"Providing opportunities for all of our students, so students can reach their full potential."
#YourFutureMatters #CEIAG
Careers Statement
At The Thomas Lord Audley School we are dedicated to raising student aspirations and supporting them to achieve their full potential. Our careers program aims to empower students to plan and manage their own futures. As a school we provide students opportunities to learn about future education paths, training and employment. This is delivered through a progressive careers education program and is supported by a variety of careers and work-related learning enrichment activities. Ultimately we work with our students to develop the skills needed to make successful life decisions and support their transition into adulthood.
Lead Contacts
Kev Rowland -
Deputy Headteacher (Line Manager of Careers)Sue Green -
Careers Leader and Adviser (Level 6 Certified)The Thomas Lord Audley School Careers Provision Aims
To prepare students for life post 16.
To help students to access information on the full range of post-16 education and training opportunities.
To provide independent, impartial careers guidance for all year 7-11 students.
To develop an understanding of different career paths through a variety of opportunities.
To develop an understanding of the differences between school and work.
To develop high aspirations and consider a broad and ambitious range of careers.
To inspire students to chase and achieve their dreams
To provide students with real-life contacts with the world of work, so this can help them to understand where different choices can take them in the future.
To instil a healthy attitude towards work.
To promote equality of opportunity, challenge stereotyping and support inclusion.
To support students after leaving school.
To offer targeted support for vulnerable and disadvantaged young people.
Careers Delivery
Careers Education: embedded with-in the PSHE Education curriculum delivered by Tutors from Year 7 through to Year 11.
Careers Advice: We have a Level 6 qualified Careers Adviser who is available to all students. The Careers office is located within Reprographics. Mrs Green is available Monday to Friday 8.00 – 3.30 and on parents' and options evenings. Parents / carers and students may make appointments for career advice with her. In addition during their school career all students will receive at least one individual interview in Year 11 to ensure they are prepared for their journey post 16.
Careers Enrichment Activities: during the academic year, Year 7 will participate in a interactive workshop with BAE Systems, the Royal Navy and RAF developing knowledge of how STEM is used and career opportunities. During Year 8 students again participate in an the BAE Systems workshop a Dell Powering Transformation Challenge and Finance based education is provided through students attending a workshop with HSBC. Year 9 focuses more on students starting to research opportunities and ties in with options and them attending a Careers Fair. Year 10 students are starting to consider moving forward and during this year they again attend a Careers Fair and in addition visit colleges and universities and also work with employers including a further Finance based workshop with HSBC. During Year 11 the focus is moving forward and preparing our students for when they leave TLA and the main event is the students participating in Mock Interviews with representatives from industry.
Careers Events: Further opportunities are provided for students to meet with employers / colleges / apprenticeship providers throughout the school year in smaller groups focusing on student interests. Trips to different employers and college taster days are also on offer.
Career Links: We work closely with local education and training providers to ensure that students and parents are aware of the different pathways available to them e.g. A-Levels, T-Levels, vocational courses and apprenticeships.
Provider Access Requests
Any provider wishing to access the school should contact Sue Green - Careers Leader, email The school may also be contacted by telephone on 01206 547911 to organise an initial meeting.
The school’s Careers Policy and Provider Access Policy sets out the school’s approach to allowing providers into school as visitors to talk to our students.
The school’s next review of this information will be January 2025.
Careers Policy and Provider Access Policy
Qualification Levels - What they mean
A Parents' Guide to Careers Guidance

September Guarantee
September Guarantee
The September Guarantee is a guarantee of an offer, made by the end of September, of an appropriate place in post-16 education or training for every young person completing compulsory education. Ensuring that every young person has an offer of a place to progress onto is particularly important as it helps young people make a seamless transition into post-16 learning or employment with training.
The September Guarantee is supported by good quality information, advice and guidance. This can come from a number of sources which include:
Parents and family friends
Careers Coordinators and Guidance Advisers
On-line and printed information about courses, progression routes and employment routes
What does the Guarantee offer?
The September Guarantee is an offer of a place in one of the following:
A school sixth form
A college of further education
Employment with training to at least level 2
An apprenticeship
More generic information can be found below.
Careers Award - Quality in Careers Award
The Thomas Lord Audley School hold the Quality in Careers Standard Award for Careers. In recognition of the program they have in place to support students in 2020 they were also awarded the Gold standard and we are pleased to be able to confirm that following recent assessment the Award and Gold standard have been renewed for a further 3 years..
This is reviewed every 3 years and is due for renewal on 17 July 2026.