The Orchard Junior

Welcome to the distance learning site for The Junior Orchard Class.

Click on the images below to take you the different websites. Separate pages with plans and activities for each week are found below:

Social Stories and advice for Coronavirus

Art Activities

Week Beginning 21st June


A great website for keeping fit and active, or for taking a brain break from work


Log in to ClassDojo to communicate with your teacher


Click the image to see what challenges your teacher has set for you this week!

Login details found in front of home book.

Practice your reading and Teach Your Monster how to Read!

Type in your name to sign in. App code: 4885347

Daily 30 minute PE sessions live at 9am every week day.

Can be rewatched and viewed at anytime.

Everyday at 11am, David Walliams reads a short 20 minute story from his book 'The World's Worst Children'.

A visual story about Coronavirus

Sample home pack - visuals, choice, first/then.

Feeling Anxious?

Download this app and practice some breathing techniques

Activity visuals and ideas for daily schedules

Speech and Language activities