
Biofertilizers are defined as preparations containing living or latent cells of efficient strains of microorganisms that help crop plants’ uptake of nutrients by their interactions in the rhizosphere when applied through seed or soil. They accelerate the microbial processes in the soil which augment the extent of availability of nutrients in a form easily assimilated by plants. Very often microorganisms are not as efficient in natural surroundings as one would expect them to be and therefore artificially multiplied cultures of efficient selected microorganisms play a vital role in accelerating the microbial processes in soil. Using these bacteria and fungi could provide significant environmental benefits as they would allow a reduction in the application of nitrogen and phosphorous fertilizers. In addition to enhancing the nutrient supply of plants, microbes also confer a degree of protection against plant diseases. In particular, various bacteria and fungi including Pseudomonas, Bacillus and Trichoderma, produce a range of metabolites against other phytopathogenic fungi. Additionally, the microbiome associated with the plant species including rhizosphere, rhizoplane, endophyte and phyllosphere can alleviate the impact of abiotic stresses (drought, low and high temperature, salinity, metal toxicity) on plants.

Use of biofertilizers is one of the important components of integrated nutrient management as well as for organic agriculture, as they are cost effective and renewable source of plant nutrients to supplement the chemical fertilizers for sustainable agriculture. Several microorganisms and their association with crop plants are being exploited in the production of biofertilizers. The nitrogen fixing bacteria, Rhizobium, Azospirillum, Azotobacter, Gluconacetobacter, cyanobacteria; phosphorus solubilizing bacteria, potassium releasing bacteria; pink-pigmented facultative methylotroph (PPFM), phosphorus mobilizing fungi, Arbuscular mycorrhiza and N fixing green manure, Azolla are presently multiplied in large quantity and distributed to the farmers. The location-, soil- and crop specific strains maintained in the Department of Agrl Microbiology, TNAU, Coimbatore serve as mother cultures to various government and private biofertilizer production units. This department serves as nodal agency for Biofertilizer production and Quality control of the state. The recent developments in biofertilizer technology at this department are listed below:

A. Inoculant strains

We are maintaining soil-, location- and crop specific effective strains of biofertilizers identified by various network project experiments and distributing as mother cultures for all the biofertilizer production units of Department of Agriculture and most of the private agencies. The strains available are as follows:

B. Liquid formulations of biofertilizers

In recent past, biofertilizers were prepared as carrier based formulations and lignite is the most widely used carrier material. The improper sterilization of carrier material and handling methods during the blending of bacteria with carrier serve as source of contaminations. Because of these, the carrier based inoculant could not hold desired biofertilizer organism for long time, which reduced the shelf-life of the biofertilizers. Further, the quality of the biofertilizer gets deteriorated. Because of these reasons, biofertilizer application is not able to give consistent results in the fields. To avoid these constraints and to increase the quality and shelf-life of bio inoculants, liquid formulation of biofertilizer was developed. Liquid inoculants are available in broth culture in which the cells are suspended in a buffer with suitable cell protectants. The protectants as additive in liquid formulations serve to overcome heat transfer, water retention property, absorption of bacterial toxins and protect enzyme system. Liquid biofertilizer has certain advantages and disadvantages over conventional carrier based biofertilizer as mentioned below:


  • No contamination
  • Easy handling
  • Better shelf life (12 – 24 months)
  • Better survival on seeds and soil
  • Cost saving on carrier material, pulverization, neutralization and sterilization
  • Identified by typical fermented smell
  • Easy quality control
  • Dosages is 10 times less than carrier bio fertilizers
  • Greater potentials to fight with native population

Method of application

Seed treatment – 500 ml each Azospirillum and Phosphobacteria per ha seeds; Seedling dip – 500 ml each Azospirillum and Phosphobacteria per ha seedlings; Soil application - 500 ml each Azospirillum and Phosphobacteria per ha seedlings; Tree crops – 100 ml each Azospirillum and Phosphobacteria per tree once in six months. Biofertigation: One ml per lit of water mix in the fertigation tank (Capacity: 60 lit) trice at 30 days interval.

