Special interest groups



We are Planned Parenthood. We believe in sex education and care that is accurate, equitable, and accessible, no matter your age, identity, immigration status, or ability to pay. Planned Parenthood has over 600 local health centers nationwide that provide services like preventive care, testing and treatment for STIs, and cancer screenings. As a leader in the fight for reproductive rights, the Planned Parenthood Action Network engages activists across the country to advance and protect access to care. This election season, vote BLUE to ensure all people have access to the care and resources they need to make informed decisions about their bodies. Care, no matter what!

Follow our Instagram: @planned.parenthoodthhs


We are TREEage, a youth-led group advocating for climate and social justice in politics! Our main goal is to mitigate the detriments of climate change by pushing elected officials to champion environmentally-conscious policies. In believing that climate justice cannot come without social justice, we also advocate for legislation that prioritizes communities of color, frontline youth, and overall, the resistance of systemic oppression. As a youth-led group, we especially stand for localized power and education about our community’s role in enacting local policy. Of course, given the adverse consequences of hazardous human activity, we must hold corporate and official powers accountable—and push for initiatives that will empower the restoration of our Earth.


We are the United Federation of Teachers (UFT), a union that represents nearly 200,000 current New York City public school employees. We strive to improve the quality of education, facilities, and resources not only for students and teachers, but also for parents and the community as a whole. More specifically we work to garner fair salaries and benefits for employees, a better quality of education for students, and parent and community engagement in schools through the city. We were founded in 1960 as Local 2 of the now 1.4 million-member American Federation of Teachers (AFT). Our union is also affiliated with the 600,000-member New York State United Teachers (NYSUT) and we are a member of the AFL-CIO and the New York City Central Labor Council. Together we can improve New York City as a whole if we begin by investing in the education of the next generation.

Make sure to follow us on Instagram and Tiktok @thhsuft

Email: thhsuft@gmail.com


We are the New York Communities for Change (NYCC)! The NYCC is an immigrant based organization and a coalition of working families in low and moderate income communities fighting for social and economic justice throughout the state of New York. We resist and fight against fascist and racist policies that plague our vulnerable communities. We fight against economic oppression by building campaigns that challenge capital and oppressive economic systems. We teach immigrants their rights and have a rapid response program to protect our communities against deportations, police brutality, and evictions. The NYCC builds power and transforms communities as it organizes in low-income and middle income neighborhoods to build a strong people’s movement that can bring tangible change to our communities. Our aim is to eliminate the ways capital has starved our communities of wealth for centuries. Finally, we work to ensure that every family throughout New York has access to quality schools, affordable housing, and good jobs. Fellow citizens, we are setting a new range, ‘cause we are the New York Communities For Change!!!

Make sure to follow us on Instagram and TikTok @thhsnycc


Since 1904, the Humane Society of New York has been a non-profit organization that advocates for the rights of animals across the state. Through the passing of legislation, rescuing of neglected animals, and penalization of criminals, HSNY hopes to create an animal-friendly environment. Specifically, we are pushing for legislatures to prohibit the selling of dogs, cats, and rabbits outside of collaboration with a humane organization, in order to prevent the institution of animal mills. Furthermore we hope to strengthen laws that limit the manufacturing and sale of cosmetics that are tested on animals. Almost 95% of all our donations are put directly toward program activities thanks to our non-paid president, board of directors, and volunteers and we are greatly dedicated to providing hundreds of animals with personal care including inoculations, spay/neuter and other veterinary care.

Instagram: @thhshumanesociety

Email: thhshumanesociety@gmail.com


New Yorkers Against Gun Violence (NYAGV) 501c4 (social welfare organization) whose mission is to reduce gun violence through legislative advocacy and education designed to encourage action, influence public opinion and lead to policy change NYAGV's advocacy arm pursues laws and policies to reduce gun violence at the state, local, and federal levels while engaging youth activists in our lobbying efforts. We have been instrumental in passing New York's strongest gun laws, keeping our state at the forefront of legislative solutions to gun violence. New Yorkers will FOREVER be against gun violence.

