth graders a Call to Action. These projects give students an opportunity to pursue learning in an area that is important to them and culminate in a presentation to an authentic audience. Two examples of past Passion Projects have been using the scientific method to develop the best version of a cake recipe while also utilizing a blind taste test protocol and an in depth study of skateboard culture and the commercialization of products through marketing. The Call to Action Project is similar, with the added layer or being connected to an issue centered around the school’s philosophy and mission statement. The culmination is not just a presentation but a call to action, and a sample project was a research and analysis of the cost of incarcerating versus educating youth populations complete, with an artistic interpretation of these comparisons and a display of said art piece to a larger audience.

Connections Class

Building on students' experience in the Lower School Connections Class, the Middle School version helps students navigate the social, emotional, and moral challenges of young people. The course is designed to "enhance self-esteem and to teach a variety of techniques that enable students to cope effectively with life's changes and to make healthy, life affirming and responsible choices in their own lives. In the process of understanding the ethical nature of their own values and choices, students begin to accept responsibility for making decisions regarding family, friendship, personal privacy and safety, school, sexuality, drugs, alcohol and tobacco use and the variety of other choices which confront them."

Spectrum Program

The Spectrum Program exemplifies New Roads' commitment to authentic diversity, specifically neurodiversity. "Spectrum students are fully integrated with their neurotypical peers in all academic classes as well as campus-wide activities. Students are supported daily in developing executive functioning skills, social skills, and self advocacy, which translate into students’ everyday lives after graduation. The Spectrum Program is for students in grades 6-12 who meet the diagnostic criteria specified in the revised DSM-5 for Autism Spectrum Disorder (formerly categorized as Asperger’s Syndrome or High Functioning Autism). Spectrum students learn to navigate social contexts and practice effective communication alongside their neurotypical peers to gain meaningful relationships and experiences that prepare them for independent success in college and beyond."

Key School-Wide Practices

Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment

New Roads Middle School curriculum is organized thematically by grade level. These themes provide a unifying strand that helps student and faculty see and create patterns and commonality in their work and enabled students to make their learning personally meaningful and memorable: 6th Grade- Identity and Culture; 7th Grade- Systems; and 8th Grade- Rights and Responsibilities. There is an extensive course list for students to study, all deeply ingrained in social justice. New Roads Middle School is an ungraded school. Instead of letter grades, each student prepares for a conference in which they share their progress toward fundamental skills with their families. Evaluations of this presentation of learning are marked with one of the following notations: Honors, Credit, Reservations and No Credit.

Community & Culture

New Roads is built on authentic diversity. The diversity of the school reflects that of the LA area and beyond (students come from 85 different zip codes!) and 40% of New Roads students are people of color. This authentically diverse community is essential for young people (and adults) to develop an awareness of themselves and others. They learn to appreciate, embrace, and leverage the unique attributes, experiences, and backgrounds of each person in our community, and they feel seen, heard, and valued. New Roads ensures this is done well through their collaboration with Dr. Dan Siegel. Together, they've "clarified the research foundation, grounded in interpersonal neuroscience and neurobiology, of the “magic” of New Roads School. These concepts undergird our Integrative Educational Model: relationships anchored in Secure Attachment; personalized education fueled by authentic diversity and technology; and climate and culture - the soil for Generative Social Fields."

Schedule & Use
of Time

Every Middle School student has a unique schedule. In order to balance structure and freedom, we provide both an educational habitat full of rich cerebral challenges key to the mastery of core academic knowledge and skills, and myriad electives that illuminate areas of curiosity to be pursued in greater depth in high school and/or life.

Adult Roles & Learning

New Roads believes that authentic diversity must start at the top. They believe that to be a place that represents the voices and experiences of everyone in the community, it must lead by ensuring a diversity not only of students, but of leadership, administration, and faculty. 40% of teachers and 42% of admin at New Roads are people of color. As for adult roles, New Roads invests in "talented faculty who are both sages on the stage and guides on the side."

Space &

New Roads is located within The Herb Alpert Educational Village, which means students get to learn in a broader physical community with organizations dedicated to education, social justice, the arts, and environmental sustainability.

Budget & Operations

We the people of New Roads democratize opportunity — opportunity that’s limitless. We do that by raising funds that expand possibilities for everyone: training for faculty, rejuvenation of facilities, and of course financial aid (of which 40% of students avail). In seeking these resources, we do so not just for the sake of acquiring more or better or newer, but in order to better fulfill our educational promise to every student in our care.

Learn about the Interdisciplinary Course for 6th graders - LA Studies