C. Pink-Pigmented Facultative Methylotrophs (PPFM)

Methylobacterium are ubiquitous in nature and have been detected in soil, dust, freshwater, lake sediments, on leaf surfaces and nodules, air, hospital environments, as well as on other solid surfaces. They are aerobic, Gram-negative bacteria and although they are able to grow on a wide range of multi-carbon substrates, they are characterized by the capability to grow on one carbon compounds such as formate, formaldehyde, methylamine and C2, C3, and C4 compounds, including the methanol emitted by the stomata of plants as the sole carbon and energy source. Methylobacterium is a facultative methylotroph, meaning it has the ability to grow by reducing carbon compounds with one or more carbon atoms but no carbon-carbon bonds. Because of their distinctive pink pigmentation, they are also referred as PPFMs (pink-pigmented facultative methylotrophs). These PPFMs are especially abundant on leaves of field-grown crops averaged about106 cfu of PPFMs per leaflet, and typically >80% of the viable bacteria recovered from leaves were PPFMs. Methylobacterium strains have been localized as endosymbionts within plant cells. However, in some plants species, phyllosphere colonization also occurred via seeds. In addition to their ability to colonize the phyllosphere, members of Methylobacterium were also able to colonize the rhizosphere of plant species. Spraying on the aerial parts of plant, bacterial cells were localized in the grooves between the leaf epidermal cells, which may give them protection and access to methanol.

The benefits of application of PPFM to crop plants are:

Fasten seed germination and seedling growth

Accelerate vegetative growth

Increase leaf area index and chlorophyll content

Earliness in flowering, fruit set and maturation

Improves fruit quality, color and seed weight

Yield increase by 10%

Mitigate drought.

Method of application:

Spraying of PPFM at 500 ml/ha with 500 litres of water twice at active growth stage of crops with 15 days interval.

D. Stage-specific inoculants for rice

When the full potential of microbial inoculants has been explored, it can save nearly 25% of the chemical fertilizer usage (NPK fertilizers). Apart from this, the microbial inoculant when adopted with integrated nutrient management practice ensures nearly 15-25 % yield increase over the conventional practices. The use of inoculants also improves the nutrient use efficiency of various inorganic fertilizers under integrated nutrient management and also the quality of the produce. However, the potential of the bioinoculants is under-utilized due to several reasons like inferior quality, less-competitiveness, poor-colonizing ability in crops and poor-survival in the soil ecosystems. Several measures are being under investigations to improve the inoculant-mediated benefits to the crops. One such attempt is use of stage-specific inoculants to improve the inoculant-derived benefits to the crops. The under-lying principle of stage-specific inoculant technology is to introduce the necessary microbial inoculant specific to the growth stage of the crop so as to maximize the colonization and efficiency for maximum yield. For example, the crop would need nitrogen and phosphorus in the early stage of the crop, which can be supplemented through nitrogen-fixing Azospirillum, Azotobacter or Rhizobium and P solubilizing inoculants; growth promoting substances at active growth and flowering stage (through Pseudomonas and pink-pigmented facultative methylobacteria) and potassium at flowering stage (through Potash releasing bacteria). When such stage-specific inoculants were applied to rice crop could save 25% of the chemical fertilizers along with 12% more yield than 100% NPK fertilizers. By adopting this technique, a rice farmer can get a direct additional profit of Rs. 5000 and indirectly by saving the fertilizer cost of about Rs. 750 per ha. If this technology is being adapted to all the rice-growing areas of Tamil Nadu, we could save nearly Rs. 200 crore worth of chemical fertilizers annually along with an addition of 7 lakh tonnes of grains.

Method of application

Seed treatment: 125 ml/ha; Soil application: 500 ml/ha; Foliar spray: 500 ml/ha

E. Zinc solubilizing bacteria

Zinc (Zn) deficiency in major food crops has been considered as an important factor affecting the crop production and subsequently the human health. Rice is sensitive to Zn deficiency and thereby causes malnutrition to most of the rice-eating Asian populations. More than 50% of the Indian soils (50 Mha) are Zn-deficient and rice comes under “high sensitive” crop for Zn nutrition. Zn fertilization corrects Zn-deficiency, but often fails fortification. Sustainable approach, integrating microbial resources and soil biochemical processes with physiological response of rice is essential for Zn-fertilization as well as Zn-fortification in rice. At TNAU, four elite Zn-solubilizing bacteria viz., Achromobacter xylosoxidans (ZSB6), Enterobacter cloacae (ZSB12 and ZSB14) and Pseudomonas chlororaphis (ZSB15) were developed as inoculant for rice. These ZSB inoculants with insoluble amendment (ZnO or Zn3(PO4)2) can increase the available Zn in wetland soil, red laterite and calcareous soil in a range of 5-10 mg/kg of soil. When these bacteria were applied to rice along with zinc phosphate ensures “Zn sufficient” condition throughout the crop period. It enhances the Zn uptake of rice (33 mg/kg of biomass) and also improved the grain-Zn content (25 mg/kg of seeds) along with 10-15% yield increase. ZSB inoculation also reduced the Zn/phytate ratio in grains and thereby improved the Zn fortification of rice.

