
Tokyo Baptist Church sends mission teams locally within Japan to partner with churches and groups as opportunity arises. The main purpose of these teams going is to share the Good News of Jesus Christ, given the number of Japanese people who have never heard of the redeeming and transforming work of Christ in a life of a person. According to Operation World (21st Edition, 2001), there are only 0.4% of evangelical believers in Japan. 

“The harvest in plentiful but the workers are few.” (Matthew 9:37)

Tokyo Baptist Church is a family of believers from more than 50 countries. As a way to obey Jesus’ command to “go into the world and preach the gospel to all creation” (Mark 16:15 CSB), Tokyo Baptist Church sends mission teams internationally, if possible to all the countries represented in the church. The mission teams are engaged in different activities such as medical and dental mission, personal evangelism, leading worship and preaching, prayer-walking, teaching seminars, sharing testimonies and disaster relief.

The TBC Detention Ministry meet inmates and listen to their stories. We share God's Word and hope to comfort them.  We also give gifts such as daily necessities, Bibles, and other books.

Want to know more about Jesus? Stop by Joy Café in the small building in the parking lot. We welcome those who need encouragement and prayer.

Our purpose is to evangelize and tell others about the love of Christ through singing gospel songs, praying together and sharing the gospel in the lyrics!