Tolland high school pathways

The purpose of developing pathways at Tolland High School is to provide a more cohesive overall experience for students, while allowing them a more focused opportunity to explore a career and/or interest. These smaller, focused pathways serve to link students with peers, teachers, and community partners to foster academic engagement and success, develop a sense of community, and help students to connect what they learn in school with their career aspirations and goals. 

The pathway concept will focus on developing three key elements:

How does my pathway affect the courses i might take?

While these pathways provide more focused experiences within a particular topic or field, it is important to point out that the intention is not to limit students in any way. Tolland High School is a comprehensive high school that provides a wide range of coursework designed to develop well rounded students. While pathways may have “required” courses, they will not be designed in a way that would keep any student from taking other courses of interest. For example, a student joining the Engineering Pathway that also has a passion for music and participates in band will be afforded every opportunity to pursue both. 

Once I choose a Pathway, do i stay in the pathway until i graduate?

Pathways are designed to allow students to explore a potential career path or other interest. They are not meant to “lock in” students for 4 years. While some students may have their interest affirmed, others may find that a particular career or interest was not what they expected. In this case, students can and should change their pathway and explore something else. This is vital to students at this age as they develop a stronger sense of self and plans for their future, and we want our students to develop an informed plan before committing large amounts of time and money to future education or training.

How do i join a pathway?

Tell your counselor you are interested and they will add you to the student list for the appropriate Pathway.