Welcome to: Alg. II, Advanced Math, Pre-Calc, or Calculus

Parents/Guardians: click the "Parents/Guardians" link to access the Parent/Guardian Information Form to fill out, classroom expectations, policies, and more.

Graphing Calculators: Students may choose to rent a calculator for the longevity of one school year. Fill out the form and return it to school signed with $10.

* you may print the below link or ask for a form in class.

Below is an outline of topics that will be covered this year. In the menu bar you find links to these topics' page that will provide additional resources to assist your child.

TPSD Detailed Calendar

Know how to study for math? Click the button.

Need assistance? There are several videos on the internet that explain topics and show examples that are covered in class. Here are links of useful sites:

*If you need 1-to-1 assistance, I am available for tutoring before school, during lunch, and after school. Let me know ahead of time when you are willing to meet*