Professional Learning 

The importance of teaching students, not programs - “There is no one curriculum or intervention program that will be uniformly effective with all students who must be taught how to read. Programs invariably have strengths and gaps and must be either supplemented or used judiciously to accomplish learning objectives”.  - Louisa Moats

Here is a selection of different types of professional development and courses that can support teachers, students and families in their Literacy learning.

Is a not-for-profit organisation providing a variety of services to children, families and school staff including; assessment, specialised tuition, training and support.

Austim Nz has a dedicated education team that deliver training nationwide.

Providing Structured Literacy training and workshops for school staff and resources for teachers and parents. 

Aims to empower educators, support specialists and guide parents in evidence-based educational change. 

Better Start to Literacy

The BSLA is a structured literacy approach to instruction for Year 0 to 3 classrooms, developed by the University of Canterbury. The MoE may fund professional development as part of their early literacy support package. 

Agility with Sound is a complete structured literacy programme for older struggling students, specifically students in Years 4 to 10 who have experienced years of failure. Betsy occasionally offers PD and has free training videos on her AWS website. 

Provides akoranga (workshops) for those wanting to learn about teaching through a Hanganga Reo Matatini approach. 

Supporting schools and educators in creating equitable learning pathways in literacy. 

A consultancy which offers School wide training, workshop and webinar options for professional development.