Tithe Farm Primary Newsletter 18th March 2022

This week has been Science week - Mrs Walking kicked off the week with an assembly all about growth (this week's theme). The children have taken part in lots of learning about growth each afternoon this week. It has been lovely to see their enthusiasm when I have been in their classrooms.

Today we have been supporting Comic Relief by all dressing in something red. Thank-you for your donations - we let you know how much we have raised once we have counted up the contents of the buckets!


In the interests of our children's safety please ensure that you park respectfully around the school entrance.

If caught parking on the zig zag lines outside of school, you will face a fine and points on your licence.


A reminder that next week is the last week of clubs for this term.

A new selection of clubs will be sent out before Easter so that you can express an interest in after school clubs for the summer term.


I am pleased to say that attendance across the school is slowly creeping up. Whole school attendance this week was 95% this is the highest we have had all term - Keep it up!

Everyday at school is important for the children's learning but also their social development. If your children's attendance is less than 90% they are missing at least 20 days of school over the year - this is 4 school weeks. During these 4 weeks, they will miss out on crucial learning and will find it difficult to catch up.

Please avoid booking holidays during term time. Holidays booked during school will not be authorised and will result in a fine.


Stars of the week: Amelia (5) and AJ (2)

Attendance: Jade Class (99%)

House Points: Think

Adult of the Week: All support staff (nominated by Sajani)

Hot Spots: Sapphire

Word of the Week

This week's word of the week: manipulate

When completing the experiment, the children were able to manipulate the resources well.

Next week's word of the week: inclusive

It is important to be inclusive - everyone is different and this should be celebrated.

Street Tag Team

We have reached the one million mark! Well done to all of the Street Tag team! There is still time to join the team - this season does not end until 12th April. To join please scan QR code which can be found in the letters section of the website: https://primarysite-prod-sorted.s3.amazonaws.com/tithe-farm-primary-school/UploadedDocument/f996eb0a-52ba-43cc-a6d8-0e8bd4182cf0/street-tag-letter.pdf

Multiplication Check

It was great to see so many Year 4 parents at our Multiplication Check information morning on Thursday. If you missed it the information and presentation can be found on out website. https://www.tithefarmprimary.co.uk/year-4-times-tables-test-information/

Science Week Competitions

As part of Science Week this week, Mrs Walking introduced 2 competitions:

Tithe Farm's Science Week Competition

Create a project based on growth -this could be a 3D model, a poster or something on the computer...the possibilities are endless. Entries to Mrs Walking by the end of term.

The Official Science Week Competition

Children have been invited to create a poster about 'growth.' The poster could explore how the how a tadpole grows and changes or look at how the population of the world is growing. Entries which are brought to school before Easter will be sent off - please remember your name and class!

Chartwells Golden Ticket

We had our first 5 winners this week: Lenka (4), Jessica (3), Lola (4), Geovani (5) and Faith (5).

If you children want to be in with a chance of winning the competition is running until 1 7th April.

There will be 5 lucky winners per week. On a Thursday children who have a hot dinner should check their tray for a 'Golden Ticket.' If they find one, they should tell an adult in the dining hall and they will win the fidget toy.