Method of application:

Seed treatment: 20 mL/kg of seed

Seedling dip: 20 mL/lit of water (Roots should be soaked for 30 min before transplanting)

Soil application: Mix 120 mL/6 kg of vermicompost and broadcast at 1kg/plot (Total of 6 plots) a day after transplanting.

F. SCAR Marker as quality standard of Biofertilizers

As the present quality standards of inoculants could not ensure the strain present in a commercial pack, an attempt was made in the present project to develop a strain-level molecular marker for flawless authentication of two Azospirillum inoculants viz., A. lipoferum (strain Az204) and A. brasilense (strain Sp7) and a strain of phosphobacteria i.e., Bacillus megaterium (strain Pb1) and Azotobacter chroococcum (strain Ac1) being commercially exploited at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore.

A new molecular tool has been developed to assess the quality standard of inoculant using SCAR marker. This quality standard assessment for Biofertilizer/inoculant is very simple, accurate and cost-effective. This will provide the strain authentication as well as presumptive quantification of inoculant within a short period, unlike the conventional quality assessment tests.

Advantages of the new quality standard:

  • Strain authentication by SCAR-PCR directly from inoculant pack.
  • Since this technique uses inherent genome variability, no genetic modification is necessary for tracking the strain.
  • Simple DNA extraction procedure enables to get PCR-ready DNA within 15-20 min.
  • Quick and reliable method for strain authentication of commercial biofertilizers.
  • Within 4-5 hours, presence of strain and their approximate cell load (using Realtime-PCR) can be calculated.

G. Azolla Biofertilizer technology

Azolla is a floating water fern, commonly present in lakes and tanks. They harbor the nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria, Anabaena azollae as micro-symbiont in the leaf cavities. Azolla is widely used as a potential biofertilizer for increasing the grain yield of rice. A layer of Azolla mat covering 1 ha of rice field will produce about 10 tonnes of green matter which containing 30 kg of nitrogen. Since Azolla can able to fix about 40 to 50 kg of nitrogen per ha per season, through its partner cyanobacteria, it can be applied as biofertilizer or green manure to rice fields. Azolla should be multiplied as nursery separately and applied to rice crop. For Azolla multiplication, puddled soil, water, phosphorus, low temperature (25 to 35ºC); shady sunlight are essential. Application of Azolla to rice fields contributes about 50 kg of nitrogen per ha; increases the organic matter content of soil; increases the soil fertility and physico-chemical properties; reduces the weed problems and increases the grain yield of about 25 per cent.

Method of application:

Since Azolla can grow at temperature range of 25 to 35ºC, Samba season (rabi) is ideal for cultivation and application to rice field. Azolla can be applied as green manure or dual crop with rice.

Green manure: Azolla should be grown separately as nursery and can be applied as green manure. For this, 4 tonnes of fresh Azolla biomass is required for one acre of rice field. The Azolla biomass should be broadcasted in the main field during last ploughing and should be incorporated as green manure. This method needs huge amount of fresh Azolla biomass, whereas the dual cropping requires relatively less quantity of Azolla.

Dual cropping: Azolla can be grown along with rice for 45 days as dual crop and can be incorporated in soil. A quantity of 80 kg of fresh Azolla biomass should be broadcasted in the rice main field at 7 days after transplanting. This will form as Azolla mat throughout the rice field within 40 – 45 days. After 45 days, Azolla biomass can be incorporated manually into soil, which will decompose at very faster rate and release the nitrogen and other nutrients to rice crop.

H. Azolla as animal feed

Azolla is distributed widely throughout warm-temperate and tropical regions. Its most remarkable feature is its symbiotic relationship with the nitrogen fixing blue-green alga, Anabaena azollae, within leaf cavities. The host plant Azolla provides the carbon source sucrose to the symbiont while, the symbiont fixes nitrogen and transfer to Azolla which in turn multiplies very rapidly. The growth rate of Azolla is rapid that it doubles its weight in a mere 2-3 days. Due to its higher relative growth rate, the biomass production is heavy in a given time and can be utilized as a feed for livestock. Azolla is rich in protein, essential amino acids, vitamins, growth promoter intermediaries and minerals like calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium etc. Azolla on a dry weight basis consists 25-30% protein and carotenoids including the antioxidant, β carotene. The dry matter of Azolla is 9.2%.Crude fibre content in Azolla ranges from 15-15.8%. Thus Azolla is most promising from the point of view of ease of cultivation, productivity and nutritive value making it an economic and efficient feed substitute for livestock. Moreover, Azolla can be easily digested by livestock owing to its high fibre and low lignin content.

Methods of feeding livestock with Azolla

Feeding livestock with Azolla can be done as fresh biomass, dried form, pellets and as ensiled Azolla.

i. Fresh Azolla: Azolla can be fed directly to poultry, swine, ducks, rabbits, goats. With excessive moisture content, it would be very difficult to transport the feed from one place to another. Reduction in moisture content can be achieved by spreading on a floor for few hours. Trials on dairy animals showed an overall increase of milk yield by 15-20% when 1.5 – 2 kg of fresh Azolla was combined with regular feed.

ii. Dried Azolla: Sun dried and powdered Azolla is gaining importance due to its storability and mixibility with concentrate feed. When water is available in plenty, Azolla can be multiplied and can be dried and stored. After complete drying, the dried Azolla is mixed with livestock feed in required proportion and can be used.

iii. Azolla pellets: Azolla can be pelletized after sufficient drying. The dried pellets can be handled in much easier way than the fresh bulky biomass.

iv. Ensiled Azolla: During rainy season, the excess biomass obtained may be ensiled and could be used as feed. This process is very popular with Chinese farmers. The moisture content of Azolla is brought down to 60%. They are filled into the silos made of cement or in plastic bags to 3 cm. Above this layer, salt (5g) and maize flour (50g) are sprinkled for every kg of Azolla and the piling process in repeated. The silo is then covered and made air tight. The fermentation process takes less than a month and its product can be kept for 2 years.

I. Seed Coating / Pelletization of microbial inoculants

Microbial coating of seeds is an ideal mechanism for effective delivery of high density of beneficial microorganisms to rhizosphere, where they can colonies the emerging plant roots. However, the use of seed microbial inoculants has been limited by technical challenges in maintaining high numbers of viable cells on seed during storage and germination. These factors raise novel issues of strain selection and formulation stability. The microbial seed coating technology uses freeze dried microbial cells and biopolymer as adhesive agent to improve the physical and physiological characteristics of seed performance.

Freeze dried cells of Rhizobium, Azotobacter, Pseudomonas, and propagules of VAM with optimized seed coating protocol have the potential to increase the nitrogen fixation along with disease resistance in pulses, green gram, red gram groundnut, maize and ragi crops. About 31 FLD/MLT trails are completed in different agro-climatic zones and 8 trainings were completed all over of Tamil Nadu for the benefit of farmers.

J. High level secretion and method of production of laccase (LccH) by a novel basidiomycetes fungus MSF2 and uses there of

A high level laccase secreting novel basidiomycetes fungus MSF2 isolated from decaying wood samples. Extracellular laccase production by MSF2 was greatly stimulated by the addition of a low cost inducer to simple glucose based medium. Optimization of assay conditions for buffer, pH and temperature resulted in a maximum LccH activity of approximately 1362 using citrate phosphate buffer at pH 3.4 and a temperature of 40 °C. Under these optimized conditions, GY medium resulted in enhanced activity (1944.44 in presence of an inducer, and this suggests that the fungus can be used for industrial applications. In addition, considerable LccH can also be produced by MSF2 using natural biomass substrates under either SSF or SmF. The LccH thus produced can delignify lignocellulosic substrates, to a level of 16.5 and 28.6 per cent, respectively.

K. Enzolv: A novel process for delignification and simultaneous high value chemical generation from lignocellulosic biomass using laccase

A novel process was developed for delignification of woody (Melia dubia) biomass encompassing steam pretreatment, followed by laccase treatment in the presence of solvent and termed as Enzolv. Pronounced effect on lignin removal by formation of pores upto 7µm and separation of vascular bundles in combination with cellulose enrichment was obvious while monitoring enzolv treated biomass under SEM. Under FT-IR, the intensity of O-H spectra was higher for enzolv treated biomass than all the treatments suggesting significant lignin removal as well as higher intensity reduction in the lignin regions such as 1465, 1425 and 1323 cm-1 was perceived. As a consequence, intensity of cellulose at 1029 C-O cm-1 stretching was remarkably higher in the Enzolv treated process. The crystalinity was increased and reached a maximum of 78.39% in Enzolv process which corresponds to the cellulose content 52.12% while observing under the XRD. In addition, the process also generated potential high value chemicals such as benzaldehyde, vanillin and isovanillin which are of industrial interest.