Mrs. Bowden
Suzanne Bowden
Grade 6 -Art
Grade 7 -Christian Ed & Theatre Arts
Grade 8 - Christian Ed, High School Prep, & Theatre Arts
7th Grade Christian Education
Current Topics & Highlights: The 7th Grade just finished learning about the the sacrements of Baptism and Communion. Next up we will examine The Lord's Prayer and the Apostle's Creed
Fun Activities: Each month we visit the 2nd grade and spend time with our Bible Buddies. This week we got to know our new friends by playing some games, coloring and of course legos. It is a great opportunity for our middle and lower school to get to know each other. See our pictures below for all of the fun we had together.
8th Grade Christian Education/HSPT)
Current Topics & Highlights in Christian Ed:
Our 8th Graders are researching Old Testament Characters by designing a playbill. The students will create a title, scene breakdown and plot summary of the important events surrounding the topic. In addition to the research, they present to interview the person and ask detailed questions about what it was like to live during Biblical Times.
Current Topics & Highlights in HS Prep:
The 8th Grade has spent the past month researching their future High Schools. We are currently working on our resumes and getting ready to apply to High School
Fun Activities: This past week the 8th graders led chapel about Operation Christmas Child by presenting a talk show. It included interviews from current students, a family feud game and a visit from one of our puppet friends. It was a great opportunity to talk about those in need and how we can help.
6th Grade Art & 7th Grade Theater Arts
Current Topics & Highlights:
Our 6th graders are learning about One-Point Perspective. The have spent the last few weeks learning about a words vanishing point, horizon and and importance of color value. Stay tuned to see their progress!
The 7th Grade Art Class is learning to about scenic design. Theatrical Design focuses on line, color, texture and shape. They learned how to create a scenic flat and now are learning about texture and color. While some students are learning to make bricks, others are designing rocks and our more adventures students are going to the jungle or to the ocean. Stay tuned as we continue designing during the next few weeks. Next stop...adding the second layer of color!