Follow our Instagram and Tiktok: @thhsnyagv


We are United We Dream, the largest immigrant youth-led nonprofit organization in America. Regardless of one’s immigration status, we provide a safe space to all youth to support, engage, and empower them in the quest to make a difference. Our female members make up 60% of our members and 20% of UWD members identify as LGBTQ. We fight to create a society that celebrates diversity and a future where multi-ethnic youth fight to improve our community. By being multi-ethnic, we advocate for all immigrant communities regardless of their race, ethnicity, sex, or identity. At UWD, we believe that providing safe spaces and a strong education system to youths will help the next generation learn new skills and bring change to the world. We invest in leadership development, training and mentoring. As a democratic group, we promote transparency and accountability and maintain the same equal terms with our partners and alliances. As a global community, we fight against the oppression and injustice of immigrants all over the world. We understand the effects of imperialism, colonization, violence, and spread of globalization which has caused poverty and economic division. Our campaign supports non-nonviolent protests and follows the past legacy of the freedom fighters and people’s movement. Together, we can create a healthy community and provide the answers and resources needed for many. Support United We dream. Make our dream, your reality.

Follow us on instagram and tiktok: @thhsuwd


The goal of Our Revolution, an organization created by Bernie Sanders, is to create “a future to believe in''. We are in support of the Democrats in order to defend democracy and protect the rights that all Americans deserve to have. Sanders originally created Our Revolution as a part of his presidential campaign, but after losing the election he decided to keep the organization going. Bernie Sander’s proposal involves a $3.5 trillion dollar plan that creates many opportunities for all. This means to expand Medicare making healthcare affordable for all, taxing the rich, ending fossil fuel subsidies and more. Our job is to advocate for the rights of our citizens. We want an end to gun violence and propose stricter laws. We have to fight for criminal justice, go against monopolies, defend immigration and abortion rights. Overall, our campaign wants a 21st Century Economic Bill of Rights that would guarantee that everyone will have the right to the basic necessities of life. We, the youth, are in charge of Our Revolution.


We are the Greater New York Hospital Association (GNYHA), and our mission statement is to help hospitals deliver the finest patient care in the most cost-effective way possible. Our organization represents more than 250 not‑for‑profit hospitals and continuing care facilities, both voluntary and public, in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Rhode Island. We are dedicated to working tirelessly to ensure that you receive the best healthcare that you deserve while also supporting all of our member hospitals so that they receive both the money and supplies they need to provide you with this finest patient care.

GNYHA is pro-choice and supports the Affordable Care Act and its expansion. It is in our core values to leave the decision up to the mother and to fight for health equity.

Our Beliefs:

  • Working to improve patient care, emergency response, expand healthcare coverage

  • Supporting legislation and regulations that both protect hospitals and healthcare

  • Retaining and recruiting a reliable healthcare force

  • Ensuring that performance measurement and transparency initiatives are valid and fair.

  • Providing analyses and tools that help our member hospitals and health systems address financial challenges and understand the complexities of a rapidly changing health care delivery system

  • Training future physicians and supporting graduate education

  • Improving mass casualty incident response, patient evacuation, and communicable disease outbreaks

The finest quality healthcare is a two-way street. Before we can support our lovely patients (like you), it is imperative that our government financially supports our hospitals and hardworking healthcare providers first. By supporting GNYHA and our causes, we support you!

Follow us on Instagram: @thhs_gnyha

Notable Member Hospitals & Health Systems:



We are Citizens United, a conservative nonprofit organization that believes in restoring the government to the people’s choice! We want to restore the nation to what our Founding Fathers envisioned it as a nation guided by the goodwill of its citizens. We support traditional American values such as limited government, stronger families, national sovereignty & security, and freedom of enterprise.


