District 76  (Japan)

20th Anniversary Special Party

Sunday, December 1, 2024 / 11 am - 2 pm

Tokyo,  Sendai, Chiba, Nagoya, Osaka, Hiroshima, Kumamoto

Let's celebrate the 20th anniversary of our District, honor everyone who has contributed to its history, and create an event where we can all feel proud to say, "I'm happy to be a Toastmaster!"





District 76 - 20th Anniversary Special Party

Sunday, December 1, 2024 / 11am - 2pm

To Register:

Choose a venue from Tokyo (sold out), Sendai (sold out), Chiba, Nagoya, Osaka (sold out), Hiroshima, or Kumamoto and complete the online registration form below.  Due to limited seating, reservations will be confirmed on a first-come, first-served basis. If capacity is exceeded, applicants will be placed on a waiting list. Thank you for your understanding.

As part of a special collaboration with the 2025 District Annual Conference, participants at the Sendai, Nagoya, Osaka, Hiroshima, and Kumamoto venues will have unlimited access to the 2025 Conference Early Bird rate! The Early Bird rate will be announced once finalized.



2025年ディストリクトアニュアルカンファレンスとの連動企画として、仙台、名古屋、大阪、広島、熊本会場の参加者には2025年カンファレンスの Early bird (早割) 料金が無期限でご利用いただけます!Early bird (早割) 料金は確定次第お知らせします。

Online Registration Form for all venues / 全会場共通オンライン登録フォーム

