Reception Curriculum Overview: Summer 2

Off on a Journey


Our English this half term we will be exploring a wide range of fiction and non-fiction texts including: Journey, Naughty Bus, Oi! Get of Our Train, Mr Grumpy's Outing, My Granny Went to Market and more!  

Children will be learning how to write simple structured sentences by using our phonics skills.  

We will be providing children opportunities to write short stories, vehicle facts, maps, instructions and invitations.  

In class we will continue reading a wide range of  books about modes of transport and journeys to expand their vocabulary and love of books. 


In Reception this half term we are following Herts for Learning, like the rest of the school. This will support their understanding of new models and concepts ready for their transition into year 1. 

This half term our learning will focus on the following areas:


This half term children will be focusing on consolidating their phonics knowledge in their Phonics groups and games in Learning Through Play. We will be encouraging children to continue practicing their blending and segmenting skills. 

They will also be learning more tricky words that they need to spot them when reading and be able to spell them.

 During our Phonics sessions we will also be covering these skills. 

Knowledge of the World

Our overarching topic this half term is: Creating a Better World.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

This half term we will be focusing on developing children's skills in: 

To support children developing these skills we will be facilitating opportunities for children to:

Communication and Language

This half term we will be focusing on developing children's skills in: 

To support children developing these skills we will be facilitating opportunities for children to

Physical Development 

This half term we will be focusing on developing children's skills in the two areas of fine and gross motor. These skills include

To support children developing these skills we will be facilitating opportunities for children to

Understanding the World

This half term we will be focusing on developing children's skills in: 

To support children developing these skills we will be facilitating opportunities for children to:

Expressive Arts and Design

This half term we will be focusing on developing children's skills in: 

To support children developing these skills we will be facilitating opportunities for children to:


Jigsaw is the program we follow as a whole school to develop children's social and emotional understanding. This half term the Jigsaw program is Changing Me. 

During this unit they will be exploring our bodies, how we grow from babies to adults, feelings about changes and how we have changed over the year. 

As part of the Jigsaw program children also have the opportunity to explore some mindfulness exercises and have a calming influence. 


As a school we follow the music program Charanga, with this half terms topic is Reflect, Rewind and Replay. This will allow children to look back at their music learning over the last year and give them opportunities to develop their skills.    

During the unit children will develop skills in: 


In Reception children have 1 PE session a week . This half term children will be exploring a range of team ball games including and will also be practising their athletics skills in readiness for sports day.

Other information

Educational Visits/Important dates

This half term we will be going to the Whipsnade Zoo on  Thursday 29th June. During the trip children will have an opportunity to see a range of different animals

Please see ParentPay for additional details and consent forms.  

How can I help?

We recommend that to support your child's learning across the Early Years Framework you can: