Unit 3

Managing Canada's Resources

Day 1- The Resource Game

Topics: Introduction to Natural Resources and Resource Disparities

Intro to Resources worksheet STUDENT.docx

Day 2- Classifying Natural Resources


What is the difference between renewable, non-renewable and flow resources?

Where are Canada's natural resources?

sustainability and stewardship 2019.docx

Day 3- Rethinking Resource Use

Levels of Industry 2019.docx
Mining intro
Mining in Canada 2019.docx

Mining in Canada

What natural resources are mined in Canada?

Where is mining performed in Canada?

What are the issues associated with the mining industry?

Copy of Mining Costs

Day 5- Agriculture in Canada


Where in Canada do we grow our food?

What issues face agriculture in Canada

Food Miles, Food Security & Urban Sprawl

Freshco flyer.pdf
Atlantic Canada Fishery 2019.docx

Fishing Industry & Issues

What species do we fish for in Canada?

Where do we fish in Canada's Oceans?

How sustainable are Canada's fisheries?

What can we learn from the Cod Fishery Collapse?

How Sustainable is my Lifestyle?

Ecological Footprints

Go to Google Classroom for Activity Instructions!

Forestry in Canada


How does Canada's forestry industry compare to the the world?

What are the different types of forestry being performed in Canada?

Which methods are sustainable?

How Does Canada Generate Electricity?

What types of power plants does Canada use?

What are the patterns of electricity generation across Canada?

Which province is most sustainable in generating electricity?

Copy of The Tertiary Industry: Analyzing and Interpreting Data - Google Sheets.webm

Analyzing The Tertiary Industry in Canada

Make a copy of each document below!

The Secondary Industry in Canada.docx

Issues in The Secondary Industry

What sectors of industry are included in the secondary?

Where in Canada do we find secondary industries?

What impact is globalization having on our factories in Canada?

Location Factors COMPLETE 2018.docx

Factors Impacting the Location of Industry


Use the checklist below to ensure all components are complete!

Summative Activity

Business Plans are available on Google Classroom!
