
President of California State University, Dominguez Hills, U.S.A., and his delegation visited Toyo University


On Tuesday, April 11, 2023, Thomas A. Parham, President of California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH), and four other members visited Toyo University. They discussed the possibilities of joint research and faculty member exchange between both universities in the future with President Etsuko Yaguchi, Steven Green, Deputy Director of the Center for Global Education and Exchange, and other members.


矢口学長から、パルハム学長ご一行への歓迎のご挨拶と同大学に交換留学に行った本学学生への手厚い支援について謝辞が述べられました。その後、グリーン国際教育センター副センター長が本学の概要とSDGsやEducational DX Promotionの取り組みなどの最新情報についてプレゼンテーションを行いました。

Since the conclusion of the MoU and Student Exchange Agreement on January 5, 2018, Toyo University and CSUDH have vigorously engaged in student exchange. In AY2022, Toyo University sent four students to CSUDH and accepted seven exchange students from the University.

President Yaguchi gave a welcome speech to President Parham and his party and expressed gratitude for their generous support for Toyo University students studying at CSUDH in the exchange program. Prof. Steve Green, Deputy Director of the Center for Global Education and Exchange, then delivered a presentation on the notable features of Toyo University and the latest information about the University’s initiatives, such as those for SDGs and Educational DX Promotion.


President Parham stated that he placed great importance on the cooperative relationship with Toyo University and hoped to further develop various academic exchange activities, ranging from activities centered on student exchange to cooperation in specific research fields and faculty member exchange. He also explained advanced efforts in the fields of IT and computer science made at CSUDH and introduced unique initiatives among them, including the establishment of the e-sports academy, which strategically combines e-sports with academic research and career education.


As Toyo University and CSUDH have many academic fields in common, both universities agreed to continue the collaboration and cooperation toward the further development of exchange activities.
