Learning Experience

"Our Place, West Coast - Te Tai Poutini"

Films: 3 minutes maximum, deadline is Week 10 2019, Friday 3pm


From the NZ Curriculum (2007):
Vision:Our vision for young people who will be confident, connected, actively involved lifelong learners.
ValuesStudents will be encouraged to value:
excellence, by aiming high and by persevering in the face of difficulties
innovation, inquiry, and curiosity, by thinking critically, creatively, and reflectively
diversity, as found in our different cultures, languages, and heritages
equity, through fairness and social justice
community and participation for the common good
ecological sustainability, which includes care for the environment
integrity, which involves being honest, responsible, and accountable and acting ethically
and to respect themselves, others, and human rights.
Key Competencies:Student will develop capabilities for living and life-long learning: thinkingusing language, symbols, and textsmanaging selfrelating to othersparticipating and contributing


Toki Pounamu Goals:
Motivate our learners to engage with the curriculum.
Provide a model for future focused teaching and learning.
Work with learners to establish an authentic audience for their learning outcomes.
Empower our learners with an evidence based belief that their personal voice is valuable and powerful.


collaboration across schools to develop learning community thinking and keep our schoolr regularly connected
inclusive and culturally responsive
promotes connectivity - digital, personally (what if students want to have a team that is cross-schools?
place-based, global thinking, wicked problems/global challenges
authentic/real learning and audience
project based
integrated curriculum
where are we going, - careers/future life connections
engaging/fun/student ownership
‘above the line’ teaching and learning opportunities/models
longevity - develop a cross-cluster project that can grow year on year
Grow and deepen understanding and application of Learn-Create-Share.
Environmental / conservation / historical learning about 'our place'

Curriculum Areas

EnglishLearning LanguagesSocial SciencesScienceMathematics and StatisticsHealthThe ArtsTechnologyTe Ao Māori /Te Reo Māori
From the NZ Curriculum (2007):
Future focus
Future-focused issues are a rich source of learning opportunities. They encourage the making of connections across the learning areas, values, and key competencies, and they are relevant to students’ futures.
Such issues include:
sustainability – exploring the long-term impact of social, cultural, scientific, technological,economic, or political practices on society and the environment
citizenship – exploring what it means to be a citizen and to contribute to the development and well-being of society
enterprise – exploring what it is to be innovative and entrepreneurial
globalisation – exploring what it means to be part of a global community and to live amongst diverse cultures.


Films submitted week 10, term 3, 2019
Lead team collate/organise/prep festival in week 10, school holidays, and in week 1 term 4.
Film Festival showing in term 4 week 2, 2019?? To be confirmed.
Schools attend during the day, evening gala showing for public and families?? To be confirmed.

Blogging Opportunity

Students write a film review after attending Film Festival screening, share on their blogs.
See the Cybersmart lessons related to writing film reviews here.
Share own film on blog and reflect on process, and next steps.
Edchat type opportunities.

Marketing & Advertising

Student competition, in school and across cluster:
Design and create for Film Festival according to a set design brief:

Funding & Fundraising

Film Festival Gala evening show
Creative Communities Fund
Fundraise for Toki Pounamu Trust?
Film Festival at Regent Theatre Greymouth - cost? Gold coin entry?

Teacher Guide

First year focus on celebration rather than 'competition'.
Year level entries? How to organise? Per class or year level? How to manage fairness/equity. How about award related to KC's? CB only category?
Y0-13 student participationTeacher participation?
Focus on developing a cross-cluster 'above the line' inclusive, creative
Collaborative opportunities across curriculum (High Schools)
Some ideas:
Collaboration skills and strategies for working in teams
Concept / brainstormingEvaluatingStory-boardingFilming scenesEditingFinishingTitle and credits

Film Making Resources

How to manage equity with film-making resources?
First year a focus on just getting a movie made, doesn't matter how it's made?
ChromebooksiPadsSmart PhonesSLR Camera and tripod

Green ScreenGo ProDrones, helicopters

Human Resources

Local / community expertise and connections.
Record interviews and workshops to share with our schools, rather than the 'expert' having to go everywhere.
'Live' interview via Hangouts etc with an expert, students can ask them questions - interactive virtual visits?
Use LEARNZ model to capture local place stories, like Brunner Mine, Pike River Walk, Paparoa Range Walk - could be shared by experts or students make them as a resource for other students to use?
Dan Hanson?Alun Bolinger?Rosa Heney?Eric Martini?McBride's?


Have iSites show film suited to their context?
Connecting to other existing projects, ie School Kit, Cross-Cluster
Mystery Skype type sharing with schools in other NZ regions / other countries?
Partnerships with local experts