Missing Assignments & Project Rubrics

If you are not in class on a specific day, this is the page you would look at to get updated on what is going on. If there is not an assignment listed here please do not be alarmed. Most everything we do in Spanish class will be done during class time and because of that there will not be a lot of assignments on here.

If a student is absent and the assignment can not be made up I will exempt the grade. If the assignment can be made up I will let the student know what needs to be done AFTER he or she returns to school and I will have the student do the assignment in class. If the work is not done in class the student will have homework. After 3 days a late grade will be given equal to 10% points of a deduction (100% would be a 90% as an example)

Here are some of the big assignments/tasks students can do if absent:

-Listening Logs (need to be done daily, students know about these) link is provided on home screen of this site if they lose it or did not receive one from me due to an absence

**If absent on a listening log day, send it to me electronically (as an image) via email or remind message)**

-Projects talked about in class that need to be started on (I talk about these for a few days during class and give rubrics)

(Optional) -Poem memorization (file can be found by clicking this link Competition Poems Project--Versos Sencillos.docx)

Recent Classwork Assignments that can not be made up during school SEE BELOW.

Compare and Contrast Day of the Dead and Halloween: Watch the following videos and write a 1 page report describing the history, origins, and differences between the 2 days. Lastly, when watching the Day of the Dead video (Dia de los Muertos) answer the questions provided below and turn this in to me as soon as possible.

Day of the Dead Video

Day of the Dead Questions.pdf

Halloween Video

Extra Video

Day of the Dead Short (No words)

Projects/rubrics of projects that have been introduced/info that has been provided to student in class:


(Due by end of 2nd Term in January for all classes except Spanish II)

Intro Presentation Notes Page.docx

(to help with your presentations)

Competition Poems Project--Versos Sencillos.docx (Optional- Not given in class)

Listening Log Form

(See Due Date on Whiteboard in Classroom)