We, the Americans for Prosperity, are a conservative group that advocates for sound fiscal policy, a quality healthcare system, and reform programs for criminal justice and labor opportunities. We likewise promote grassroots activists to advocate for long-term solutions to issues such as unsustainable government spending and debt, a broken immigration system, and a rigged economy. We aim to tackle our country’s greatest problems that are important to not only us, but also the American people. We aim to elevate the voices of millions in order to advocate for policies that will allow a free and open society. We aim to advance economic freedom, while limiting government interference to a minimum. Our purpose is to improve the lives of the American people. We care about the policies that impact all of you. We need a system of principled solutions that stay true to the ideals articulated in the Declaration of Independence. Without doing so, our rights and freedoms will be taken away. The life and prosperity that Americans were promised will diminish, and we will go back to our past failed ideas. We hold the government accountable for their misleading actions and proposals, as we know what is right for the people. We take your voices and we use them to fight for a better future for us all.


We are the Greater New York Chamber of Commerce! We are a non-profit business advocacy and networking organization in New York City. Our mission is to improve the business climate and quality of life in the New York Metropolitan Area. We prioritize the growth of small businesses, low tax rates, and pro-growth tax policies that allow businesses to make smart decisions in investing for the future.

Since our beginning, we advocate for policies that encourage the creation of jobs within businesses and advance the economy. Our tax system should strengthen our economy, not undermine it. We believe that businesses- large and small- drives our economy forward to create solutions and opportunities for everyone.

For a greater New York, support the chamber!


The National Federation of Independent Businesses is a voice for small businesses and their owners. NFIB is nonprofit, conservative, and member-driven. We hold no affiliation with any political party. Small businesses add diversity to the economy and are vital to its strength. Due to the current pandemic and the administration, small businesses are suffering more than ever. With the help of candidates that strive to lower taxes for business owners, lower the cost of health insurance, and make hiring processes easier, we can rebuild what was lost over the Covid-19 pandemic.



Started in September 2019, PLACE NYC (Parent Leaders for Accelerated Curriculum) advocates for higher quality education for NYC Public Schools. This accelerated curriculum will help all grades improve and strengthen the school quality, which is fundamental to close achievement gaps. Through the use of academic rigor, PLACE NYC hopes for integrated classrooms where students are supported. This will improve individual students' outcomes and allow for a supportive learning environment.


Cato Institute is a non-profit and nonpartisan organization, aiming to educate and commentate on the state of America through the libertarian lense since 1977.

Minimal government intervention is what our complex society needs, as too much of it proves inefficient. For these reasons, we uphold that a free market system and a hands-off foreign policy approach is less stifling to the individual civil liberties that outline the basics of American political philosophy.

Our research and advocacy makes us one of the largest think tanks in the nation and our scholars have received numerous Nobel Prizes throughout this establishment’s history.

Our nonpartisan approach enables us to thoroughly criticize flawed policies concocted by government officials, no matter their party or affiliation. It also allows us to reward honorable individuals who advance human freedom – we have awarded people from all over the world with the Milton Friedman Prize – and we hope our ideals touch the corners of the world, reaching people of all different backgrounds – whether LGBTQ+, religious, or an ethnic minority – that define their individualism.

Above all, Cato believes the future of American prosperity is bright!



Who We Are:

The Independence USA P.A.C was founded by former NYC Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg in 2012. The interest group has funded both Republican and Democratic candidates during its history, aiding politicians who show a willingness on addressing issues through bipartisanship. The political action committee has been involved with initiatives in local, state, and federal elections across a number of platforms. Our group places emphasis on issues like marriage equality, environmental protection, and gun control regulations, but can shift this focus across a broader scope, and other important issues. Our goal is to fight for moderates and independents, through the effective use of political resources. The way forward is through responsible actions, that takes in mind the efficiency of collaboration and its benefits to American citizens.

Wanna reach out to us?

Email: thhssuperpac@gmail.com

Be sure to follow our Instagram account @independenceusa.thhs

TikTok account @independencesuper