Year 1/2 Curriculum Overview: Summer 2


Our English this half term will be based around two quality texts: The Great Fire of London and Vlad and the Great Fire of London. We will be using these books to create chronological reports, diary entries and using them as a stimulus along with our senses to create poetry. We are developing our consistency with correct spelling and punctuation.


This half term our learning will focus on the following areas in:

Year 1 Year 2

*Measurements (cups, pints, litres) *Problem Solving

*Capacity *Geometry

*Statistics (classifying, tables, tallies, *Measures and reading scales

pictograms) *Money

*Shapes (patterns, classifying) *Place value with larger numbers

*Place value (counting in 2's,5's,10's) *Division and Multiplication

Knowledge of the World

Our overarching topic this half term is: Creating a Better World.


In Science we will be learning about materials. We will enhance our knowledge and understanding of man made and natural materials, their properties and uses. We will use our understanding of this to design a house considering the materials needed for different elements.


In Computing, we will be using 2Simple to create our very own stories that are linked to The Great Fire of London. We will also be making a For Sale Sign advert for our Tudor House in Design and Technology.


In RE we are going to be looking at and learning about sacred books, the stories within them and what can be learnt from them. We will be looking at stories from Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism and Hinduism and considering the similarities in their messages.


In Art we will be learning about hot and cool colours, colour mixing, using brush strokes to create different effects and how to create a background. We will be combining these skills to make a fiery background and add details to the foreground using black structures and details.


In history we will be looking at what London looked like back in 1666 and comparing the houses to our modern ones. In geography we will develop our knowledge on human and physical features and comparing these to modern maps as well as historic London maps.

Jigsaw PSHE

During Summer 2 our puzzle (unit) is on Changing Me. We will be learning about:

  • Life Cycles.

  • Changing Me.

  • My Changing Body.

  • Boy's and Girl's Bodies.

  • Learning and Growing.

  • Coping with Changes.


In Music, we are completing a module called 'Reflect, Rewind and Replay'.

We will be revisiting songs and skills that we have developed over the year and using these combined skills to reflect on our musical journey from this year.

Design and Technology

In Design and Technology, the children have received a letter from Thomas Farrier (who owned the bakery on Pudding Lane). Unfortunately, Thomas Farrier's bakery had been burnt down during The Great Fire of London. He has asked us to make our own Tudor style house that he can build in London!


In Physical Education, we are going to practice being real life Fire Fighters. We will be completing athletics based activities which link to how Fire Fighters move and travel. The activities we will be completing are hurdles, relay races, running, throwing and jumping.

Other information

Educational Visits/Important dates

To support our learning on the topic we will be having a virtual fire fighter visit to talk to us about fire safety, 17th June.

Year 1 phonics screenings carried out 6th-17th June.

How can I help?

  • Hearing your child read every day is crucial to supporting them succeed in school. Please ensure that you record this in their reading record.

  • Practice maths fluency skills (times tables, number bonds) recall either together verbally or using Numbots.

  • Please complete the homework which is uploaded each week on Google Classroom.

  • Talk to us about what we have learnt, challenge us to recall some facts.