Week Five

Year One Weekly Update

Monday 20th May - Friday 24th May 2024

Review (Last Week) 

English: One Day On our Blue Planet 

Maths: Position and Direction

     Science: Plants

Preview (Next Week) 

English: One Day On our Blue Planet 

Maths: Time

     Science: Seasonal Changes


Home Time

Year 1 and 2 students must be collected from the basketball court at the end of the school day. Please do not take your child as they are making their way from class or CCAs towards the basketball court.

Hats and Water bottle

Please ensure your child brings a water bottle and hat for school each day.  

Library lessons will take place every Monday. Please ensure your child returns their library book every Monday. 


Homework will now be a comprehension sheet for the children to complete at home. There will be no more handwriting sheets.
The spelling words for next week are:

We strongly encourage you to read to your child or listen to your child read every day. This can be as simple as a five-minute story, but it sets a great example and will really help your child progress in their reading. Please see the links below that will help you at home.

1. Phonics Play - This contains a lot of fun Phonics games that can be played on an IPad or computer. Please see the link and login details below.


Username:    TPIS

Password:     TaraPattana2021

2. Oxford Owl: This contains a lot of online stories to read at home. Please make sure you sign in as a student. Please see the link and login details below. 


Username:     tpis_brazil

Password:     brazil

Thank you for your continued support. We hope you have a wonderful weekend. 
