Referral Information

Information for Referring Physicians

Please refer to Long covid—an update for primary care and check local health pathway guidelines.

General Practitioners are encouraged to lead investigations outlined on this page (CXR and blood tests) for high-risk patients before 12 weeks following their initial COVID infection.

While a referral is not required, it is greatly valued by our clinical team. A copy of any investigations will also be appreciated.

Those at higher risk of developing Long COVID include patients with the following:

How to refer

All referrals to the ATUNE Long COVID Clinic MUST include the patient's phone number and email address

Please email referrals to or for other options

Depending on clinical presentation a Chest X-Ray and the following blood tests may be required:

We appreciate copies of any investigations you have undertaken, to minimise wasting patient time and health resources in doubling-up on these tests.