Pool Colors

Carribean Sparkle

This gel coat has light blue base. The surface shimmers with a light silver flake and is speckled with medium blues, light gray, white and black.


Maya is the darkest surface finish that we offer and provides a deep blue water color. This rich royal blue hue is mesmerizing.


California is a favorite among our color selections. Providing homeowners with a brilliant blue water color that sparkles and shimmers in the sunshine. This traditional blue offers a great balance for those trying to decide between Caribbean Sparkle and Maya.


This gel coat has a golden brown base. The surface shimmers with silver and gold flake and is speckled with black and grey.


The Diamond color selection sparkles with a light green blue water color that projects a calm and peaceful mood.

Arctic Shimmer (Pearl)

Pearl is a traditional pool finish and provides a classic light blue water color. This selection will give you the best light reflection value and is ideal for showing off LED lighting.