Digital Art

Distance Learning Projects

There are several options for your projects.  In order to meet the expectations set by school you will need to complete three of the outlined projects.  I estimate they should take approximately 60-90 minutes a week to complete. Within the suggested projects you may find a pencil/paper version or a photographic option.  It is up to you which you complete. You must title the work you submit with the assignment you choose to fulfill since I can’t always clearly identify the project by appearance. 

*If you want to resubmit any photography missing tasks from earlier in the semester you may complete additional projects to replace the grade.

Introduction to Distance Learning!! 

Turning In Your Googlio

This project has a photography and drawing option

This project is photography only

Many project options for this assignment!

 This week's forecast is snow, sun and rain!!  Great photo opportunity!

Send in photos of reflective surfaces.  Think about unusual reflective surfaces so go beyond the mirror. Consider using innovative lighting and pay attention to the subject that is reflected.  Spend a lot of time looking!

Design an alphabet with a theme.  For example, draw letters using only candy or images that reflect quarantine life!

Brief history of typography

This is a hand drawn and built project option

basic shapes 2.pdf