Internet Safety

Top 10 Tips for Being Safe Online: 

 #1 Rule:  You should always have a trusted adult with you, like a parent or grandparent, when you are online. 

 2.   The internet is a community and, like in the community we live in, there are some places to visit that are not appropriate for kids.  Know that there are both safe and unsafe places on the internet for kids.  That's why when you are online, you should be online with a trusted adult.

 3.  We should practice good manners and not say (email, blog, text, etc.) mean things

 4.  Do not talk (email, instant message, texting, etc.) to strangers.   Any person on the internet you don’t know in real life is a stranger--no matter how much or how long you "think" you know them.  A stranger is anyone you don't know in REAL life.  Again, it doesn’t matter how much or how long you’ve known them “online”.  A stranger does not have to look scary either!

 5.  You should have the help of a responsible adult when sending, receiving, or reading email

 6.  Because you don’t see people you talk to online face-to-face, that person may not be who he/she really says he/she is!

 7.  Never give out personal information such as your name, home address, email address, school name, telephone number or your picture on the Internet without your parent's permission.

 8.  Never write to someone on the Internet who has made you feel uncomfortable or scared.

 9.  Do not ever meet someone or have them visit you without the permission of your parents.

 10.  Tell your parents or another trusted adult right away if you read anything on the Internet that makes you feel uncomfortable.

What to Do?

If contacted by a Stranger?

Tell a trusted adult.  Do not give out personal information or photos.  Block them.  Set privacy settings to "family and friends" only.  

If seeing something suspicious or uncomfortable?

Tell a trusted adult.  Block the person.  Set your privacy settings to "family and friends" only.

If being cyberbullied?

Tell a trusted adult.  Block the person.  Save the evidence by taking a screenshot and share with appropriate authorities such as the school district and/or police.

If needing to protect your personal  information?

Shred documents you mean to throw out that contain personal information.  Only go to websites that are credible.  When inputting personal information, only do so on secure sites that say "https" and have a "lock" symbol in the URL and with parent permission.  Know that everything you post can be seen by anyone, anywhere, at anytime--even if you delete the post!  And, even if you set your settings to "friends only".  (There are ways strangers can get around blocks).  So, if you really want to secure your privacy, don't post anything you don't want the whole world to know.  


To Be Safe & Practice Digital Etiquette?

Be nice.  Only post what you would say face-to-face. Proof read before you post.  Never click on links that seem suspicious or from a person or agency who you are not familiar with (it could be a scam, virus or phishing scheme).

Internet Safety Websites, Videos & Games

Other Great Websites on Internet Safety:


Internet Safety Videos!


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