Tithe Farm Primary Newsletter 25th March 2022

Year 3 British Museum

On Wednesday, Year 3 were our first year group to go on an educational visit since the pandemic began!

Year 3 were very excited at the beginning of the day and ready to be excellent role models for Tithe Farm.

Whilst at the museum the children visited exhibits which supported their learning about the Romans and Ancient Greeks.

The teachers and adults who supported the visit were incredibly proud of them. They were inquisitive in their learning and impeccably behaved!

Educational visits bring learning to life and help create excitement and links to what has been learnt at school. We are looking forward to many more educational visits in the summer term.

Down's Syndrome Awareness

This week is World Down's Syndrome Awareness Week. To mark the week our Monday assembly was all about Down's Syndrome.

During the assembly we shared what Down's Syndrome is and how having Down's Syndrome might affect people. We celebrated that everyone is different and that this difference is what makes the world an interesting place to live in.

Linking to our curriculum drivers (inclusive citizens) our word of the week this week has been inclusive. I gave out a record number of special golden star house point tokens (50 House Points) this week for the correct use of the word in a sentence.

Year 4 Tag Rugby Festival

Mrs Clarke and I had the privilege of taking a team of Year 4 boys to Ardley Hill Primary School on Wednesday, to take part in a tag rugby festival.

The team grew in confidence as the festival progressed. They worked well as a team - passing the ball well and creating good space. We scored lots of excellent tries.

Special mentions to: Jayden, Jack, Dylan B and Junior who stood out during the matches.

Everyone involved had a great time and our team were fabulous ambassadors for our school.

Public Speaking Final

Today we held our first public speaking final in 2 years. It was a fabulous event with all of the children who reached the final showing what intelligent talkers we are.

Early Years and Key Stage 1 performed their poems and rhymes beautifully and with such confidence. I expect we have some future public speaking finalists!

Key Stage 2, spoke on a range of subjects including beauty, cats, essential tremors to name but a few. The children were all incredibly articulate which made the decision for our 2 judges very tricky!

Our overall winner this year was Ilinca (Jade Class). Her speech on beauty was delivered clearly and engaged the audience excellently! Well done Ilinca.


Stars of the week: to be announced on Monday

Attendance: Garnet (95%)

House Points: Love (909)

Word Millionaire: Evan (6)

Word of the Week

This week's word of the week: inclusive

It is important to be inclusive - everyone is different and this should be celebrated.

Next week's word of the week: furtive

The children furtively hid the present in the cupboard.

Street Tag Team

We continue to steam ahead at the top the leader board! There is still time to join the team - this season does not end until 12th April. To join please scan the QR code which can be found in the letters section of the website: https://primarysite-prod-sorted.s3.amazonaws.com/tithe-farm-primary-school/UploadedDocument/f996eb0a-52ba-43cc-a6d8-0e8bd4182cf0/street-tag-letter.pdf


TikTok is a very popular social media site which many of our children have on their phones or are aware of. As with most social media apps, it is not recommended for children under the age of 13.

If you decide as a parent that it is suitable for your child to access TikTok, it is important that you check the content your child is accessing and uploading and also make sure that their account is private so that content can not be seen by everyone.

It is also worth nothing that TikTok have parental controls which allow you to link your account to your child's account- this means you can turn off some features remotely; this also includes turning on a restricted mode which filters inappropriate content.

Don't Forget: Science Week Competitions

Entries to Mrs Walking by Friday 1st April.

Tithe Farm's Science Week Competition

Create a project based on growth -this could be a 3D model, a poster or something on the computer...the possibilities are endless. Entries to Mrs Walking by the end of term.

The Official Science Week Competition

Children have been invited to create a poster about 'growth.' The poster could explore how the how a tadpole grows and changes or look at how the population of the world is growing. Entries which are brought to school before Easter will be sent off - please remember your name and class!

Chartwells Golden Ticket

Our Golden Ticket winners this week were: Brax (2), Lily-Emily (3), Lavinia (4), Harley (5) and Sher (6)

If you children want to be in with a chance of winning the competition is running until 1 7th April.

There will be 5 lucky winners per week. On a Thursday children who have a hot dinner should check their tray for a 'Golden Ticket.' If they find one, they should tell an adult in the dining hall and they will win the fidget toy.