Annual Conference District 76

Welcome to 2022 Annual Conference

District 76 Director, 2021-2022

Maki Matsumoto, DTM

2021-2022年ディストリクト76 ディレクター

松本 真紀, DTM



本大会のメインテーマは「Enjoy and Learn Together」です。参加者であれ、運営側であれ、みなさん一人一人が主役です。積極的に楽しむこと、それが成長につながります。私自身もトーストマスターズの旅路の過程で、振り返るとメンバーの方々との交わりの中で、喜びあり、発見あり、楽しい経験を分かち合ったからこそ継続して学び成長することができました。

「We learn best in moments of enjoyment」トーストマスターズを創立したラルフ・C・スメドリー博士の言葉です。私たちは楽しんでいるときにこそ学びを深めることができるのですね。皆様にお会いできることを楽しみにしています。

Welcome to District 76 Annual Conference!

Under the impact of Covid-19, the Annual Conference will continue to be held online this term. I would like to express my sincere respect and gratitude to everyone who has contributed to the conference.

The main theme of this conference is "Enjoy and Learn Together". Whether you are a participant or an organizer side, you are the 'protagonist' of this events. Active enjoyment leads to our growth. In the course of the Toastmasters journey, I myself was able to continue learning and growing because I had joy, discoveries, and shared enjoyable experiences in the fellowship with the members.

“We learn best in moments of enjoyment” The words of Dr. Ralph C. Smedley, the founder of Toastmasters. We can deepen our learning only when we are having fun.

I look forward to seeing you all

2022 District 76 Annual Conference Chair

Daisuke Kishi

2022 ディストリクト76 全国大会委員長

岸 大介






Hi, fellow Toastmasters! Welcome to the District 76 Annual Conference.

All contests this year will be held online due to the influence of COVID-19.

However, taking advantage of online, all events including the speech contests and the educational events are free.

The educational events will be held for a week on weekday nights. In the events, in addition to a lot of learning content, you will have a valuable experience of talking with members from all over Japan.

Moreover, as a result of considering four contests that have not been held since 2018, we will hold the "Humorous Speech Contest” this year.

Let's Enjoy and Learn Together!

Annual Conference Schedule

Annual Conference Schedule


2022/5/14 (Sat) 10:00-12:50 日本語ユーモアスピーチコンテスト
2022/5/14 (Sat)
14:00-16:50 Humorous Speech Contest

2022/5/15 (Sun) 13:00-16:30 District Council Meeting #2
2022/5/15 (Sun) 20:30-21:30 教育イベント紹介

2022/5/21 (Sat) 13:00-15:50 日本語スピーチコンテスト
2022/5/22 (Sun)
13:00-15:50 International Speech Contest

2022/5/15-21 Educational Event/教育イベント

2022/5/22 (Sun) 17:00-18:30 Hall of fame


Please click each event, then you will jump to the introduction page.


5/15 (Sun) 20:30- Opening Session(教育イベント紹介)
5/16 (Mon) 20:30- メンタリング-成長への極意(日本語)
5/17 (Tue) 20:30- Youth Leadership Program (EN/JP)
5/18 (Wed) 20:00- The essentials to find speech topics
5/18 (Wed) 20:00- 悩み解決!スピーチトピックの見つけ方
5/19 (Thu) 20:30- Mentoring (English)
5/19 (Thu) 20:30- やめたくならないクラブ作り (日本語)
5/20 (Fri) 20:00- ココが知りたいPathways (日本語)
5/21 (Sat) 17:30- ビジュアルエイドを使った クラブ活性化
5/21 (Sat) 20:00- Global Café Summit 2022 (EN/JP)

Click here to Educational Event page.

