Paying for College

How do I pay for college?

Great news! There are a lot of resources available to help you pay for college! First, you will want to fill out a FAFSA - Free Application for Federal Student Aide. There are also tons of scholarships available, and they aren't all based on academic achievement. You could also earn a scholarship based on need, background, ethnicity, experiences, or other factors. If you want to go to college, there is a scholarship for you!

Letters of Recommendation

Many college applications and scholarships ask for a letter of recommendation. Most teachers are happy to write a letter for you - don't be afraid to ask! Make sure to give your teacher as much time as possible to write your letter, and give her as much information about the purpose of the letter as you can. Use the brag sheet below to help teachers write a recommendation letter for you - fill out the brag sheet, and give it to your teacher.