

School Counseling

Welcome and welcome back Grantsville to the 2021-2022 school year, I am Mrs. Betsy Henninger. I am the school counselor at Grantsville and Willow Elementary Schools. I do a wide array of individual and group counseling and classroom lessons, refer below for description. My days and contact information can be found HERE! I will be making a short newsletter called Counselor's Corner this year starting in September, with mindfulness activities, tips and tricks for studying, sleeping, maintaining a balanced life, resiliency and more!

Not all heroes wear capes!

Every voice matters.

Individual Counseling

Individual counseling with students is based upon teacher, parent, or self-referrals. Students may self refer by signing up at the counselor's office.

Counseling Groups

Student groups are small groups of students (typically 4-5) from around the same grade level. These students are chosen to be part of a group depending on the topic. Students may sign up for a specific group, teachers or parents may refer, or students could be chosen by the counselor. Topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

* Divorce

* Changing families

* Study skills

* New students

* Bullying

* Social skills

* Friendship

* Anger management

* Respect

* Academic Excellence

*Dealing with loss(Grief)

Typically, groups meet over the lunch/recess hour, once a week, for a period of 8-10 weeks. Parents will be informed when their child is being asked to participate in a group via a parent permission letter and/or a phone call from the counselor.

***Confidentiality is stressed.

Classroom Guidance

Guidance lessons play an important part of counseling in Grantsville at every grade level not just elementary. I collaborate with the teachers to best meet the needs of our wonderful students to help keep them focused on being successful as students and individuals. Classroom lessons focus on topics dealing with personal/social, career, and academic matters. Lessons support and encourage positive core values and traits including, but not limited to, fairness, responsibility, citizenship, trustworthiness, empathy, team-building, responsibility and respect.

Please stop by this page regularly to see what each lesson topic will be! You can view the Classroom Guidance Calendar Schedule to see when Mrs. Henninger will be in your child's class.