
Fourth Toyo Model United Nations (Toyo MUN) Successfully Held Online

3月18日・19日の2日間にわたり、東洋大学模擬国連が開催されました。学生主体で実施している本会議は、今回で4回目を迎えました。オンラインで開催した本会議には、世界19の国と地域、46の教育機関から155名の学生が参加し、そのうち47名が委員長・大使として議論を行いました。本学からは1名が大使、12名が運営ボランティア、25名が聴講者として参加しました。会議は、初日冒頭に行われた開会式での東洋大学 学長 矢口 悦子の開会挨拶により幕を開けました。

今回の会議は、「Ensuring Comprehensive Sovereign State Security in a Globalized World(グローバル化した世界における包括的な主権国家の安全保障の確保)」を開催テーマとして、世界の食糧危機とエネルギー危機に対応するための効果的で革新的な政策を打ち出すことを奨励しました。(1)世界食糧計画(The World Food Programme; WFP)と(2)国際連合経済社会理事会(Economic and Social Council; ECOSOC)の2つの委員会が設けられ、参加者は各自が希望した委員会で議論を深めました。大使として参加した参加者らは、会議の約1か月前から随時開催されたワークショップで予備知識を身に着けながら、各自の担当国やテーマについて調査し、政策を立案しました。会議当日には、担当国の政策を軸に自国の国益を考慮しながらも、国際社会全体の問題解決に貢献するべく議論や交渉を行いました。




Our fourth Toyo MUN was successfully held on March 18 and 19, 2023. This is the 4th time this conference has been held mainly by students. The online main conference attracted 155 participants from 46 educational institutions in 19 countries and regions, 47 of whom engaged in discussions as chairpersons or delegates. From Toyo University, one delegate, 12 administrative volunteers and 25 listeners participated in the event. The conference opened with an address by Etsuko Yaguchi, President of Toyo University, at the opening ceremony held at the beginning of the first day of the event.

At the conference, development of effective and innovative policies to address the global food and energy crises was promoted under the theme of “Ensuring Comprehensive Sovereign State Security in a Globalized World.” Two committees were established: (1) The World Food Programme (WFP) and the (2) Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). Participants held in-depth discussions in the committee of their choice. As delegates, the participants had conducted research and policy-making activities for the country and theme in their charge while gaining background knowledge through workshops held on a weekly basis for approximately one month until the start of the conference. During the conference, they engaged in discussions and negotiations to contribute toward solving the problems of international society as a whole while taking into consideration national interests based on the policies of the country in charge.

At the closing ceremony held on the second day of the event, the chairperson of each committee presented an award to those delegates who had played a remarkably important role during the conference (see the "List of Awardees" below). The participants engaged in discussions in a serious but comfortable environment and conducted very meaningful international exchange activities over the two days.

Launched in AY2020 by international students from the Faculty of Global and Regional Studies of Toyo University, Toyo MUN has grown into an event in which various faculties are involved in its operation. The event is international in nature, where all activities, including those during the preparation period, are conducted completely in English. In preparation for this year’s Toyo MUN, four interns had worked for about five months to launch a website, prepare various materials and engage in publicity activities through social media and other channels. In addition, faculty members from the Faculty of Global and Regional Studies, the Faculty of Sociology, the Faculty of Law and the Center for Global Education and Exchange from our University joined as advisors and preparation committee members in the planning, preparation and operation of Toyo MUN with the cooperation of staff members from the International Affairs Office. Toyo MUN is conducted under the activity concept of "opportunities to bring together students with various cultural backgrounds,” and therefore, several workshops are held prior to the main conference in order to provide participants with lectures from experts and opportunities to gain knowledge about the conference proceedings. In addition, the event is also linked to the Toyo Global Leader Program, a program for developing global human resources within our University, and Toyo Global (TG) points will be given to participants from our University.

In the future, we will provide more extensive training on writing and debating methods in English prior to the date of the main conference, aiming to make it more friendly to first-time participants. 

日時: 2023年3月18日(土)~3月19日(日)
場所: オンライン(zoomとdiscordを使用。ただし、運営スタッフは、東洋大学白山キャンパスにて活動)

Date: Saturday, March 18 and Sunday, March 19, 2023
Venue: Online (Toyo MUN was held using Zoom and Discord. Operation staff, however, were active in the event at Toyo University’s Hakusan Campus.)

