Online Giving
Donors will have the option to do a one-time gift or a recurring gift using either a credit card or a bank account.
Donors will have the option to do a one-time gift or a recurring gift using either a credit card or a bank account.
Below are step by step instructions to give online:
Below are step by step instructions to give online:
Click on the GIVE ONLINE link at the top of this page.
Scroll down and click either the One-time or Recurring tab.
Choose the designated fund and key in the amount.
If you want to give to multiple funds (i.e. General Fund, Building Fund, Lottie Moon, etc.), Click Add Donation and repeat Step #3.
If you selected the Recurring tab in Step # 2, then you will need to select a frequency under Recurrence
Select Credit Card or Bank Account.
Enter your Account and Billing Information.
Your total donation will be shown at the bottom.
Click Submit.
You will receive a donation confirmation by e-mail.
Donations are typically withdrawn from the donor's account within three business days.