Tauranga Peninsula Kāhui Ako
The Tauranga Peninsula Kāhui Ako consists of 43 early learning centres and 17 schools in total:
6 state contributing schools (Year 0-6)
7 full primary schools (Year 0-8)
1 intermediate (Year 7/8)
1 special school (Ages 5-21)
2 secondary schools (Years 9-13)
Our Kāhui Ako also works in collaboration with our 3 Tauranga Moana iwi:
Ngāti Ranginui
Ngāi Te Rangi
Ngāti Pūkenga
We aim to bring together our individual strengths as a collective to establish effective interventions, strategies and innovations for our ākonga from ECE through to their schooling years (Year 1 - 13) and beyond into tertiary education.
A major focus of our Kāhui Ako is to ensure our priority learners, such as Māori, Pasifika and students with additional learning needs are given opportunities to experience and achieve successful outcomes during their formal education.
Our Kāhui Ako Student Population: Education Counts
The link below takes you to the most recent data for our Kāhui Ako.