Theme of the fourth Toyo MUN
Ensuring comprehensive sovereign state security in a globalized world

Theme for each Committee:
(WFP) Building resilience within the global supply chain
(ECOSOC) Rethinking energy security amid the global energy crisis


オーガスタナ大学(アメリカ)、アッシュボーン・シックスフォーム大学(イギリス)、オックスフォード・ブルックス大学(イギリス)、ロンドン大学(イギリス)、アイルランガ大学(インドネシア)、バンドン工科大学(インドネシア)、ガジャ・マダ大学(インドネシア)、ITSスラバヤ工科大学(インドネシア)、マタラム大学(インドネシア)、ペリタハラパン大学(インドネシア)、SMA Islam Nurul Fikri Boarding School(インドネシア)、ジェンベル大学(インドネシア)、インドネシア大学(インドネシア)、ボリス・グリンチェンコ キエフ大学(ウクライナ)、タラス・シェフチェンコ記念キエフ国立大学(ウクライナ)、ジザフ工科大学(ウズベキスタン)、National School of Physics and Math(カザフスタン) 、クワントレンポリテクニック大学(カナダ)、Nan Hua High School(シンガポール)、Lgs opf(パキスタン)、アテネオ・デ・マニラ大学(フィリピン)、キャラガ州立大学(フィリピン)、デ・ラ・サール大学(フィリピン)、ファーザー・サターニーノ・ウリオス大学(フィリピン)、St. Francis Xavier College Seminary(フィリピン)、サン・ペドロ大学(フィリピン)、Agusan Del Sur State College Of Agriculture And Technology(フィリピン)、Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne(フランス)、ソフィア・アメリカン・カレッジ(ブルガリア)、 Foreign Language Specialized School(ベトナム)、ベトナム外交学院(ベトナム)、ベトナム国家大学(ベトナム)、Chung Ling National High School(マレーシア)、Alexandru Ioan Cuza National College(ルーマニア)、HongWen high school(台湾)、Haidian foreign language school(中国)、Jinhua High school(中国)、山東大学(中国)、 Shijiazhuang Foreign Language School(中国)、The British International School Shanghai、Puxi Campus(中国)、浙江财经大学(中国)、東京国際大学(日本)、岡山大学(日本)、テンプル大学日本キャンパス(日本)、東洋大学(日本)、全北大学校(韓国)

Institutions attended by the participants:
(46 educational institutions)
Augustana University (USA), Ashbourne Sixth Form College (UK), Oxford Brookes University (UK), The University of London (UK), Airlangga University (Indonesia), Bandung Institute of Technology (Indonesia), Gadjah Mada University (Indonesia), Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (Indonesia), The University of Mataram (Indonesia), Pelita Harapan University (Indonesia), SMA Islam Nurul Fikri Boarding School (Indonesia), The University of Jember (Indonesia), The University of Indonesia (Indonesia), Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University (Ukraine), Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine), Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute (Uzbekistan), National School of Physics and Math (Kazakhstan), Kwantlen Polytechnic University (Canada), Nan Hua High School (Singapore), LGS OPF (Pakistan), Ateneo de Manila University (Philippines), Caraga State University (Philippines), De La Salle University (Philippines), Father Saturnino Urios University (Philippines), St. Francis Xavier College Seminary (Philippines), San Pedro College (Philippines), Agusan del Sur State College of Agriculture And Technology (Philippines), Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (France), The American College of Sofia (Bulgaria), Foreign Language Specialized School (Vietnam), The Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam (Vietnam), Vietnam National University (Vietnam),  Chung Ling National High School (Malaysia), Alexandru Ioan Cuza National College (Romania), Hong Wen High School (Taiwan) and Haidian Foreign Language School (China)

List of Awardees:

Best Delegate Award(最優秀大使賞):2名
Deanna Beatrice (WFP)
Louise Shania Sabela (ECOSOC)

Outstanding Delegate Award(優秀大使賞):2名
Dasha Rhenaldi Arne Wibono (WFP)
Almas Rania Amaluddin(ECOSOC)

Honorable Mention Award(特別賞):2名
Irena Harjantoputri (WFP)
Hayfa Trevanna David(ECOSOC)

Best Position Paper Award(最優秀ポジションペーパー賞):2名
Beldon Chew Jia Yi (WFP)
Hongbin Law (ECOSOC) 
